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The Chris Nevin Fan Club - About Chris

Interesting facts about Chris Nevin

1) He was born on August 3rd 1975 in Dunedin, which is somewhere near Antarctica. After migrating northwards one summer, he settled in Wellington.

2) He's short, but can just see over the stumps.

3) He has the nickname 'sos' and sometime even answers to it

3) He now uses Slazenger bats, having abandoned his previous trusty Kookaburra's, due no doubt to some huge financial deal.

4) Chris learned his trade partially at the New Zealand Cricket Academy, but owes most of his success to his time at the LIPHOOK CRICKET ACADEMY in Hampshire, England.

5) In 4 seasons in LIPHOOK, Chris perfected both his cricketing skills and his drinking ability. Unfortunately, he didn't grow much in that period.

6) He scored 3 ducks in his first three innings for the Liphook Academy in 1995. He was only selected thereafter because he bought a few rounds

7) He was forcibly ejected from the Sports Cafe, Haymarket, London, one evening for standing on the bar whilst doing a 'haka'.

8) He holds the Liphook Academy batting partnership record with me, putting on 162 against the awesome Gosport Borough attack.

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