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Be a Grooming Guru!

Your grooming kit should (at least) have:

  • Curry comb
  • Medium bristle brush
  • Soft brush
  • Rag
  • Hoofpick
  • Comb/Brush (Not metal, it'll ruin the mane & tail.)
  • Conditioner spray
  • Scissors
  • Small rags

    1. Curry. On one side of the horse, start currying in small circles starting at the top, front of the horse (the top of the neck) and ending at the bottom, back of the horse (lower quarters). Do not use the curry comb on the head or legs. However, if the horse has muddy legs, you can use the curry comb gently. Repeat on other side.
    2. Brush. If your horse has a thin to normal coat, use a medium bristle brush. If he has a heavy coat, use a hard bristle brush. Starting, once again, at the top, front of the horse (the top of the neck) brush in small flicks (use your wrist). End at the bottom, back of the horse (lower quarters). You may gently use the medium bristle brush on the legs, but you should not use the hard bristle brush.
    3. Brush...more. Use the soft bristle brush on the face and legs. Remember: small flicks of the wrist to lift the dirt off the best.
    4. Comb. Comb or brush the forlock, mane and tail. Start at the bottom and work the top. Comb in small sections if necessary. Use conditioner spray if needed.
    5. Pick. Pick the hooves by starting at the heel and picking to the tip of the toe. Don't pick the frog. If there's dirt trapped in the crevise located in the frog, use the brush part of your hoofpick, or, very gently, use the hoof pick.
    6. Wipe. Take a rag and wipe out your horse's eyes (wet the rag if wanted). Pick your horse's nose. You can pick your nose, you can pick your horse, and, yes, you can pick your horse's nose. :)