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Horse Facts

Source: Young Rider Magazine: July/August 1999.
Here's some cool facts you might've not known about horses!

1. A foal can walk, trot and gallop about 2 hours after birth!

2. Horses can't throw up because they have a one way valve in their stomache.

3. A stallion has 40 teeth and a mare has 36.

4. Horses can tolerate bitter tastes better than humans.

5. A horse's eye is twice a big as a human's.

6. Horses only spend 2 hours in light sleep and 45 minutes in a deep sleep!

7. a horse drinks 10 to 12 gallons of water a day!

8. Shires are the largest horses standing usually 17 hands and weighing a ton (2000lbs.)

9. Falabellas are the smallest horses standing usually 30 inches. That's a dog's size!

10.Wild horses can eat as much as 16 hours a day!

11. A horse has 16 muscles in each ear!

12. We mount horses on the left because long ago riders wore swords on their left sides. They mounted on the left so the sword wouldn't get caught on the saddle or horse.

13. "Horse" is an ancient word that means swift or running.