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Improve Your Website

Here's some tips that will make your website more fun, more presentable and more interesting for visitors to explore!

  • First of all, get a color scheme. Don't just use randomly different colors for every page. Keep a constant color scheme of 3-4 colors. Fonts can also make or break a website. In other words, choose readable fonts at nice sizes (fonts that are too big look childish and are just plain annoying.)

  • Backgrounds are also important. They might tell a little more about your site. For example, if you have a horse background, your site might be about horses. BE CAREFUL you don't pick a background that will make pictures and writing hard to see (like a blue background with red text--eww!).

  • Using bold, on fonts makes things more readable sometimes. Using underline or italics can make something stand out too.

  • Pictures also help spruce up a site. Just be sure you don't put them in a place where they'll look dumb. Don't use pictures that are copyright (unless you have permission), are large or are low-quality. AND never direct link! (copying the image code from someone else's site and placing it within one or your pages) People will hate, and possibly report, you!

  • Linking other websites can help you get more hits (if the other sites link you back). Sometimes you can get more visitors if you sign guestbooks and insert your site's address.

  • Marquees, writings that scross across the screen, are great attention-grabbers.

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    Lissa Exlains