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"Here at GNG, we have a high emphasis on respect. You can come from any background, and position, and expect to be treated equally. There is no favoritism, no special privilidges. GNG is a dedicated group of water-war enthusiasts who strive to be good examples, on the field, and off." -GNG

Copywright© 2000-2002
David Lucitt
GNG fans, this is your site

GNG is a home to all who know of water warfare as a family of warriors with common purpose

When I started GNG on February 14, only in my wildest dreams would I think it would be known alongside such famed websites as MiB, Water Weaponry, and Flash Flood. The original GNG site was nothing more than a white background and black text. I would become excited if I just got one hit. That meant someone knew I was out there. The time came for me to look around at webrings for joining up with a group so my site could reach more less-informed warriors and reach them with the gritty experiences I was willing to share. I happened upon the Super Soaker Webring, a popular webring a year or two ago showcasing MiB and other fine sites. I soon realized that Super Soaker Webring lay in ruins as a dead webring after I recieved no response from my inquiry for website hosting. Then, there was this other webring...something called Aquatica.

At first, I wasn't too sure about Aquatica. I didn't even like the name, and a big turn off was a rule about having no modifications on the website. Since one of GNG's primary features was it's mods, I left the idea of joining Aquatica for some time. Then, several months later, after getting no further, I decided maybe I ought to try it out. After all, there aren't too many soaker webrings around. I got my site updated, and then became a member of the Aquatica club. My first post was of humble introduction, and asking people to give some feedback about the site. I didn't expect the reaction I would get.

It pleased some, and shocked others. People had never been exposed to a site so straight up, so hardcore. I can truthfully say that about half of the comments I got about the site were negative. Most told me to tone it down. I was a little disappointed, and I proceded to do what they said. In the middle of my site renovation, I thought to myself, "Why should I tone it down?" And that since then, GNG has maintained its reputation for no-holds-barrel onslaught of truth and realism. There would be no smoothing out of the corners. I like them rough.

Since then, the site has undergone a few layout changes, but nothing significant. I didn't need a pretty layout to get the message across. I realized the website needed a big overhaul since the end of last summer, when most of the articles were written. I had many ideas, but finally decided on this layout because, although it was challenging, I knew I could get the job done. The previous idea I had just wasn't working out. Besides, I am really liking the way GNG is turing out. New layout, new content, same GNG rock-hardness.