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"A gun needs to be dependable. Before you choose a weapon, research it and see if it can stand up to the rigors of trench fighting ferocious assaults. Dependability is the number one priority. If it doesnt shoot hard, it still shoots. If it has a weak stream, it still shoots. If it doesnt hold much water, it still shoots. If it is heavy and ugly, it still shoots. If it fails in combat, it doesn't shoot. Your gone." -GNG, guns

Copywright© 2000-2002
David Lucitt
GNG fans, this is your site

GNG's blaster resource: A comprehensive, in-depth study and review of soakers

To the soldier, his weapons is his tool. The heavy, noisy, clanking tool that will keep him alive. Your weapon can make you or break you in the middle of a firefight. You must know it's strengths, its weaknesses. In water war, you must know what blasters to beware of, and what ones to be on the lookout for. You must know how to take it apart, repair it, and put it back together. You must feel how your blaster operates so you can use it to it's fullest potential. You must know how much water your blaster carries, and how far it's capabilities extend to. You must become a master at your weapon, and equally know the weapons of your team members. You must... because if you don't, just how would you expect to survive against someone who does?

Read, study, get educated. You can check out blaster comparisons, reviews, articles, photos, and more! I will be taking action-review stories. This is how you tell me the blaster performed withing a certain circumstance. It could be bad or good. If you have one to share, please email me.

New to blasters:Where to buy? Whats best for you?

Reviews:See the in-depth reviews that fully examine the blaster.

Comparisons: See two guns in a store? Wondered which one was better? Find out!

Articles: Read some intelligent and technical articles about blasters

Photos: GNG's blaster photo database.

Sniping Weapons: GNG's sniping weapons central

Hall of Fame: The best of the best

GNG's Weapons: What weapons do I personally use? Come and see!

Techroom: The home of GNG's modifications, repairs, and tech advice.

WMG: The water machine gun!

Weapons Classification and role: Where do blasters fit it?