Copywright© 2000-2002
David Lucitt
GNG fans, this is your site
It is very important for
me to hear from you. I created this site for you, and am alway open to what
you have to say about it. Maybe you like a certain page, maybe you don't.
Maybe you have a question that I have not answered, or maybe you feel very
strongly against something and wish to express your opinion. Maybe you have
something that you would like to add or contribute to GNG.
To me, submissions are very important. They are not something to be taken lightly, because they reflect how people feel about certain things. Adding your voice shows that you care about whats going on here at GNG. I would encourage any of you to write me if you feel you have something to add. Check out the Community page if you wish to add your voice to the monthly issue and get your quote on GNG
When NOT to write me are as follows: 1) When you have a modification that is just drilling out a nozzle or something. I already know about stuff like that, and the mods here on GNG cover that. 2) To blatantly ask for support for something like your cause, that GNG is not familiar with. I never support anything that I don't know everything about. You can still ask me to look into it, though. 3) I do accept critisism, but will not tolerate bad language, obvious flames, slander, or any kind of crudeness. If you feel very strongly about a point, you should know I am more inclined to listen to a reasonable argument than a rash flame.
If you are a webmaster or another soaker site, or are just starting out in the community, I would really like to hear from you! If you have a site that you want me to preview, thats great! I am always interested in checking out and helping out new soaker sites and getting involved in the community. Just introduce yourself, your site, what it's all about, and be willing to accept some suggestions. As far as getting official GNG support on this site, that is up to me. GNG has always been extremely careful who it associates with and who it supports, and it has kept GNG out of a lot of trouble. GNG has to maintain a standard of excellence, so anything that you see on this site, or anything supported by this site has to be able to measure up to that. But, I am very willing to help out sites or groups with the same goals as GNG.