Copywright© 2000-2002
David Lucitt
GNG fans, this is your site
Max-Ds. No offense
taken, I will always respect the opinions of others, even if they think I
am close minded:)
Was I was talking about mostly the cosmetics of the gun. Of course there is
no way I can talk about the power of the guns since I have never used them.
If you think these new guns look great, thats great for you, anything that
makes you fight harder. I personally don't like the new looks, and what I
was referring to was a trend of guns looking more and more spacy, and the
trend continues.
Lets talk about this Max-D thing...I think it is just hype. A fancy name for
strengthening the chambers of the gun or what not. Think about it, what else
could be done to a Super Soaker? SS had all ready reached their limit of power
with the CPS-2000, so you know these guns aren't gonna be like 5000x more
powerful than the guns currently available because SS has realized the need
for safety in design. Now back to the gun...
SS has been making guns for 10+ years. They know what will make the gun fire
harder and what won't. They have engineers working on this stuff(I think)
so if SS wanted to, Max-D could have possibly come out 5 years ago. I personally
don't thing it is anything ground breaking, although is is fun to speculate.
I mean, how does this sound-
Strengthen the p/c, strengthen the check valve, replace the internals with
slightly thicker pipes= call it Max-D. It seems perfectly logical. Not that
there is anything wrong with it, which there isn't, but I have all ready made
this point before. SS is interested in people buying their products. That
is their goal. If they have to come up with a name like the SuperDistance
5000 to sell their products they will. It could have nothing to do with the
gun at all(hence X-tra Power 85, hehe, think about it) although I do remember
someone from super soaker saying in an interview that the guns would shoot
further. My main rant was about the way the guns looked. My humble opinion
is that the Xp-150 can beat the socks of any Max-D in terms of classic styling.
And hey, I think water wars are to have fun, and if I can do that in style,
all the better! Looks are not everything, but neither is power. I think a
gun that looks good can have just as powerful an effect as a gun that shoots
good, cause(and I think all that have used a 150 can agree) there is nothing
like holding a classy weapon in your arms.
Think about the CPS-2000, or anything else that is the epitome in it's respective
field. Beyond the fact that they are the cream of the crop in terms of performance,
there is a certain aspect of styling involved. Now don't get me wrong, someone
can take an ugly weapon and go rip it up, that is not my point, my point is,
if you can rip it up, why not do it with some style?
Onto the more classic technical debate, the XP-150, VS the new Max Ds -next-