Copywright© 2000-2002
David Lucitt
GNG fans, this is your site
The strategists plan the battles,
the generals give orders, but when it comes down to it, the soldier is the
individual who physically runs out to the battlefield to fight the fight.
A strategist may come up with the best tactic, the general may give the precise
order, but if the men aren't there, nothing happens.
In water war, a soldier needs to be at his best. He needs to be ready to give
or recieve orders. He needs to have the right equipment, and the right attitude.
Running around screaming isn't going to help your cause. Getting trained,
getting properly equipped, and getting educated is the best way to take down
the enemy and secure victory for your side. Cut and dry.
1) Move
A Soldier's Gear
3) Missions
4) Know
Your Role
5) Working
With the Team
6) Rules
for Warfare
7) Training
Your Mind
8) Enlisted
9) NCOs,
Officers, and Others in Charge
10) Squads
and Formations
11) WAR
12) Meet
GNG Warriors
13) Organizing
Large Scale Battles
14) Tactics
and Battlefield Movement
GNG offers several pages and tips to help you become a better water warrior. Some people need a major attitude adjustment, and then they can totally rip it up, while others might still need to learn how to stay concealed or learn to function in a team. Whatever the case, this page is designed to help you become a better water warrior, a GNG warrior.