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This page has been designed to assist you in your trading. Compiled here is a list of all the players eligble for pick up or release, as well as team to team trading. Please note however, that this list is not perfect, and some players may slip through the proverbial crack and not be listed. In this case, you must simply e-mail me with that players name and I will add him if you want him.

  To ease this task of finding certain players you are watching, simply type a name in the search engine and it will provide to you the link to whatever page he is listed.  Please note, the free agent list will show up as Final Table 99 so don't be fooled.
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Recently added is a complete player list from the NHLPA website. With this list you may choose the position of a player you wish to aquire if it is different here when compared to the list in the Free Agent pool. This will give you a choice of positions for each player. *THIS ONLY WORKS IF THE TWO LISTS HAVE DIFFERENT POSITION LISTINGS*


  This may give you some room to move players around in your already established roster as well.  If you have a player in your line-up who is listed as multiple positions, you can switch that player around if you have more players for that position than is counting.  For example.....

To change Samsonov RW to a LW (IF ELIGBLE) I must have 5 RW which means that once the move is made I still have all my RW category full.  Samsonov cannot be switched if that will leave a vacancy in his original position.  This is the trick.  You may want a high scoring player to be in another position (especially if that is your goal) so you may need to draft from the paper to overfill the position to do this.

  This should be straight forward and not too confusing, but if you need clarification, contact me.  

In Summary,  players may have different positions that they play on a regular basis, and if they are credited by the NHLPA, then you may choose where they play in your line-up.  So check your players before you aquire them, and also check your current players as you may be able to benefit.

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