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  1. Cost and Prizes
  2. Scoring
  3. Draft Day
  4. Bank Account
  5. Rosters
  6. Trading and Free Agent Acquisitions
  7. Mission Cards


* Highlighted Items Will Represent “New” Rules



  1. Cost and Prizes:

Cost is $35.00

Separate prizes for season and playoffs

1st place regular season = $16.00 per entrant

2nd place regular season = $9.00 per entrant

1st place playoffs = $10.00 per entrant

(Prize total dictated by number of teams)


  1. Scoring:

Forwards (LW, RW, C)

Goal = 1 point

Assist = 1 point

PIM = 1 point per 5 penalty minutes (top 5 skaters on team)


Defense (D)

Goal = 1.5 points

Assist = 1.5 points

PIM = 1 point per 5 penalty minutes (top 5 skaters on team)


Goalies (G)

WIN = 2 points

Loss = no penalty or points for loss

TIE = 1 point

SO = 5 points (Plus point(s) for win or tie)


  1. Draft Day:

•The drafting will go in order of last years final standings, last to first.

•If there is a new team in the league then they will fill their base roster before the official draft will occur.

•If a previous team does not want to keep their full base roster, they will be permitted to enter the “entry” draft at the point that they are at with base roster.

•Each team has their allotted and earned bank account and is not permitted to draft more than this. If a team does overspend, the last player(s) on the team will be dropped and ½ of the bank points will be re-gained, and the others lost.

  1. Bank Account:

      •Each team starts with 14.0 bank points in their account (including extra 1.0) to either be used or saved.

•Unused bank points will be carried over to next year.

•No team will be permitted to carry a deficit for any reason.


  1. Rosters:

      •Each “full” roster will have 20 players, 4 C, 4 RW, 4 LW, 6 D and 2 G.

•You are allotted more in each position, or less at each position, but only the “full” roster will score to your total.

•PIM will be taken from any skater, (only the top 5 on team score to total) without allotted “goon” spots on your roster. When calculating cost value of a player, the PIM does count whether these minutes are accumulating to your overall total or not.

•6 players are allowed to be kept as keepers. You will be permitted to spend more than this, but it will come from your bank. This is to keep a team from storing superstars’ year in and year out without paying for them. Let’s face it. Our goal is to have fun trying to simulate owning a hockey team and if a player has a great season in his contract year he is able to ask for more money. A team’s budget doesn’t go up just because they want to keep a certain player. They have to deal other players to secure the stars services. We too need to consider our budget and this will also help keep a team from stacking, making draft day more important. The NHL entry draft is one of the most important days of the year for most NHL teams, and should be for us as well. This cap should also increase GM trading in the regular season, as they all fight to cut payroll in order to keep those very special players.

•Due to this new roster rule, any player locked prior to the 2002-03 season draft day will be eligible for free release at the seasons end (no 0.5 penalty) as they may have been locked with intention of keeping other players as well. You are not permitted however, to keep a player you just unlocked, so that we don’t have anyone looking to unlock a player who was locked at a high price that had a poor year, trying to buy them at a cheaper price. (During the season a 0.5 cost is still in effect)


  1. Trading and Free Agents:

      •In the past, Free Agents where available on the 1st and 15th of each month only. Next season however, you will be able to pick    up free agents at any date during the season with a limit of 7 times. Rules are still the same. 2 players max, and if GM lower in the ranks picks same day to make a move they have precedence; so on and so on. Players still have to play a minimum of 20 games to become eligible, and players released will have a 48 hour processing time before they are eligible again, allowing teams to submit for them but ranking will then take effect.

•Free Agents are eligible once a minimum of 20 games are played, with the exception of backup goalies who only have to play 10 games to become eligible.

•You must indicate how you are paying for free agents. Either dropping other players or bank account (or a combination of the two) are your options.

•You are able to acquire a maximum of two Free Agents at one time, and if a player is under 0.3 PPG, you are required to pay out a minimum of 0.3 anyway.

•Trading amongst each other can happen at any time, but the 20 GP minimum is still in effect.

Goalies will still count in two slots, and you can own as many as you want. Next year however, there will be a “starter” rank and a “back-up” rank. Your totals will reflect a starter and a backup only. No more 2 starters.

•A trade with another team can include trade spots at par, but if one team is buying a trade spot from another, the cost is 0.1 bank points, and you can only acquire one player with that spot. 3 players with your 2, and their 1 spot

•Bank points lost to the Free Agency will be kept in an account and awarded to those teams that complete their “mission”.

  1. Mission Cards:

•A mission will be drawn for each team which will have a scoring category assigned. If you are able to top the rest of the league in that category, 0.3 bank points and a portion of the free agent account will be rewarded.

•Also, All-star players on the starting line are worth 0.1 each, but only the players that actually start will get a reward. If a player is voted in but doesn’t play, then the player that replaces that starter will be the winner.