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About Me

I was born and raised right here on Maui and have not lived anywhere else. I am married, with four children, ages 6 to 16. Our family loves the outdoors and, with the weather we are blessed with here, there are always some kind of plans for the weekend. My kids will tell you that they would rather sleep in a tent than in a bed! I worked in the hotel industry as an office manager for a number of years before getting my electrical license and switching careers. I've been a card carrying member of the local electrical union for ten years but have recently decided that it is time for a change again. I just finished building a large smokehouse in my back yard and am in the process of establishing a consumer base for the smoked pork, beef and fish I produce. I started fishing with my dad and grandfather when I was still in diapers and started bowhunting about twelve years ago.

My wife Donna, Nicole-15, Kelsey-7, Kano'eau-8, Justin-16, and myself.

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