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San Marcos 63, Hayward 56

Friday, July 12 - 5 pm

San Marcos (Palomar) 63:
3-Darrell Johnson, PG - 2 reb, 3 ast, 4 pts
44-Josh Barton, PF - 4 reb, 1 ast, 4 pts
21-Mike Colllins(??), SG - 1 reb, 2 ast, 6 pts
23-Todd Hetrick, C - 6 reb, 2 pts
10-Jordan Feramisco, SF - 5 reb, 2 ast, 0/1 ft, 10 pts
5-Joe Bullen, G - 4 ast, 8 pts
11-Will Campbell, F - 2 reb, 1 ast, 11 pts
33-Dennis Dowdy(??), F - 2 reb, 5 ast, 0 pts
30-Darren Triba(??), C - 5 reb, 3 ast, 1/1 ft, 14 pts
42-Isaiah Orange(??), G - 1 reb, 1/1 ft, 4 pts
team rebounds: 2
Totals: 30 reb, 21 ast, 2/3 ft, 63 pts

3-pt fg: Triba 3, Collins 2, Feramisco 2, Campbell

Hayward (Chabot) 56:
22-Kameron Gray, PG - 3 reb, 8 ast, 1/1 ft, 15 pts
35-Isaiah Buckley, C - 9 reb, 1/2 ft, 6 pts
23-Damien Mathieu, SF - 6 reb, 1 ast, 0/1 ft, 9 pts
31-Ahmad Fudge, PF - 3 reb, 2 ast, 1/4 ft, 4 pts
33-Anthony Shavies, SG - 2 reb, 1 ast, 2 pts
13-Nick Michels, G - 1 ast, 5 pts
14-Matt Andrade, G - 2 ast, 10 pts
20-Jonathan Harris, G - 5 reb, 2 ast, 5 pts
team rebounds: 1
Totals: 29 reb, 17 ast, 3/8 ft, 56 pts

3-pt fg: Gray 2, Andrade 2, Mathieu, Michels, Harris

Halftime Score: San Marcos 26, Hayward 25

note: Shavies (Hayward) left the game early in the 1st half and did not return