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Beach Camp '05 - Performance Index

This is a slightly modified version of the formula the NBA Pre-Draft Camp uses:


And remember, this was just for the games I attended. Over the course of the event, each team played 4 games, often over little more than a 24-hour period. If a guy had a game with a low rating, there could be any number of reasons for it, most notably fatigue.

I think the best way to look at these figures is to find guys that may have been, up to now, overlooked. Someone you don't know who played well under this format could be a player who's been overlooked and is not only ready to be recruited but could be a sleeper worth checking out.

Anyway, here's a list of the Top 20 performances, as well as an alphabetical listing of every game of every player I saw:

Top Twenty:
Rank, Player, Team Game# Pos Perf
1. Johnson Andre SD Cougars 11 PF 30
2. Dew Larry Cucamonga 11 SG 27
...Morrow Kevin No Limit 10 SF 27
4. Monreal Steve The Dawgs 4 SF 24
...Smith Hylas V-Town 4 PG 24
...Terrell Sean Entertainers 9 SG 24
...Ward Cortez Team 605 3 PG 24
8. Anderson Gerard S Orange 5 SF 23
...Taylor Eric The Bolts 1 SG 23
10. Gomez Andrew The Dawgs 4 PG 22
...Johnson Roderick The Buzz 2 PF 22
...Smith Pearson Team LB 2 SG 22
13. Martinez Ricky Oceanside 13 PG 21
...Regis John Van Nuys 3 PF 21
...Ward Cortez Team 605 1 PG 21
16. Smith T.J. Cucamonga 11 SF 20
17. Bolden Joseph Westside 13 PG 19
...Daffe Djadji V-Town 4 PF 19
...Tatum Chron Inland Empire 8 C 19
...Van Someren David V-Town 4 SG 19

Alphabetical Listing:
Player Name, Team Game# Pos Perf
Adjemon Arnold Van Nuys 3 SG 1
Agnor Anthony No Limit 10 PG 4
Alamo Angel Inland Empire 14 PF 15
Alamo Angel Inland Empire 8 PF 4
Alcala Emanuel San Marcos 7 PG 14
Allen Joshua Palm Springs 6 SG 10
Alvarado Vince Cucamonga 8 PG 2
Alvarado Vince Cucamonga 11 PG 14
Anderson Gerard S Orange 5 SF 23
Anderson Gerard S Orange 9 SF 9
Anderson Gerard S Orange 12 SF 11
Andrews Maurice No Limit 10 SG 2
Arnwine Carlton S Orange 5 SG 14
Arnwine Carlton S Orange 9 SG (1)
Arnwine Carlton S Orange 12 SG 1
Barner Victor No Limit 10 PF 15
Barouch Edan Van Nuys 3 SF 11
Berry Chris Compton Magic 7 SF 12
Best Darryl S Orange 5 PF 9
Best Darryl S Orange 12 PF 4
Black Deonte Oceanside 13 C 8
Bolden Joseph Westside 13 PG 19
Bridget Isiah Team 605 3 C 0
Bridget Isiah Team 605 1 PF (2)
Bright Nick Cucamonga 8 C 11
Bright Nick Cucamonga 11 C 7
Brown Chris Cucamonga 11 PF 13
Brown Chris Cucamonga 8 PF 8
Brown David Palm Springs 6 SF 5
Brown Robert Team 605 3 PF 12
Brown Robert Team 605 1 PF (1)
Brown Simon Van Nuys 3 SF 5
Bullock Ronnie Cucamonga 11 PF 15
Bullock Ronnie Cucamonga 8 SF 12
Burgess Brandon El Centro 5 C 14
Bush Curtis San Marcos 7 SG 7
Butcher Alex SD Cougars 11 SF 2
Byrd Jason 3 Point Play 10 PF 3
Byrd Jason 3 Point Play 6 SF 0
Campos Henry The Dawgs 4 C 6
Caston Shon Entertainers 9 C 8
Chamberlain Wayne Team LB 2 C (1)
Chase Shane El Centro 5 SF 3
Chavez Emilio The Dawgs 4 SF (1)
Cipriano Ross Oceanside 13 PF 1
Clay Lester Westside 13 SF 16
Cleveland Harold N-Flight 12 SG 2
Clyde Benjamin N-Flight 12 PF 8
Cobbs Richard S Orange 9 SF 2
Cobbs Richard S Orange 12 SF 8
Cobbs Richard S Orange 5 SF 11
Cole Ritchie The Bolts 1 SF 11
Collins Richard Team DCB 14 SF 0
Colston Rai Van Nuys 3 PG 5
Comminey Jeff The Bolts 1 C 5
Convento Lance The Bolts 1 PG 6
Cosio Armando Inland Empire 14 C 12
Curry Dean El Centro 5 PG 1
Daffe Djadji V-Town 4 PF 19
Daniels Melvin The Bolts 1 PF 4
Darden Keith Compton Magic 7 PF 15
David Raymond Van Nuys 3 PF 3
Davis Lance Inland Empire 8 PG (3)
Davis Lance Inland Empire 14 PG 4
DeMarco Tommy 3 Point Play 10 PG 6
DeMarco Tommy 3 Point Play 6 PG 0
Denson Tim The Buzz 2 SG 5
Dew Larry Cucamonga 11 SG 27
Dew Larry Cucamonga 8 SG 16
Dillon Charles V-Town 4 SF 11
Downey Houstan The Bolts 1 SF 13
Drayton Brandon Entertainers 9 SG 12
Earl Jonathan The Buzz 2 SF (1)
Earl Michael The Buzz 2 C 15
Ellis Andrew No Limit 10 PG 5
Emmanuel Bryan Palm Springs 6 PG 2
Estem Addison Inland Empire 8 PG 0
Fealy Chris No Limit 10 SG 5
Ferros Kyle Team 605 1 C 17
Fiernos Manny The Buzz 2 SG 4
Finister Sone S Orange 5 C 6
Flaherty Leon Cucamonga 11 PF 5
Flaherty Leon Cucamonga 8 PF 0
Fleming Chris Palm Springs 6 C 7
Fleschenhaar Cameron Oceanside 13 C 6
Forde Fernando Entertainers 9 PF 9
Forward #12 Inland Empire 8 PF 0
Gerardo C.J. The Dawgs 4 PF 17
Gomez Andrew The Dawgs 4 PG 22
Graeber Kurt The Buzz 2 C 1
Graham Cody 3 Point Play 6 SG 0
Graham Cody 3 Point Play 10 SG 0
Green Emanuel Team 605 3 SG 5
Green Emanuel Team 605 1 SG 6
Greer Chase San Marcos 7 PG (3)
Habel Jerome Compton Magic 7 PF 13
Hadmot Mike Team 605 3 SG 5
Hadmot Mike Team 605 1 SG 0
Hall Jamaal N-Flight 12 PG 4
Hamner Mychael The Dawgs 4 PF 9
Hankins Derrick Entertainers 9 PG 14
Harold Ryan N-Flight 12 SG (2)
Harris Terrance S Orange 12 C 10
Harris Terrance S Orange 9 C 8
Harris Terrance S Orange 5 C 7
Hart Chris Team LB 2 PG 10
Hayes Bertice Palm Springs 6 PF 7
Hazel Demetrius Team LB 2 SF 7
Henderson Brandon No Limit 10 C 7
Henderson Rafik S Orange 5 PG 7
Henderson Rafik S Orange 9 PG 1
Henderson Rafik S Orange 12 PG (3)
Higareda Rogelio The Dawgs 4 PG 2
Hill Jacob Inland Empire 14 SF 3
Hinton Nick Team DCB 14 PF 6
Holland Erik Cucamonga 8 PG (3)
Hollis Arnie The Buzz 2 PF (2)
Hoover Keegan No Limit 10 C 10
Hoteling John San Marcos 7 SF 13
Hughes Jordan Team DCB 14 PG 3
Hundsley Terrance Compton Magic 7 SG 9
Jackson Alvin The Bolts 1 SF 2
Jackson Chris San Marcos 7 SG 2
Johnson Andre SD Cougars 11 PF 30
Johnson Chris N-Flight 12 SF 7
Johnson Cornell No Limit 10 SF 1
Johnson Johnny S Orange 12 SG 2
Johnson Roderick The Buzz 2 PF 22
Johnson T.J. El Centro 5 PG 4
Johnson Trevin Van Nuys 3 PG 6
Jones Keenan V-Town 4 C 4
Jones Phil The Buzz 2 SF 10
Joshua Princeton Palm Springs 6 PF 9
Jurancich Matt San Marcos 7 PG 0
Kovach Bobby Cucamonga 8 SF 10
Kovach Bobby Cucamonga 11 SF 2
Lang Julius Palm Springs 6 SF 9
Lange Kyle Team DCB 14 C 10
Lewis J.L. Entertainers 9 PG 5
Lezama Abe San Marcos 7 PF 9
Lipscomb Andrew 3 Point Play 6 C 2
Lipscomb Josh 3 Point Play 10 C 11
Lowery Arieus Van Nuys 3 SF 14
Lucas Mike Inland Empire 8 SF 6
Lucas Mike Inland Empire 14 SF 2
Lyons Kevin El Centro 5 PF 0
Marcus Deon N-Flight 12 C 3
Marshall Enrique Team LB 2 SG (1)
Martinez Harold Westside 13 PG 5
Martinez Ricky Oceanside 13 PG 21
McClure Jason Cucamonga 11 C 12
McClure Jason Cucamonga 8 C 11
McCue Marshal 3 Point Play 10 C (5)
McCue Marshal 3 Point Play 6 C (2)
McCue Marshall SD Cougars 11 C 8
McIntosh Corey The Buzz 2 PG 4
Mecham Jake Team DCB 14 C 1
Mena Danny V-Town 4 PF 18
Mendoza Ramon S Orange 12 PG 7
Miller Davon Team DCB 14 SG 2
Miller Tim S Orange 9 PF 9
Miller Tim S Orange 5 PF 4
Milt James 3 Point Play 10 PF 18
Milt James 3 Point Play 6 PF 6
Mims Keaire Inland Empire 14 SF 3
Mitchell Ruben Palm Springs 6 SF 14
Monreal Steve The Dawgs 4 SF 24
Moody Hasan N-Flight 12 PG 14
Moore Mark El Centro 5 SF 0
Moreno Mike Cucamonga 11 PG 18
Moreno Mike Cucamonga 8 SG (5)
Morgan Lamont S Orange 5 PG 5
Morgan Lamont S Orange 12 PG 6
Morgan Lamont S Orange 9 PG (1)
Morgan Rory Oceanside 13 PF (3)
Morrow Kevin No Limit 10 SF 27
Nevens Brandon Team LB 2 SF 0
Newson Andre S Orange 5 PG 2
Newson Andre S Orange 9 SG 1
Nichols Cliff Westside 13 SG 6
Norman Nick Inland Empire 8 SG 1
Norwood Terrell Inland Empire 8 PG 0
Norwood Terrell Inland Empire 14 SG 2
Okenwa Mike SD Cougars 11 PG 5
Parham Walter El Centro 5 PF 7
Payne Glen N-Flight 12 SG (1)
People Bryan Team DCB 14 SF 3
Petrovic Chris San Marcos 7 C 9
Pettus Dewayne Compton Magic 7 PG 13
Phaler Sean The Buzz 2 C (1)
Porter Cole 3 Point Play 6 SF 0
Porter Cole 3 Point Play 10 SF 2
Price Keith Entertainers 9 PF 8
Priestley Dominic Team DCB 14 PG 1
Ramirez Arcenio The Dawgs 4 SG 7
Ramirez Dario 3 Point Play 10 PG 2
Ramirez Dario 3 Point Play 6 SG 6
Reese J.R. Inland Empire 14 PG 5
Reese J.R. Inland Empire 8 SG 1
Regis John Van Nuys 3 PF 21
Renneisen Danny Inland Empire 14 SG 1
Renneisen Danny Inland Empire 8 SG 4
Reza Garrett The Bolts 1 C 3
Ritter Bill N-Flight 12 SF 3
Robateau Michael The Dawgs 4 PF 2
Robinson Cameron El Centro 5 SG 0
Robinson Carl Westside 13 C 0
Robinson Lawrence Team 605 3 PF 0
Robinson Lawrence Team 605 1 SF 11
Rush Jordan Compton Magic 7 SF 4
Sammons Mark Oceanside 13 SF 13
Sapp Justin S Orange 9 SG 3
Sapp Justin S Orange 5 SG 6
Sarafaraz Rob The Bolts 1 PG 6
Senior Charles Oceanside 13 SG 6
Shepherd Dion 3 Point Play 6 SG 0
Shepherd Dion 3 Point Play 10 SG 4
Shewmake Steven Inland Empire 8 C 9
Shewmake Steven Inland Empire 14 C 7
Simpkins Jermaine San Marcos 7 SF (5)
Singleton Andrew 3 Point Play 6 PG 0
Singleton Andrew 3 Point Play 10 SG 3
Smith Eric Westside 13 PF 10
Smith Henry Team 605 1 SF 2
Smith Hylas V-Town 4 PG 24
Smith Pearson Team LB 2 SG 22
Smith T.J. Cucamonga 11 SF 20
Smith T.J. Cucamonga 8 SF 17
Snell Pierre Westside 13 SF 3
Soffer Aaron 3 Point Play 10 SF 5
Soffer Andrew 3 Point Play 6 PF 2
Stanley Sid Team DCB 14 PG 6
Stokes Damien S Orange 5 PF 16
Stokes Damien S Orange 12 PF 1
Stokes Damien S Orange 9 PF 5
Story Tony Team DCB 14 SG 8
Sumlin Curtis Westside 13 PF 2
Tatum Chron Inland Empire 8 C 19
Tatum Chron Inland Empire 14 C 6
Taylor Eric The Bolts 1 SG 23
Taylor Jibri The Buzz 2 PG 14
Terrell Sean Entertainers 9 SG 24
Thomas Lamar 3 Point Play 6 SF 3
Thomas Lamar 3 Point Play 10 SF 13
Thomas Shomar Westside 13 SG 5
Thompson Aaron Team 605 3 SF 15
Thompson Aaron Team 605 1 SG 10
Thornton Eli No Limit 10 PF 4
Tomer Harold Entertainers 9 PG 4
Townsend Terrance Van Nuys 3 C 14
Trejo Greg The Dawgs 4 PF 1
Tresvant Deon Team LB 2 SG 12
Tucker Douglas N-Flight 12 SG 1
Twamley Matt San Marcos 7 PF 7
Valle Gus Van Nuys 3 SG (2)
Van Someren David V-Town 4 SG 19
Vasquez Daniel The Dawgs 4 SG (2)
Vinson Marquis Inland Empire 14 PG 4
Vinson Marquis Inland Empire 8 SG (2)
Vukovich Vros San Marcos 7 PF 7
Walchuk Nathan Palm Springs 6 SG 13
Walters Frank Westside 13 SG (1)
Walters James Palm Springs 6 SF 2
Ward Cortez Team 605 1 PG 21
Ward Cortez Team 605 3 PG 24
Washington Kyle Team DCB 14 PF 2
Watkins Kyle Inland Empire 14 PG 8
Watkins Kyle Inland Empire 8 PG 3
Watts Raynal Entertainers 9 SF 1
Wheatley Carroll Cucamonga 8 SF 7
Wheatley Carroll Cucamonga 11 SG 7
White Robert Westside 13 C 5
White Terry The Bolts 1 SG 10
Williams Ephraim Compton Magic 7 C 12
Williams Eric Team LB 2 PF 15
Williams Justin Compton Magic 7 SG 13
Williams Leif N-Flight 12 C 3
Williams S Team LB 2 C (1)
Williams Travon Inland Empire 14 PF 4
Williams Travon Inland Empire 8 SF 11
Williams William SD Cougars 11 SG 10
Woodard Jesse Compton Magic 7 PG 13
Yearby Rodney Inland Empire 8 PF 13
Yearby Rodney Inland Empire 14 PF 2

Compare to ARF

Activity Rating Formula (ARF)