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City College of San Francisco Rams

CCSF Rams - Quick Facts

CCSF is located on Ocean Ave just off the 280. Take the Ocean Ave exit off the 280 and go west (towards the coast). Turn north (right) immediately (!) into the parking lot and take the road around. The mens' gym is the first building at the bottom of the hill. Park where you can, especially on school nights.

Official Site, Schedule & Box Scores

Official Site
San Francisco 104, San Jose 73
San Joaquin Delta 65, San Francisco 60
Skyline 89, San Francisco 83
Foothill 70, San Francisco 54
San Francisco 78, Delta 68 (11/21/01)
Skyline 91, San Francisco 74 (2/20/02)
San Francisco 70, Skyline 57 (1/31/03)