Compare to ARF
Activity Rating Formula (ARF)
Combined Rating
This is a slightly modified version of the formula the NBA Pre-Draft Camp uses:
And remember, this was just for the games I attended. Over the course of the event, each team played 4 games, often over little more than a 24-hour period. If a guy had a game with a low rating, there could be any number of reasons for it, most notably fatigue.
I think the best way to look at these figures is to find guys that may have been, up to now, overlooked. Someone you don't know who played well under this format could be a player who's been overlooked and is not only ready to be recruited but could be a sleeper worth checking out.
In any case, I've posted a Top Ten list followed by an alphabetical listing of all players. The ratings are in whole numbers, so when two or more players had the same rating I listed them in alphabetical order.
Numbers in parentheses like (2) are negative. In other words, (2) = -2.
Top Ten Performers:
Player Name Team Game# Pos Perf
1. Steve Monreal The Dawgs 2 SG 27
2. Keith Mason Pier Pressure 1 PF 24
.. Brandon Russell Pier Pressure 1 SF 24
4. Phil Jones The Buzz 6 SF 22
5. Marc Brathwaite The Pier 9 PG 21
.. Drew Terry 17th Street Hoops 3 SF 21
7. Jamaal Hall N-Flight 13 SG 20
8. Roman Leon Chula Vista 2 PG 19
.. Cornel Williams Downtown 5 SF 19
10. Joseph Bolden Say No 11 PG 18
... Alex Mallari The Buzz 4 SG 18
... Hassan Moody N-Flight 10 PG 18
... Andre Murray The Cats 8 SF 18
Complete Alphabetical Listing:
Player Name Team Game# Pos Perf
Phil Alvez 17th Street Hoops 3 PF 0
Chris Armstrong Van Nuys 1 C 8
Chris Armstrong Van Nuys 12 C 9
Tommy Arnold Downtown 5 C 7
Brandt Bangs 17th Street Hoops 3 SG 13
Brandt Bangs 17th Street Hoops 7 SG 1
Rob Bates Kingsley Glass 10 C 3
Donte Bell Kingsley Glass 10 SG 9
Malik Belvine The Pier 6 SF (3)
Malik Belvine The Pier 9 SF (2)
Michael Berardenelli Downtown 5 C 4
Shant Bicakci The Cats 8 PG 6
Jesrael Bluntt Say No 11 SG (3)
Michael Bobby Van Nuys 1 SG 0
Michael Bobby Van Nuys 12 SF 1
Joseph Bolden Say No 11 PG 18
Tony Bratford Chula Vista 2 C (3)
Tony Bratford Chula Vista 4 C 1
Marc Brathwaite The Pier 6 PG (7)
Marc Brathwaite The Pier 9 PG 21
Isaiah Bridgette The Beach 5 PF 12
Isaiah Bridgette The Beach 7 PF 16
Jacob Briggs The Cats 8 C 4
Troy Brooks Entertainer Hoops 12 SF 3
David Brower Downtown 5 PG 2
Ronnie Brown Team Intensity 11 PF (1)
Aaron Burrus N-Flight 13 PF 9
Davon Campbell The Beach 5 PG 5
Davon Campbell The Beach 7 SG 0
Jonathan Carter Entertainer Hoops 8 SF 1
Jonathan Carter Entertainer Hoops 12 SF 1
Rawlston Charles Team Intensity 11 C 11
David Cherry Van Nuys 12 SG 0
Keith Cherry 17th Street Hoops 3 PG 5
Keith Cherry 17th Street Hoops 7 PG 6
Chris Childress 17th Street Hoops 3 PF 4
Jasse Chimuku The Beach 5 SF 1
Don Choi The Pier 6 PG (7)
Don Choi The Pier 9 PG 1
Maurice Clady San Diego 9 PG 11
Derrick Clark Pier Pressure 1 PG 12
Patrick Cleveland Team Intensity 11 PG 0
Ben Clyde N-Flight 10 SF (1)
Frank Collins El Cajon 3 PF 3
Steven Collins San Diego 9 SG 4
Rai Colston Van Nuys 1 PG (1)
Rai Colston Van Nuys 12 PG (1)
Packy Conway-O'Neill Downtown 5 SG 11
Dominique Cooper Chula Vista 2 PG 1
Dominique Cooper Chula Vista 4 PG 2
Francis Cooper Team Intensity 11 SG (1)
Ronald Corbitt Entertainer Hoops 8 SG (1)
Ronald Corbitt Entertainer Hoops 12 SG (5)
Marcus Corner Team Intensity 11 SG 0
Kaya Crump Downtown 5 PF 6
Moses Davenport The Beach 5 SG 0
Jason Davis The Beach 5 SG 2
Jason Davis The Beach 7 PG 4
Brandon DeGregorio El Cajon 3 C 1
Tim Denson The Buzz 4 SG 16
Tim Denson The Buzz 6 SG 10
Curtis Dixon The Cats 8 PF 5
Brandon Drayton Entertainer Hoops 8 SF 3
Brandon Drayton Entertainer Hoops 12 SF 5
Marquis DuBose The Cats 8 SG 15
Ervin Dunson Downtown 5 C 14
Michael Earl The Buzz 4 C 12
Michael Earl The Buzz 6 C 9
Rondell Eskridge The Pier 6 PF (1)
Rondell Eskridge The Pier 9 PF 13
Amir Espy Pier Pressure 1 C 7
Eric Fernandez N-Flight 13 PG (1)
Chris Fields The Beach 5 PG 15
Gerell Finney Team Intensity 11 SF 15
Mike Fitzhugh San Diego 9 SF 0
Steve Flores The Cats 8 SF 3
Fernando Forde Entertainer Hoops 8 C 11
Fernando Forde Entertainer Hoops 12 C 5
Mytrell Foreman Chula Vista 2 SF 6
Mytrell Foreman Chula Vista 4 SG 3
James Francisco El Cajon 3 SF 7
Vincent Fuller Say No 11 SF 3
Nick Gaillard The Pier 6 SG (1)
Nick Gaillard The Pier 9 SG 0
Steve Gaton Team Intensity 11 SG 7
Cody Gatton Downtown 5 PF 3
C.J. Gerardo The Dawgs 2 SG 2
Sidney Ginyard Pier Pressure 1 SF 0
Sidney Ginyard Pier Pressure 13 SF (2)
Matt Goodloe 17th Street Hoops 7 SF (1)
Kevon Goodrum The Dawgs 2 PF 4
Joshua Gordon Chula Vista 4 PG (2)
Joshua Gordon Chula Vista 2 PG 5
Kurt Graeber The Buzz 4 C 10
Kurt Graeber The Buzz 6 C 7
Manual Grant 17th Street Hoops 3 PG 5
Jess Guidroz The Cats 8 SG (2)
Kyle Guilland The Pier 6 C 7
Kyle Guilland The Pier 9 C 5
Sean Gullett Chula Vista 2 SG 5
Sean Gullett Chula Vista 4 SG 0
James Haley San Diego 9 PF 14
Jamaal Hall N-Flight 13 SG 20
Derrick Hankins Entertainer Hoops 8 SG 1
Derrick Hankins Entertainer Hoops 12 SG 13
Rod Harmon 17th Street Hoops 7 SG 3
Ryan Harold N-Flight 10 SG (1)
Jeremiah Harrinton Chula Vista 2 PF 0
Jeremiah Harrinton Chula Vista 4 PF 2
Aaron Harris The Pier 6 SG (4)
Aaron Harris The Pier 9 SG 3
Allen Harris Pier Pressure 13 SG (5)
Allen Harris Pier Pressure 1 SG (3)
Les Harris Kingsley Glass 10 PF 2
Raphael Harris Kingsley Glass 10 PF 12
Chris Hart The Beach 7 PG 6
Harley Haynes Kingsley Glass 10 SF 0
Alan Hayward The Beach 7 PF (1)
Demetrius Hazel The Beach 5 SF 17
Demetrius Hazel The Beach 7 SF 13
Joe Heaton The Beach 5 PG 3
Cameron Herbert The Beach 5 C (3)
Cameron Herbert The Beach 7 C 2
Rogelio Higareda The Dawgs 2 PG 3
Joshua Hill The Cats 8 PG 6
Kamal Hoke Entertainer Hoops 8 PF 0
Antwon Hollingsworth Downtown 5 SF 8
Omar Holsey N-Flight 10 PF 11
Robert Hughes Kingsley Glass 10 C 4
Terrence Hundley 17th Street Hoops 3 SG 17
Terrence Hundley 17th Street Hoops 7 SG 13
Chad Hunt Pier Pressure 1 SG (1)
Chad Hunt Pier Pressure 13 PG 4
Max Hutchinson Van Nuys 1 C 3
Jamaul James Entertainer Hoops 8 C 2
Jamaul James Entertainer Hoops 12 PF 0
Arthur Johnson The Pier 6 C (1)
Arthur Johnson The Pier 9 PF 2
Chris Johnson N-Flight 13 SF 7
Erik Johnson El Cajon 3 PF 9
Herbie Johnson The Pier 6 PG 3
Herbie Johnson The Pier 9 SG 0
Isaiah Johnson San Diego 9 PG 2
Roderick Johnson The Buzz 4 PF 9
Roderick Johnson The Buzz 6 PF 13
Shakir Johnson The Pier 6 C 11
Shakir Johnson The Pier 9 C 7
Brandon Jones Pier Pressure 13 SF 2
Dwayne Jones The Cats 8 PF 10
Phil Jones The Buzz 4 SF 9
Phil Jones The Buzz 6 SF 22
David Kang Pier Pressure 1 SG 0
David Kang Pier Pressure 13 SG 2
Luke Kelley El Cajon 3 SF 12
Josh Kemp 17th Street Hoops 7 PF (2)
Robbie Kobel Pier Pressure 1 PF 0
Robbie Kobel Pier Pressure 13 PF (5)
Krystopher Lawrence Chula Vista 4 SG (1)
Vance Lawrence The Beach 5 SG (5)
Vance Lawrence The Beach 7 SF 1
Roman Leon Chula Vista 2 PG 19
Roman Leon Chula Vista 4 PG 4
J.L. Lewis Entertainer Hoops 8 PG 5
J.L. Lewis Entertainer Hoops 12 PG 4
Gerred Link San Diego 9 SG 6
Tito Littleton Downtown 5 PG 3
Anthony Lomello The Pier 6 SF 0
Anthony Lomello The Pier 9 SF 3
Marcos Lopez The Dawgs 2 SF 2
Sean Luecke 17th Street Hoops 3 C 14
Sean Luecke 17th Street Hoops 7 C 13
Andre Lyons The Buzz 4 PF 1
Andre Lyons The Buzz 6 PF 13
Sebastian Lyons Pier Pressure 1 C (1)
Sebastian Lyons Pier Pressure 13 PF 0
Nick Madsen Chula Vista 2 C 8
Nick Madsen Chula Vista 4 SF 5
Alex Mallari The Buzz 4 SG 18
Alex Mallari The Buzz 6 SG 2
Demetrius Malone Van Nuys 1 SF 2
Demetrius Malone Van Nuys 12 PF (1)
Enrique Marshall The Beach 7 SF 2
Matt Marshall San Diego 9 PF 4
Rodney Marshall Entertainer Hoops 8 SG 0
Michael Martin Say No 11 C 8
Camilo Martinez Chula Vista 4 PG 0
Harold (JR) Martinez Say No 11 PG (1)
Keith Mason Pier Pressure 1 PF 24
Keith Mason Pier Pressure 13 C 9
Brandon Matson Pier Pressure 1 PG 1
Brandon Matson Pier Pressure 13 PG 4
Kenneth Maye Entertainer Hoops 8 PG 6
Kenneth Maye Entertainer Hoops 12 PG 4
Corey McElroy Van Nuys 1 SF 0
Corey McElroy Van Nuys 12 SG 1
Corey McIntosh The Buzz 4 PG 11
Corey McIntosh The Buzz 6 PG 3
Javon McIver Kingsley Glass 10 PG 1
Kory McRoy Kingsley Glass 10 SG 4
Matthew Merrick 17th Street Hoops 7 SG 3
Kenneth Michaels The Pier 9 SG 16
James III Mickens Entertainer Hoops 8 PG 2
James III Mickens Entertainer Hoops 12 PG 7
Paul Mitchell N-Flight 13 PF 15
Steve Monreal The Dawgs 2 SG 27
Greg Monroe San Diego 9 PG (1)
Hassan Moody N-Flight 10 PG 18
Chance Morris The Beach 5 PG (1)
Adrian Muniz The Dawgs 2 SF 0
Carl Munns Team Intensity 11 PG (1)
Daisuke Muramatsu The Pier 6 PG 0
Andre Murray The Cats 8 SF 18
Cliff Nichols Say No 11 SG 3
Adam Nicklas Van Nuys 1 PF (1)
Michael Okenwa El Cajon 3 PG 4
Anthony Palmer Downtown 5 PG 1
Kendrick Parker Kingsley Glass 10 PF 6
Royce Parks Entertainer Hoops 8 PF 7
Tyrone Parks Entertainer Hoops 12 PF (1)
William Perkins N-Flight 10 C (1)
Ben Perry Chula Vista 2 PF (2)
Ben Perry Chula Vista 4 C 0
Lewis Pettway The Cats 8 C 2
Marlon Pierce El Cajon 3 PG 15
Mike Pope The Beach 5 C (1)
Mike Pope The Beach 7 C 7
Darryl Powell Van Nuys 12 SF 2
Tarif Purdom Entertainer Hoops 8 C 0
Tarif Purdom Entertainer Hoops 12 C 16
Arcenio Jr. Ramirez The Dawgs 2 PG 15
Nate Reed El Cajon 3 SG 13
Jean Regis Van Nuys 1 C 0
Jean Regis Van Nuys 12 C 9
Bill Ritter N-Flight 13 SG 0
Michael Robateau The Dawgs 2 C 2
Caleb Rouse N-Flight 13 SF 3
Brandon Russell Pier Pressure 1 SF 24
Brandon Russell Pier Pressure 13 SF 2
Travone Searcy N-Flight 10 PG 4
David Shepherd Downtown 5 SG 1
Shaun Shimizu Pier Pressure 1 SF (2)
Shaun Shimizu Pier Pressure 13 SG (2)
Ryan Shumaker El Cajon 3 C (2)
George Skrelja Chula Vista 2 SF 8
George Skrelja Chula Vista 4 SF (2)
Eric Smith Say No 11 SF 1
Pearson Smith The Beach 5 SG 13
Pearson Smith The Beach 7 SG 17
Reginald Smith Downtown 5 PF (2)
Travis Smith N-Flight 10 SF 9
Pierre Snell Say No 11 PF 1
Brad St. Clair Chula Vista 2 SG 4
Brad St. Clair Chula Vista 4 SG 7
Andrwe Steudle San Diego 9 C (5)
Charles Streater Van Nuys 1 SF 0
Charles Streater Van Nuys 12 SF 9
Curtis Sumlin Say No 11 C 4
Mark Sutton Team Intensity 11 SF 5
Thurman Sutton Pier Pressure 1 SF 17
Thurman Sutton Pier Pressure 13 SF 7
Billy Swain Van Nuys 1 SG (3)
Billy Swain Van Nuys 12 SF (1)
L.B. Taylor N-Flight 13 PG 13
Phillip Taylor Say No 11 PF 3
Sean Terrell Entertainer Hoops 8 SG 5
Sean Terrell Entertainer Hoops 12 SG 9
Drew Terry 17th Street Hoops 3 SF 21
Drew Terry 17th Street Hoops 7 SF 7
Kevin Thomas Van Nuys 1 PF 12
Kevin Thomas Van Nuys 12 PF 16
Jamelle Tolliver Team Intensity 11 SF (2)
Brandon Towns 17th Street Hoops 3 PF 3
Brandon Towns 17th Street Hoops 7 PF 6
Daryl Townsend Entertainer Hoops 8 PF (2)
Greg Trejo The Dawgs 2 C 2
Douglas Tucker N-Flight 10 SG (2)
Craig Tunnell Kingsley Glass 10 PG 2
Brandon Turner Team Intensity 11 PF 9
Chris Tyson Chula Vista 2 PF 0
Chris Tyson Chula Vista 4 PF 5
Daniel Valdez Chula Vista 4 PG (1)
Troy Valencia San Diego 9 C 14
Joshua Valentine Team Intensity 11 C 5
Gus Valle Van Nuys 1 PG (2)
Gus Valle Van Nuys 12 PG 9
Daniel Vasquez The Dawgs 2 SF 3
Seve Wahi San Diego 9 SF 0
Craig Walls Team Intensity 11 PG 13
Brian Ware Team Intensity 11 PF (2)
Raynal Watts Entertainer Hoops 12 SF 0
Cornel Williams Downtown 5 SF 19
Leif Williams N-Flight 13 C 3
Marcus Williams Pier Pressure 1 SF 0
Ronnell Williams El Cajon 3 SG 2
Stephon Williams The Beach 5 C 2
Stephon Williams The Beach 7 C 11
Tyrone Williams Team Intensity 11 SF (1)
Nick Willis 17th Street Hoops 3 SF 1
Nick Willis 17th Street Hoops 7 C 1
Marcus Wilson The Pier 6 SF 2
Marcus Wilson The Pier 9 SF 2
Onani Wilson Downtown 5 SG (2)
Sterling Wilson Van Nuys 1 SG 8
Sterling Wilson Van Nuys 12 SG 0
Chauncey Wiseman Downtown 5 SF 0
Pierre Ysaguirre The Dawgs 2 PF (1)