This is my own formula, which is designed to measure a player's overall activity level rather than his success rate.
Good players make things happen, even if some days there aren't many positive results.
Or, as John Wooden noted, the team that makes the most mistakes usually wins - because their aggressiveness also helped them make the plays that win games.
Here's the formula:
You also may notice that these ratings tend to be more consistent for the same player from game to game. That's to be expected - consistent effort is under the control of the player, while consistent results are often much less so.
In any case, I've listed all players I saw in descending order, noting a top-10 rank (but the rest of the players are in order as well). Oh, and these ratings are in whole numbers. When two or more players had the same rating, I listed them in alphabetical order.
Top Ten:
Rank Player Game# School Position ARF
1. Timothy Taylor 5 Unknown SG 44
2t. Anthony Kimble 3 Rio Hondo PF 38
2t. Thomas Taylor 3 Unknown SF 38
4. Timothy Taylor 2 Unknown SG 37
5. Chandon Simon 2 Irvine Valley C 35
6t. Andrew Gomez 5 East LA PG 33
6t. Muhammed Wilson 5 Mt. San Jacinto SG 33
8t. Keith Allen 2 Mt. SAC SF 32
8t. Keoni Watson 1 Seward KS PG 32
10. T.J. Smith 3 Chaffey PG 31
The Rest of the List:
Player Game# School Position ARF
Keith Allen 5 Mt. SAC SF 30
Joe Johnson 2 LA Trade Tech C 29
Glenn Gilliard 3 Antelope Valley SF 28
J.R. Griffin 2 Undecided SF 28
Chandon Simon 5 Irvine Valley C 28
Keoni Watson 4 Seward KS PG 28
Keilon Fortune 5 Compton PG 27
Kevin Harkless 2 Undecided SG 27
Sterling Byrd 1 Yavapai AZ PF 26
Pierre Djinki 2 Logan IL PF 26
Jamal Barnes 1 Mt. SAC SF 25
Kevin Fleming 3 West Valley C 25
Harry Holmes 3 Fresno SF 25
Anthony Langston 3 Rio Hondo PG 25
Jared Lloyd 5 Unknown PF 25
Muhammed Wilson 3 Mt. San Jacinto SG 24
Ian Wright 5 Mendocino SG 24
Pierre Djinki 5 Logan IL PF 23
J.R. Griffin 4 Undecided SF 23
Curtis Isom 1 LA Valley SG 23
Ephraim Williams 1 Ventura C 23
Andrew Gomez 2 East LA PG 22
Tony Jimmerson 3 Highlands NM C 22
Jino LaBomme 3 Glendale SG 22
Ephraim Williams 4 Ventura C 21
Eric Ehue 2 Undecided PF 20
Jared Lloyd 3 Unknown PF 20
Kenneth Maye 4 LA Trade Tech PG 20
Brandon Woods 1 Eastern AZ C 20
Shaune Caston 2 LA Trade Tech SF 19
Kenneth Maye 2 LA Trade Tech PG 19
Gary Nunez 4 Ventura PF 19
Sam Davis 1 Cypress PF 18
Kevin Harkless 4 Undecided SG 18
Thomas Taylor 5 Unknown SG 18
Deonte Huff 5 Antelope Valley SF 17
Sterling Byrd 4 Yavapai AZ PF 16
Shaune Caston 1 LA Trade Tech SF 16
Ian Maxwell 1 Mt. SAC PF 16
K.D. Rockett 4 Undecided SG 16
Ian Wright 2 Mendocino SF 16
Shaune Caston 4 LA Trade Tech SF 15
Marcus Thomas 3 Undecided PG 15
Marcus Thomas 5 Undecided PG 15
Dan Wendt 3 West Valley PF 15
Chike Ekweozor 2 Undecided PF 14
Joe Johnson 4 LA Trade Tech C 14
Clifton Nichols 1 West LA SG 14
K.D. Rockett 1 Undecided SG 14
Faruk Dakovic 3 Rio Hondo SF 13
Justin White 1 Panola TX PG 13
Javon Williams 4 LA Valley SF 13
Jonathan Davis 4 Ventura SG 12
Eric Ehue 5 Undecided PF 12
Glenn Gilliard 5 Antelope Valley SF 12
Tony Jimmerson 5 Highlands NM C 12
Chike Ekweozor 1 Undecided PF 11
Chike Ekweozor 4 Undecided PF 11
Jordan Rush 4 LA Valley SF 11
Keith Cherry 1 Fullerton SG 10
Jordan Rush 1 LA Valley SF 9