This is my own formula, which is designed to measure a player's overall activity level rather than his success rate.
Good players make things happen, even if some days there aren't many positive results.
Or, as John Wooden noted, the team that makes the most mistakes usually wins - because their aggressiveness also helped them make the plays that win games.
Here's the formula:
You also may notice that these ratings tend to be more consistent for the same player from game to game. That's to be expected - consistent effort is under the control of the player, while consistent results are often much less so.
In any case, I've listed the Top Ten, and then listed all players alphabetically.
Oh, and these ratings are in whole numbers. When two or more players had the same rating, I listed them in alphabetical order.
Top Ten:
Player Team Game# Pos ARF
1. Smith Tron Glendora 1 SF 39
2. Monreal Steve The Dawgs 5 PG 36
3. Williams Eric The Beach 3 C 35
4. Hubbard Kelly Spot Up 14 SF 34
5. Stokes Damien South County 1 PF 33
6. Fields Chris The Beach 3 SF 30
....Smith T.J. Cucamonga 3 PG 30
8. Miller Tim South County 1 C 28
....Pitts Trevor Sehorn's 6 PF 28
10. Murray Andre The Cats 4 SF 27
.....Taylor Ceylon E. Valley Blue 9 PG 27
Alphabetical Listing of all players:
Player Team Game# Pos ARF
Adams Chris We Play Hard 8 SF 19
Adams J.D. Saratoga 8 SG 8
Akina T.J. The Cats 4 PG 13
Akina T.J. The Cats 14 SG 13
Alexander Ken Saratoga 8 C 19
Alexander Nick Saratoga 8 SF 13
Allan Chad Glendora 1 PF 22
Allan Chad Glendora 13 PF 21
Allen Josh Champion Springs 9 SF 13
Alvarado Vince Cucamonga 3 PG 10
Arango Aaron Glendora 1 SG 11
Arango Aaron Glendora 13 SG 7
Arbogast James Glendora 1 PF 7
Arnwine Carlton South County 1 PG 25
Bagsby Clarence Spot Up 14 PG 11
Banks Michael Spot Up 14 C 7
Barragan Uriahn Gowing & Assoc 15 SG 11
Bell Dante Kingsley Glass 12 SG 16
Benjamin Marques San Bruno 4 PG 20
Best Daryl South County 1 SF 13
Bicakci Shant The Cats 4 PG 7
Bicakci Shant The Cats 14 PG 12
Birton Darrell Saratoga 8 PG 8
Black Jeremy Glendora 1 SF 19
Black Jeremy Glendora 13 SF 5
Blackshire Marcus Valley Blue 9 PF 26
Bolden James Kingsley Glass 12 PG 8
Bonner Joseph Cucamonga 3 SF 10
Bradford Jeremy Gowing & Assoc 15 PF 1
Bridgette Isaiah The Beach 3 PF 10
Brocker Matt Sehorn's 6 PF 11
Brocker Matt Sehorn's 11 C 13
Brown Chris Cucamonga 3 SF 21
Bullock Ronnie Cucamonga 3 SF 18
Burnett Brannon San Bruno 4 PG 9
Burton Scott Cucamonga 3 SG 1
Campbell Chris Pier Pressure 2 PF 20
Carter Franklin Team 605 15 SG 10
Chagolla Matt Gowing & Assoc 15 SG 20
Chavez Emilio The Dawgs 5 SG 4
Cheek Josh Valley Blue 9 SF 4
Cherry Keith 17th Street 6 PG 20
Choi Don The Pier 2 SG 8
Choi Ernie The Pier 2 PG 12
Christiansen Jenner Hayward 7 SG 4
Clarke Trae Glendora 13 C 10
Clayton Anthony Cucamonga 3 SF 5
Cobbs Richard South County 1 PF 21
Coronado Greg Gowing & Assoc 15 PG 10
Cosio Armando Team Inland 10 C 12
Cotton Jery Speed City 10 SF 8
Covin Mark The 99 7 PG 10
Craig Rodrick Speed City 10 PF 17
Crow Travis Gowing & Assoc 15 SF 14
Cruz Daniel Champion Springs 9 PG 9
Cruz-Duncan Dominic Saratoga 8 SG 7
Darden Keith We Play Hard 8 C 7
Davis Davon We Play Hard 8 PF 9
Davis Jabari San Bruno 4 C 17
Davis Marion Wolverines 5 PG 7
Davis Will Wolverines 5 SF 8
Denson Tim The Buzz 13 SG 21
Diouf Madiou Wolverines 5 SF 8
Divris Michael The Cats 4 SF 4
Divris Michael The Cats 14 SF 7
Drummond Camel Team Valley 12 PF 19
DuBose Marquis The Cats 4 SG 21
DuBose Marquis The Cats 14 SG 19
Dyson Michael Speed City 10 PF 7
Earl Michael The Buzz 13 C 24
Edwards Marcus Champion Springs 9 PG 6
Elliott Ivan Saratoga 8 SF 17
Emanuel Bryan Champion Springs 9 SG 18
Espy Amir Pier Pressure 2 C 10
Estem Addison Team Inland 10 PG 6
Evans Brandon Kingsley Glass 12 SG 5
Evans William Valley Blue 9 SG 8
Farrell Kyle Team 605 15 SF 2
Feliciano Julio Speed City 10 C 12
Ferguson Mikey Hayward 7 SG 15
Fiapai Wilmer Team 605 15 SG 5
Fields Chris The Beach 3 SF 30
Fiernos Manny The Buzz 13 SG 5
Fleming Chris Champion Springs 9 C 20
Fletcher Casey Sehorn's 6 C 10
Fletcher Casey Sehorn's 11 PF 9
Flores Martin Sehorn's 6 SF 11
Flores Martin Sehorn's 11 SG 7
Flores Steve The Cats 4 PG 4
Flores Steve The Cats 14 PG 3
Frami Logan Hayward 7 C 7
Gammage Michael Hayward 7 PG 12
Garner Aaron Sehorn's 6 PG 15
Garner Aaron Sehorn's 11 SG 9
Gerardo C.J. The Dawgs 5 SF 6
Ginyard Sidney Pier Pressure 2 SG 7
Goodloe Matt 17th Street 6 PG 10
Goodrum Kevon The Dawgs 5 PF 10
Gordon Joshua Pier Pressure 2 PG 13
Gottstein Tyler Valley Blue 9 SG 13
Gowing Andrew Gowing & Assoc 15 SG 1
Graeber Kurt The Buzz 13 C 6
Grant Dejon Wolverines 5 SG 23
Grant Emmanuel 17th Street 6 PG 4
Green Andrew The 99 7 C 16
Green Jarell Team 605 15 PG 6
Greene Dante Team Valley 12 C 15
Griffis Kristoffer Spot Up 14 PG 9
Gross Keenan Spot Up 14 PF 7
Habel Jerome We Play Hard 8 C 14
Hall Demarcus The 99 7 PF 16
Hall Krys Sehorn's 6 SG 22
Hall Krys Sehorn's 11 SF 6
Hamner Mychael The Dawgs 5 C 15
Haralson Rashon Gowing & Assoc 15 SF 6
Harris Aaron The Pier 2 PG 24
Harris Allen Pier Pressure 2 SG 22
Harris Les Kingsley Glass 12 PF 9
Harris Raphael Kingsley Glass 12 C 8
Harris Tommie Kingsley Glass 12 C 10
Harris Tony Valley Fever 11 C 25
Harrison Bo We Play Hard 8 SF 8
Hart Chris The Beach 3 PG 18
Harville Cary Spot Up 14 PF 11
Hawkesworth Josh Valley Fever 11 PG 9
Hayes Bertice Champion Springs 9 SF 13
Haynes Harley Kingsley Glass 12 SF 0
Haynes Robbie 17th Street 6 SG 23
Hazel Demetrius The Beach 3 SF 18
Henderson Rafik South County 1 SG 9
Hickman Tom The 99 7 PF 3
Hicks Duane Team Valley 12 PG 13
Higareda Rogelio The Dawgs 5 SG 3
Hill Jamon Speed City 10 SG 17
Hogan Kyle Valley Blue 9 SF 16
Holland Erik Cucamonga 3 SG 6
Holland Marqus Wolverines 5 PF 20
Hollis Arnie 17th Street 6 SF 4
Horta Johnny Champion Springs 9 PG 7
Hubbard Kelly Spot Up 14 SF 34
Huff Deonte Kingsley Glass 12 SF 17
Hughes Angelo Spot Up 14 SF 11
Hughes Robert Kingsley Glass 12 PF 7
Hull Shaughn Glendora 1 PG 4
Hull Shaughn Glendora 13 PG 2
Humphrie Brent We Play Hard 8 SG 16
Hunt Chad Pier Pressure 2 PG 10
Hunt Lamarr Saratoga 8 SG 15
Jacobs Leon Team Valley 12 SF 22
Jinna Jabbir Gowing & Assoc 15 SG 22
Johnson Chad Speed City 10 PG 17
Johnson Herbie The Pier 2 SF 2
Johnson Johnny South County 1 PG 7
Johnson Jonathan Team Valley 12 SG 17
Johnson Kentrell Speed City 10 PG 11
Johnson Rodrick The Buzz 13 PF 20
Johnson Shakir The Pier 2 C 18
Jones Duane Wolverines 5 PG 17
Jones Phil The Buzz 13 SF 8
Joshway Princeton Champion Springs 9 PF 18
Kahraman John The Pier 2 SF 13
Kidd Anthony Glendora 1 PG 22
Kidd Anthony Glendora 13 PG 16
King Antoine Pier Pressure 2 SF 23
Kobel Robbie Pier Pressure 2 PF 12
Koertje Blain Speed City 10 SF 2
Kovach Bobby Cucamonga 3 SG 8
Lane Maurice Valley Fever 11 SG 21
Larson Brent Valley Fever 11 PF 11
Lee Donald Team Valley 12 PF 22
Lee Mike Gowing & Assoc 15 PG 4
Lepeach Andre Team Valley 12 SF 8
Lewis Kris The 99 7 PG 7
Lockhart Bryan Sehorn's 6 SG 7
Lockhart Bryan Sehorn's 11 SG 12
Lomello Anthony The Pier 2 SG 16
Lucas Mike Team Inland 10 SG 11
Lucke Sean 17th Street 6 PF 18
Lutson Jacob We Play Hard 8 PG 11
Lyons Andre The Buzz 13 SF 10
Majors Carey The 99 7 C 22
Mallari Alex The Buzz 13 SG 8
Marks Byron The 99 7 SG 14
Marshall Julio Team Valley 12 PG 12
Martinez Joe Valley Blue 9 C 16
Matthews Oliver Kingsley Glass 12 PF 0
Maxwell Sean Speed City 10 PF 0
McClure Jason Cucamonga 3 C 15
McIntosh Corey The Buzz 13 PG 9
McIver Javon Kingsley Glass 12 PG 13
McWhiet Frankie Team Inland 10 PF 0
Michaels Kenneth The Pier 2 PF 23
Miller Tim South County 1 C 28
Mims Keaire Team Inland 10 PF 10
Mitchell Tyler Spot Up 14 SG 0
Mondaca Adolph Valley Fever 11 SF 19
Monreal Steve The Dawgs 5 PG 36
Moore Doug Glendora 1 C 12
Moore Doug Glendora 13 C 7
Moore Murshon Gowing & Assoc 15 C 18
Moreno Mike Cucamonga 3 SG 14
Morgan Lamont South County 1 SG 13
Morgan Marcus Saratoga 8 PF 6
Morris Darryl Valley Blue 9 PG 7
Muchell Jamil Hayward 7 SF 8
Muniz Adrian The Dawgs 5 SF 8
Murray Andre The Cats 4 SF 27
Murray Andre The Cats 14 SF 21
Myles Cardarrel The Cats 4 PF 13
Myles Cardarrel The Cats 14 PF 16
Nevens Brandon The Beach 3 SG 9
Nixon Alex Team 605 15 PF 22
Norwood Rishawn We Play Hard 8 PG 18
Norwood Terrell Team Inland 10 SF 17
Pearson Drew Saratoga 8 C 12
Perez Aaron Valley Fever 11 C 8
Perry Matt Hayward 7 SG 15
Pettus Dewayne We Play Hard 8 SG 10
Pettway Lewis The Cats 4 C 4
Pettway Lewis The Cats 14 C 8
Phaler Sean The Buzz 13 PF 20
Phangureh Paul San Bruno 4 SF 21
Pitts Trevor Sehorn's 6 PF 28
Pitts Trevor Sehorn's 11 PF 12
Popovic Filip San Bruno 4 PF 21
Posey Tommy We Play Hard 8 PF 9
Ramsey Ronnel 17th Street 6 C 7
Reese J.R. Team Inland 10 PG 11
Renneisen Danny Team Inland 10 SF 6
Reynolds James Glendora 1 SG 14
Reynolds James Glendora 13 SG 10
Richard Matt Valley Blue 9 SF 10
Robinson Cameron Champion Springs 9 SG 9
Robinson Lawrence Team 605 15 SG 9
Sanchez Jose The 99 7 SF 8
Sanchez Tony Valley Fever 11 SG 13
Sandles Steven Wolverines 5 C 14
Sapp Justin South County 1 SF 14
Scott Aaron The 99 7 SF 12
Scott Terrell Hayward 7 SG 11
Scruggs Aaron Valley Fever 11 SF 14
Shaw Eli Wolverines 5 SG 5
Sheard Aundre Hayward 7 SG 12
Shimizu Shaun Pier Pressure 2 SF 13
Shuler DeShon Glendora 1 PG 1
Shuler Deshon Glendora 13 SG 0
Smith Damonte Gowing & Assoc 15 C 12
Smith Jerrell Team Inland 10 C 12
Smith Pearson The Beach 3 SG 9
Smith T.J. Cucamonga 3 PG 30
Smith Tron Glendora 1 SF 39
Smith Tron Glendora 13 SF 19
Snowden Greg Gowing & Assoc 15 SF 5
Stevens Michael Team 605 15 C 12
Stokes Damien South County 1 PF 33
Sweet Antoine Hayward 7 PF 7
Sykes Rohny Sehorn's 6 SF 5
Sykes Rohny Sehorn's 11 PF 6
Taner Travis 17th Street 6 SF 9
Tatum Kevin The 99 7 PG 3
Taylor Ceylon E. Valley Blue 9 PG 27
Taylor Jibri The Buzz 13 PG 8
Terry Drew 17th Street 6 SF 19
Thomas Euless Spot Up 14 SG 4
Thomas Gary Kingsley Glass 12 PG 2
Thomas Mychael 17th Street 6 SG 11
Thompson Aaron Team 605 15 SF 23
Tipton Marcell Team 605 15 C 9
Trejo Greg The Dawgs 5 C 6
Tresvant Deon The Beach 3 PG 6
Turner A.C. The 99 7 SG 10
Tyler Courtney Sehorn's 6 PG 23
Tyler Courtney Sehorn's 11 PG 19
Vandy Jamal We Play Hard 8 SF 18
Vasquez Daniel The Dawgs 5 SG 11
Visman B.J. Sehorn's 6 C 21
Visman B.J. Sehorn's 11 C 15
Walker Greg The 99 7 PF 12
Ward Cortez Team 605 15 PG 18
Washington Tim San Bruno 4 SF 11
Watkins Kyle Team Inland 10 PG 2
Wendt Dave Saratoga 8 PF 13
Wilkinson Ryan Saratoga 8 PG 8
Williams Craig Speed City 10 SG 1
Williams Eric The Beach 3 C 35
Williams Jeremiah San Bruno 4 SG 23
Williams Stephon The Beach 3 SF 7
Wilson Kelvin Spot Up 14 SG 22
Wilson Marcus The Pier 2 SF 10
Woody John Speed City 10 C 8
Young Demetrius Sehorn's 6 SF 11
Young Demetrius Sehorn's 11 SF 18
Zieman Joey 17th Street 6 SG 6
Zike Ryan The Cats 4 PF 10
Zike Ryan The Cats 14 PF 7
Compare to Performance Index