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The folowing statement is made by the NJSEA, regading the new securities at GIANTS stadium and Continental Airlines Arena...
"The management of the NJSEA in conjunction with state law enforcement officials have fully reviewed the event safety practices at Giants Stadium and Continental Airlines Arena," stated NJSEA President James A. DiEleuterio, Jr.
"It is significant to note that our senior facility management led by Bob Castronovo is among the most experienced in the industry in planning and staging high profile events during times of heightened security concerns.
"Today, we along with our family of professional sports franchises -- the Devils, Nets, Giants, Jets and MetroStars -- announce the following changes which will be effective immediately for all events at both Giants Stadium and Continental Airlines Arena."

--Increased staffing of State Police officers and our own event security personnel.
--The following items are now prohibited: backpacks, coolers, duffle bags and large bags/purses.
--All smaller bags or personal articles are subject to inspection.
--Internal security measures are also being implemented.

NJSEA Executive Vice President Robert Castronovo added, "As with prior practice, cans, bottles and umbrellas are banned from the buildings. Also, because of the heightened security measures, we recommend that ticketed fans allow extra time to enter the venues. You are the best fans in the country and we ask you to help us and help each other by exercising common sense during these times.
"These security measures will continue to be evaluated. The new policies will be posted on our information marquees on the site, broadcast via public address systems, and flyers will be handed out at our parking plaza entrances."