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What is Karate?


Karate movements are short, sharp and distinctive. Karate uses blocks to ward off an attack and evasion to avoid one, followed by counter attacks to discourage further aggression.

Karate has many spectacular techniques of destruction but there are also lesser known techniques which can be used for healing and health.

Besides being an excellent form of self defence, karate is also a thrilling competitive activity.  Regular training in Karate not only improves stamina and suppleness but also produces that mental calm and assurance which comes from knowing that you could defend yourself if a violent confrontation occurred.

Having said that, just remember that old karate maxim: The best form of self-defence is not to be there - which means either walk away, or use body movement to avoid attack.

As a form of physical conditioning, karate takes some beating ! Flexibility, strength, stamina, and aerobic training are all included in a typical session - not by design of some modern guru but through the practice of an ancient art passed down through the years.

Even if you have always thought of yourself as no good at physical activity, karate can still show you some simple yet effective techniques which you will be able to manage, and this in itself will give you increased confidence and self respect. Indeed, many students go on to take up karate as a lifetime activity, and some begin well into their fifties !

Traditional karate training helps prepare a child for life. The children in karate classes know what is expected from them and with a little encouragement and support from the instructor, they always rise to the occasion.

A child’s record of school achievement often improves after a period of karate training, probably because of improved self-confidence and enhanced concentration.

On the other hand, an aggressive child may be calmed down through the discipline of training and karate’s emphasis on self control. You see, children are taught from the outset that karate is primarily a defensive and offensive art. They are constantly reminded never to use their fighting skills outside the training hall except in cases of extreme provocation and then, only in self defence.

During the first four weeks of training children learn and practice basic etiquette. They learn to be polite and respect their fellow students instructors and parents. Quickly they become aware that good manners consists in having consideration for other people.

Children respond well to discipline and once they have been disciplines for a short period, then  they develop self discipline.

Their concentration is also enhanced as they focus their minds on the job in hand, such as learning a sequence of complicated moves - as in kata.

So, armed with karate skills, self confidence, self esteem, and respect for others, these children grow into fine young men and women who are well equipped physically  and mentally to deal with the rigours of daily life in our harsh world. These adults of tomorrow will be fine citizens and contribute much to the society in which they live and work.


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