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Mickey Brakkadogg continues the discussion already in play, "I will except the CEO role of the BAW with a few of my own demands. First off I would like to thank you Fabol for entrusting me with the future of the company. Now this is directed at Nate Jackson and Jack Johnson . . ." Jackson and Johnson look at each other and then back to Mickey.
Mickey continues, "My contrived plans demand control of the NWL be waived immediately. Somebody wants to come to the ring on a surf board . . .fine!! I don't care if they ride a Go-Cart!! We just lost the Aussie Aces, arguably our most popular tag team this week because of you genus's with the NWL with your so called cleverness or ingenuity . Now instead of dressing in our locker room they will be in Hollywood. Our wrestlers will have full range to express themselves ever how we see fit from here own out!! But with that said we love the NWL Challenge Series Match you have brought to our program. Any more ideas like that will be fully accepted and integrated." Jackson remaining silent but still concerned.
Mickey shifts his gaze to Ian Van Elswyck, "Next up, Mr. Ian Van Elswyck . . .I fully understand you have 51% control of the Empire Square Gardens which makes you the majority owner of that wonderful building. All seeming spontaneous at the time when we decided to use the building when you recommended it to us. I do hand it to you Ian you are very smart. At the beginning of the year, Kentucky Mountain Wrestling had liabilities only equal $350,000. During the year of 2010, assets increase by 350%, and at year-end assets equal well over a million dollars. Liabilities decrease $219,000 during the year. Do you understand what that makes your beginning and ending amounts of equity because of the BAW?" Then everyone around the room just looks around at each other as Velma Dinkley looks up and says, "Well the numbers of brand equity would slightly differ by 15% from the assets depending on how it's doing in the stock market . . ." Mickey cuts her off at mid sentence, "Simply stated we can't build our business with trickle up economics anymore. Those days are over, end of story because this morning I just bought 51% of stock in KMW which guess what . . .that's right, makes me majority owner!!" Elswyck remains silent and refuses to make eye contact with Mickey and then stomps out of the room very angrily.
Mickey then looks at Carl who is sitting there looking down at the table, " Carl." Carl looks up and says "Umm." while rubbing his hands together under the table and then looks back down. Then Mickey says, " Hey buddy no more wrestlers working in Carl's Corner or Carl's Kitchen or anywhere ok. All that stuff we used to do is no longer exceptable. You understand Carl?" Carl says, "I reckin I see watch you ah sayin . . .um humm . . . that's ok with me anyways. . .um . . . Bloody Bulldog made me madder than what Jesse made me . . .um hum"
Stan Wicks rudely interrupts Carl, "Just tell the retard what he has to do." Mickey's face turns to stone as he locks his gaze upon the New York Empire Boss. Wicks keeps talking, "Since you just robbed my father I think you owe me something. And since we are making changes I think that stupid Punisher and Wild Dog need to be dealt with. They shouldn't even have the BAW American Tag Team Titles anyway, right Tombstone!!" He nods in agreement
Mickey looks over at Carl for a second who has put his head back down and went back to eating a half empty can of potted meat. Mickey looks at Wicks and then smiles, "First of all WE aint making changes . . .I AM and but am gonna cater to you today. Wicks you just got what you ask for. This weekend you will face the American Tag Team Champions in a "Loser Leave Town Match" and we can finally put this hate feud behind us here in the BAW." Stan Wicks looks a little confused at what just happened and as he starts to complain security escorts him and Tombstone out of the room. Mickey keeps talking about the subject, "That's another thing Fabol, the days of all these feuds in the BAW not getting resolved must be resolved. Just like what we talked about before, making the MPW female wrestlers feel more welcome here, it's top priority.
Mickey then turns toward the men sitting beside him, "From now on McGee you will have full access to our athletes here in the BAW. You want an interview set up just ask . . .but you better keep your facts straight because we will be watching. If you are on the straight and narrow we may even look into getting the WMI it's own spot on the show. That sound good to you McGee?"
Jack McGee looks very happy, " Human interest stories do not make the front page usually but I'm really liking this CEO change."
Mickey Brakkadogg walks out of the room with a smile on his face as the meeting is over. Fabol Dorey can be heard speaking from the hallway in his old crackling voice offering Velma Dinkley a job inside the BAW. Mickey is followed by Shaggy Van Mystery and his dog who is usually with him behind the scenes.
Shaggy says, "What about me?"
Mickey, "What about you Van Mystery?"
Shaggy, "Well it seems everyone here was here for a reason but me."
Mickey, "That's because you and that dog was in the fridge when we came in with the camera crew so I ask you to have a seat."
Shaggy, "Well since we are here I been meaning to bring this up. Don't you would think WMI Referee of the Year would get some privileges like eating in the ring or free food from Carl's kitchen. What'a ya say old friend, old pal?"
Mickey, "Sure you can eat whatever you want . . .after the show when you stick around and help Carl clean up."
Shaggy, "Like you don't say hee hee hee hee hee hee."
Then the show comes on . . .
American Tag Team Title Match - LOSER LEAVES TOWN
Punisher and Wild Dog rush the ring just as soon as the "Punisher" theme starts to play. The four men throw punches back and forth with hate in their eyes!! Punisher stays inside the ring with Kemzoki and the two go back and forth as the blood starts to flow from each man. Tombstone keeps distracting Wild Dog at ringside from Wicks command. Wicks continues to harp out orders to his team trying to force a victory. Punisher and Wild Dog have came away with victory's in each of the last three meetings with Kemzoki and Pit Bull. Tonight would be no different as Punisher hits Pit Bull with his "Elevated Powerbomb" while Wild Dog held off Kemzoki. The champions would win by pinfall and finally win the war against the New York Empire. Even before their first match together back on June 1st, 2009 in the PWA these teams have been disrupting each others matches on and off for over two years!! Security has to drag the New York Empire out of the arena as Stan Wicks screams, "YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE LAST OF ME!!" Even Karnov and Zangief are confronted back in the locker room where the denounce the Empire and say their heart belongs to Russian not the New York Empire!!
***************Interview with Punisher and Wild Dog after the
Punisher, "Those teams who want a title here in the BAW will come to know me and Wild Dog well. Just like the New York Empire has done over the past two years. I have to admit it's nice to see some justice around here."
Stu Naham, "That was your filth title defense here tonight. Your the only team in wrestling that can claim to have a victory over the BAW World Tag Team Champions. Will you two be pursuing the again Green's in 2011?
Wild Dog, "We never stopped gunning for them. They just keep avoiding us at every turn."
Stu Naham looking at the Punisher, "You seem upset when the Green's name comes up. Are you upset they have been avoiding you guys all this time?"
Punisher looks frustrated, "Upset they are avoiding us? No I expected that. Upset they can get away with that here in the BAW . . .yes!!"
Stu Naham, "Well you should be happy you just took out Kemzoki and Pit Bull. I mean no more Stan Wicks hiding in the shadows."
Wild Dog, " War does not determine who is right - only who is left and that's us. We are glad we took them out. Now our focus can shift on winning the BAW World Tag Team Team titles from the Green Brothers. But we know that's not gonna happen until they are forced. Something the BAW has done a crappy job of up to this point."
Mickey Brakkadogg comes out, "Woe,woe,woe, now . . .what's all this bickering about the BAW? You know theirs a new CEO in town so guess what, how does February 5th sound at the NWL Supershow in Atlanta, Georgia?You think that's enough time to get prepared?"
Punisher looks at Wild Dog and smiles, "Where do we sign?" Then Mickey says, "Follow me."
Stu Naham, "Well I'll go on record here today and say... this is the finest tag team, the finest competitors, the finest men I've ever known in this sport."
As the BAW American Tag Team Champions walk away the Punisher says, "Hey Stu get a girlfriend."
Maine Heavyweight Title Match
-- Champion
Once the contest starts it's clear Gaiden is much faster and stronger than Starman. But those factors doesn't seem to matter as the Technical wrestling skills of Starman make him a real threat to Gaiden and his Maine Heavyweight Title!! But as the match moves forward Gaiden seems to get the upper hand on his way to another successful title defense.
Gaiden prepares for his "Moonsault Splash" by climbing to the top ropes with Starman laying at center ring. But Starman known for reversals and counter moves proves once again why he is a serious contender in the BAW. As Ninja Gaiden jumps from the top rope Starman flips up onto his feet and hits Gaiden with a Somersault kick that just might be the most impressive wrestling move inside the ring this year!! Then a Flying cross chop to Gaiden's Head on the mat set's Starman up for the pin. One, two, three we have a new BAW Maine Heavyweight Champion!! Gaiden is out on the canvas as Starman can't believe what has just happened!! Then out of nowhere Gorf attack Starman from behind as he gets his arm raised in victory. Gorf gets Starman outside the ring stomping on him as he is exhausted from the match. Naham calling the match, "Looks like the wild man Gorf has just put himself in contention for the BAW Maine Heavyweight Title for I'm sure Starman won't let this by with a pass!!" Dinkley standing with Naham adds, "Yippee for Starman!! You think Gorf has a gland disorder?" Naham says under his breath, "Yippee?" Then the program goes to a commercial break . . .Rip Roper has two of the six commercial advertisements during the break.
After the commercials the show comes back with a desk set up inside the ring. Velma is standing behind Stu Naham as he greets the crowd, "As you all well know Mickey Brakkadogg has taken control of the BAW. His first order of business was to bring in top talent from around the world to our federation. So with that said let's bring out his first acquisitions." Then Hollywood Hulk, Pirahna, Coco Savage, Karate Fighter, Insane Warrior and Dynamite Tommy all make their way to the ring as "Mat Mania Fun" plays in the arena. The Chicago fans gasp for air as they see the Maniacs walking to the ring. As each man steps into the BAW ring they all immediately sign their contract.
Stu, "It's tremendous to have each and everyone of you here in the BAW. There's a microphone for one of you."
Golden Hulk pics up the mic, "Stu the first thing you need to do is tell these people to shut up if you want to hear what we got to say." The fans all boo and start chanting "Go back home, go back home, go back home!!"
Velma blurts out, "well that's not very nice."
Golden Hulk looks around at her, "She can keep her trap shut to."
Velma reply's, "I don't argue with idiots cause they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. That's my rule."
Insane Warrior is standing in front of Velma and looks down at her very menacing. Golden Hulk continues, "As far as the HWF or home goes, we was bored brother. Stan Golden was making promises he wasn't keeping brother. Now we are officially part of the BAW. Not only have we come to take over the BAW but we are gonna destroy everything in our path."
Coco Savage is handed the mic, "That's right Hollywood!! It's time the Maniacs got their shot!! We can't be beat and we won't be beat. Can't nothing be done about the Maniacs!! You see we been training real hard and we are ready to hurt some people real bad."
Stu, "So what's the goals for the Mat Maniacs in the coming months?"
Golden Hulk grabs the mic and responds, "Brother we are here to clean house. Expect us to win every match every time until somebody has the guts to put a title on the line brother!!"
Stu Naham, "Well on behalf of the BAW we welcome you, the Mat Maniacs." The fans continue to boo as the six men start to exit the ring heading over to Carl's Kitchen.
Velma Dinkley adds, " Kinda makes you nostalgic for the homicidal creatures, doesn't it?"
Twin Towers Tag Team Title Match
& COUGAR W/PANTHA -- Champions
Jaguar and Cougar then head to the ring with Pantha in tow. Stu Naham, "They are about to celebrate their one year anniversary as the BAW Twin Towers Tag Team Champions on February 1st just two days away!!" Velma breaks out the stats, "According to BAW records this is the fourth longest title rein for a tag team." Stu Naham says sarcastically, "I bet your gonna tell us the first three aren't you." She seizes the opportunity to break down the records, "Well as most people know first is current PWA Smokey Mountain Tag Team Champions Grey Wolf and Red Fox who was just recently named 2010 WMI Tag Team of the Year. They have been the Smokey Mountain Tag Team Champions for 1 year 7 months and 4 days." Then Stu interrupts her, "They better be careful or that streak may come to an end very soon. Did you see how the Brand New Funk just dominated them a couple of weeks ago? Even Jaguar and Cougar went on record saying they are washed up!!" Velma doesn't respond to Stu and continues in her statistical breakdown, "Second was the Wasteland Warriors in the PWA with the United States Tag Team Titles which was the top belt in that region at the time. The X-Force held those titles for 1 year 2 months and 13 days. Third on the list is the BAW's Bear Hugger and Mad Clown when they we're members of the CWI. They held the International tag Team Titles for 1 year and 7 days." Stu Naham adds, " Well then later in the show we will have a match-up of two of these teams in the Wasteland Warriors facing Mad Clown and Bear Hugger!! That makes that match all the more interesting doesn't it Velma?"
Back to the title match at hand. Once the action starts both teams show why the BAW should be considered one of the top federations in the world. This match is fought from the air!! Jaguar and Cougar really don't get enough credit as their teamwork is impeccable. They start every match off slow and then continue to switch gears threw out until you think they have topped out but then they take it to another level once again!! But the unprecedented improvement of Waster & Killer is not to be overshadowed on this day!! Both teams put on a show worthy of a main event on the biggest card!!
By the twelve minute mark the champions had taken over but the recent presents of Spiker Savage at ringside has them on edge. Cyclone Killer was down outside the ring as Jaguar and Cougar throw Tornado Waster into the ropes and go for "Teeth & Claws". Recently they have altered it turning it into the same move as Grey Wolf and Red Fox's "Ravage" finisher where one goes low and the other goes high. But this time as they hit Waster, he knocks Shaggy Van Mystery out of the ring as he comes down. Cougar exits the ring and goes to help Van Mystery back up. Meanwhile Grey Wolf and Red Fox come out of no where and rush into the ring grabbing Jaguar from behind!! They throw him into the ropes hitting him with "Ravage" taking him down!! Then they drag Tornado Waster onto Jaguar and exit the ring just as quickly as they arrived. Cougar never even seen what had just happened and helps Van Mystery to the ring only to find his partner covered by Tornado Waster. Cougar tries to run in and stop the three count but he is being held by his leg by Savage!! One, two, three we have new BAW Twin Towers Tag Team Champions!! Stu Naham, "I can't believe what I just saw!!" Dinkley, "Yeah apparently those derogatory remarks from Jaguar and Cougar made it's way all the way to Atlanta!!"
As Jaguar and Cougar with Pantha make their way back to the locker room three men stand in the door way. Silverdog, Skeleton Skinner and Bloody Bulldog. Jaguar screams to the top of his lungs at Silverdog, "YOU TELL WOLF AND FOX THEY"RE FINISHED WHEN WE GET OUR HANDS ON THEM!!" Silverdog just smiles and nods at Jaguar as he passes to his dressing room. Skeleton Skinner throws a garbage can at their door after it closes as Bloody Bulldog just laughs standing there with his arms crossed.
Intercontinental Heavyweight Title Match
These two men are both giants in the ring. The two seven footers also have enormous power between them. The giants lock up and you can feel the crowds amazement as they stare in awe. Zangief try's to play dirty grabbing Skyscrapers dreadlocks but that doesn't last long after Zangief gets a taste of his own medicine. The two men break up as Skyscraper opens his hand and blows the chest hair out of it from Zangief. The Russian looks down and then screams in pain holding his chest.
Several minutes pass by filled with clotheslines, fits drops, body slams and head butts from both men Skyscraper manages to get Zangief to the top rope. Then grabbing the large Russian by the throat Skyscraper hits him with a powerful Choke slam from the second rope . . . which he also calls "China White" because he claims this moves can send you to China faster than lightening straight threw the Earth itself!! Then Skyscraper gets the pin on Zangief after a great match.
The camera switches to the hallway backstage. Karnov and Bloody Bulldog are entangled in an argument. Seems Karnov was trying to get to the ring and was stopped by the uDs. Then Karnov is tackled by Bloody Bulldog who is joined by Skeleton Skinner. Silverdog just turns and smiles looking out at the ring where Skyscraper is getting his BAW Intercontinental Heavyweight belt.
////////MAIN EVENT///////
NWL Challenge Series Match
Then "Iron Man" starts to play at the Powerdome erupts as the hometown hero's rush to the ring!! Velma says, "The Chicago, Illinois natives Hawkthorn and Galago along with Precious Pauly B. have received the number one overall seed in the upcoming Star Night 2011 Turner Crockett Sr. invitational Memorial Cup coming up in about two weeks." Stu Naham, "That's right Velma and let's not forget Lucard's team also received a number two seed. We could be looking at a possible Star Night final four match-up right here!!"
Once in the ring Hugger and Clown run out to avoid the X-Force onslaught. Then Hawkthorn climbs to the top rope and Galago shakes the ropes!! Lucard is coaching his team on their every move knowing this is a huge match for them. Galago starts the main event against Bear Hugger who in his last match had a good showing against Silverdog. The crowd starts to chant "Wasteland Warriors, Wasteland Warriors!!" Then the X-Force start to dominate the match. Lucard seeing whats happening inside the ring steps over to Pauly B. and starts a confrontation. The muscular manager of the Warriors takes off his sunglasses and Golden Gate Rocky hat and warns Lucard to back off. The men in the ring see this and all four men end up outside the ring. Van Mystery is forced to start a count on both teams.
Lucard attempts to push Pauly with one arm but Pauly grabs his arm and pulls him in close and rams him over the head with a hammer fist punch!! Then all six men start fighting outside the ring. During the commotion Van Mystery calls for the bell signaling a double count out. Lucard and his men retreat to the back as the X-Force sticks around after the match.
Stu Naham, "What just happened over here?"
Hawkthorn yells, "Those clowns didn't want to face us and can't beat us anyway even if they did!! He Stu you know why the Warriors don't eat clowns? We do . . . for breakfast!! Aint that right big man."
Galago, "Let me tell you something Stu Naham!! We are the Warriors, the baddest team in professional wrestling today and that aint gonna ever change!! Bear Hugger and Mad Clown you better hope we don't get our hands on you come Star Night!! Nobody tries to take something we want and nobody touches our manager either, nobody!! Tell'em Paul"
Precious Pauly B., "That's right gentlemen the cards are almost fully dealt. Japan is right around the corner and it's gonna be the biggest show to ever hit this sport!! Last year the event was huge but this year it's gigantic!! Many of you media people are saying this show is up for grabs. If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong. The X-Force are the only team that can walk away from this thing standing and it doesn't take a smart person to figure that out. Come February 13 watching this pay-per-view event is the only place you need to be ladies and gentlemen. Or on a plane to Japan."
Hawkthorn gets in the last word as they start to walk away, "The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese." Then the show comes to a close.
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The scene opens in Bloody Bulldogs dressing room and he and Skyscraper go over some wrestling moves. Fabol Dorey just pushes the door open without knocking and says, "Tonight I need someone over the grill in Carl's Kitchen. He then throws a towel that hits the BAW World Heavyweight Champion in the face with a uniform. Then Dorey walks out without waiting on a response. Bloody Bulldog holds up the apron with a look of disgust on his face as Skyscraper just looks away.
Right now Rat Master also seems to be struggling with Tarantula. Then the taller Carnage get's tagged into the match and takes Master down in the corner and puts his black boot to his throat while gaining leverage from the ropes to choke his opponent. Then Ronin orders the monster out of the corner so he backs up off Rat Master. Then Master makes the tag to Rat Eater who comes in swinging. The taller Carnage just runs him over leaving him flat on the canvas. Then he tags Tarantula back into the match and he takes off flipping and then finally landing on his back with a big side splash squashing Rat Eater. Stu Naham calling the match, "Tarantula just hurt himself to hurt Rat Eater. He doesn't care if he hurts himself or not!!" Jack Johnson adds, "This team is very diabolical indeed Stu. Their manager DDR actually is not just a manager either. In the KMW he has been working his way up into the singles competition and from what I hear is a very talented wrestler himself." Tarantula throws the recently tagged Rat Master into the ropes and catches him with a boot to the face sending him into a twisting fall to the mat. Once Rat Master stands up dizzy and out of it in the center of the ring Tarantula climbs on the top rope in the middle, not in the corner, as Carnage pulls it back with his great strength. Then he releases it catapulting the Tarantula toward Rat Master with extreme force hitting him with a flipping bodyblock to take the BAW wrestler down. This move also hurts the Tarantula but he rolls over and makes the pin. Detroit Diamond Ronin's KMW team gets the victory by pinfall. After the match DDR and the Ronin Warriors make their way over to the podium for an interview with Stu and Jack.
Jack Johnson says, "Ian Van Elswyck called Mickey Brakkadogg early this morning and said he has a good team coming. That's all was said and I know this because I was standing in the room when Mic had Elswyck on the speakerphone ."
Stu Naham says, "When you brought your team to New York this morning Detroit Diamond did you think you had a chance?"
Detroit Diamond Ronin responds, "Seriously? You are asking me that? We wouldn't be in this sport if we didn't have the confidence in ourselves that we could win. This team comes out to win each and every time they step into the ring. I find this type of questioning very rude and elementary." Standing behind Ronin is Tarantula wearing a full body suit that is solid red with a black spider on the front. The only thing showing is his mouth and chin and you can see his razor sharp teeth when he opens his mouth. It appears as if they have all been filed down to a sharp point like a wild animal and the same goes for Carnage.
Johnson, "We are now told that this masked man the Tarantula and Carnage are the top tag team in the KMW. Do either of you two have anything to say?"
Tarantula, "Let me go on record to say we have now seen the competition here in New York and have found it wanting. If you follow the cold shiver running down your spine...[Cummings watches in fear as he gets closer , the Tarantula bares his teeth in an utterly manic grin... ] you'll see we've spun our first web here in New York today. "
Carnage, "That's right!! We have dominated tag teams in the KMW for the past six months and now it's time to expand our horizons. We are here to say what you won't, to do what you think we can't - to win things you say we can't... [He holds up a newspaper which Naham examines. The main headlines state "Who will win the coveted Turner Crockett Sr. Memorial Cup over in Osaka ,Japan next month?"] We are gonna continue to take apart any team from the BAW, PWA, KMW or any other region so everybody just keep your eyes open cause the 'Ronin Warriors' have spoken and if you are watching Crockett we will be waiting on our invitation."
Naham, "There you have it the Webbed Warriors and their manager Detroit Diamond Ronin. Now let's go to the ring and watch the BWC make it's debut on today's program.
Rock Star and Afterburner work for the 15,000 plus fans in the arena tonight. A mixture of boos and cheers fills the empty Empire Square Gardens. As the match starts L.O.R. still haven't become accustom to working together yet as they miss on double team maneuvers or do the wrong move. Tower of Power takes advantage of their miscues. Jimmy Bladder outside the ring continues to interfere with the match until he is caught red handed hitting Tower of Power with his megaphone. Shaggy Van Mystery calls for the bell awarding the BWC team of Tower of Power and Mr.America the victory.
*************In Carl's Kitchen********************
Silverdog, "I know it's gonna be tough leaving . . . all this. But you don't belong here Bulldog."
Bloody Bulldog,"Hey, keep flipping those burgers would you?" Silverdog grabs the spatula that looks tiny in his enormous hand and starts helping Bulldog.
Silverdog, "Your the BAW World Heavyweight Champion, the main event guy!! You don't need to be doing this stuff."
Bloody Bulldog looking at Silverdog, "Can you put a hat on if your gonna stand back here. You got all that hair you know."
Skeleton Skinner puts a chefs hat over his hood to." YES!! I COULD RULE THE RESTAURANT INDUSTRY WITH THIS HAT!! I CAN FEEL IT!!" Then Bulldog points for Skinner to get him some onions and take them to the salad bar.
Silverdog, "You need to stop acting like Dorey's employee and start being yourself. You need to be apart of our Universal Doom Squad!!" Then Carl Childers walks out and ask Bloody Bulldog what he's doing.
Carl Childers, "I wrecken the NWL had a complaint from some fellers today that said you smarted off to'um I'ma telling yeeee you can't be'a doing that nonsense. And what's these two untrained fellers a'doing back here with yeee? We got work to be done I wrecken, ummm hummmm." Bloody Bulldog just looks down at the floor and then at Silverdog. Bulldog says in a quit whisper to Silverdog, "If I here ummm hummm one . . . more . . . time . . . I'm gonna explode. . ." Then Carl ask a customer, "You wrecken you want some of the biggins, Ummmm hummmmm." In one motion he side kicks Carl in the face knocking him threw the double doors out into the food court.
Just then a young girls voice is heard complaining just out of camera view. Bloody Bulldog ask for Silverdog and Skeleton Skinner to hold on a second.
Then he walks around to where the girl is standing. It's Oceania from the MPW at the salad bar.
Oceania, "I don't like onions and I don't like these things either! I'll tell Fabol Dorey you aint doing your job right! He's gonna fire you all!!" Then Bloody Bulldog steps up to Oceania and bends down to her as she gets in his face and screams, "WHAT DO YOU WANT!!" Bulldog steps back for a moment and then dumps the bucket onions in water over her head!! The crowd does crazy!! Bloody Bulldog walks back over to Silverdog
Bulldog looks at Silverdog and Skeleton Skinner, "I'm in!!" Silverdog reaches in his bag and hands Bloody Bulldog his world belt. The three men throw their chef's hats on the grill and it catches fire!! Bloody Bulldog yells out, "I QUIT!!" The three men walk out together as they all wear a World Heavyweight Championship belt around their waist.
The fans really start to come alive because this is some of the best wrestling the BAW has ever produced. Gorf get's the upper hand outside the ring ramming Starman's head into the steel post. After a couple of bodyslams on the concrete from Gorf Starman rolls back into the ring barely missing the count out. But soon Gorf get's back into the ring Starman is ready for him and goes back to work with a fireman's carry takeover. Then a little later with Gorf standing right in front of him Starman does a Somersault kick that hit's Gorf right in the face. Starman climbs to the top rope and comes off with a flying cross chop!! Starman get's the victory by pinfall in his debut match here in the BAW.
American Heavyweight Title Match
WARRIOR - champion
////////MAIN EVENT///////
NWL Challenge Series Match
Once the match starts you can see the team work of Warrior and Rastan. This team looks like they have been tagging together for years. Warrior is a high flyer who loves using the top rope for attacking his opponent. Rastan prefers the ground game. Mad Dog #3 has his moments in the match as well with his humongous size and strength. He also has the agility of a much smaller man. Jungle Warrior and Mad Dog battle each other as Warrior jumps from the top rope only to be caught in mid air!! Mad Dog slams the Warrior to the mat and beats his chest mimicking Tarzan. Mad Dog ask Jungle Warrior, "Where's Jane at now Warrior?" Then Jungle Warrior makes the tag and Rastan comes in throwing punches and even attacks Levi Garrett knocking him off ring side to the floor. Then Jungle Warrior and Rastan both whip Mad Dog #3 into the ropes and hit him head on with a double spear taking the 456lb man to the mat. Rastan covers Mad Dog #3 for the pin as Shaggy Van Mystery gets the three count. Jungle Warrior and Rastan give the BAW a huge win over a highly competitive SWA team.
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Spiker Savage, Tornado Waster & Cyclone Killer vs. Karnov, Zangief and Tombstone w/Stan
Wicks is obviously trying to recruit Spiker Savage here today but with little results. It isn't until Savage kicks the New York Empire leader in the chest landing him down beside Karnov does he get the point. With Tombstone in the match he is not there to protect him as usual. Later Tombstone finally gets in the ring along with Tornado Waster at this point with the bodyguard in full control now. Then He tags Zangief who comes in and process to take care of business against Waster. Then Tornado Waster manages to crawl threw the giant Russians legs and reach Spiker Savage for the tag. Savage comes in and punches, smacks, dropkicks and finally running off the ropes hits Zangief with flying forearm to the head that cuts the big Russian down to size as he falls to his knees and then on his face. Savage climbs to the top rope and comes off like a rocket from high in the air down onto Zangiefs back with a elbow. Quickly he rolls him over and goes for the pinfall. Karnov and Tombstone rush the ring but are meet by Waster and Killer's helicopter kicks as Spiker Savage gets the three count from WMI Referee of the Year Shaggy Van Mystery.
BAW Woman's New York Tag Team Title Match
NEXXUS (Sabreena & Kaleena) vs. Savannah & Destiny -
New York native's Sabreena and Kaleena have on their Nexxus shirts as they come to the ring. Sabreena wears a red shirt as Kaleena wears a pink one. Savannah and Destiny look like they are all business as they make their way to the ring. This along with the previous match pits two heel team against one another. Nexxus made a name for themselves by attacking SWA Super Megastar Raquel Rack last year. New York fans however aren't as fond of the mid-western farm girl as the fans of Minnesota.
Once the match starts Sabrenna and Savannah lock up at center ring. Savannah takes control of the match early on with her excellent wrestling moves. This match would however go back and forth several times as Kaleena and Destiny are in the ring at the end. Destiny who has been beaten and is out of energy continues to try and reach for Savannah to make the tag. Mid way through the match Leeana and Roxie made their way to ringside giving cheap shots to the New York Champs at every opportunity. Kaleena throws Destiny into the ropes and catches her with a knee to the face. But the hit also takes out Shaggy Van Mystery. Once the referee is down Leeana and Roxie with a chair each hit Savannah in the back knocking her down to the floor. Then Roxie hands the chair to Kaleena who drags Destiny on it. Then Sabreena comes from the top rope with a buttsplash. Then Kaleena throws the chair out of the ring and helps up Van Mystery and covers Destiny for the pin. One, two, three we have new BAW Woman's New York Tag Team Champions!!
Back in the dressing room Nexxus is met by new MPW reporter Daphne Blake."Can I get a word from you ladies?" Sabrenna, "It's about time we get some love from the media." Kaleena says," That's because we are the BAW New York Tag Team Champions!!" Then the girls all shout and shake up champagne bottles and it spews everywhere. Daphne speaking to Nexxus leader Sabreena, "Do you think this huge victory here today puts your Nexxus group on the map as one of the elite forces in the MPW right now?" Sabreena, "You bet your #$@ it does sister!" The four girls laugh and give each other high fives while Sabreena keeps talking, "Raquel, Karma, Titania, Tecmessa, Sylvia, Tempest and all the top athletes of the MPW need to move over cause Nexxus has arrived!!" Daphne see's their new shirts and ask about them, "So what's this new style of shirt you four seem to be wearing? Last year the group went with purple and white but now you each have individual colors." Sabreena says, "Let me demonstrate." Then she ask Leeana if she wants to answer the question but Leeana turns her head away and declines. Sabreena explains, "You see Leeana is a bit bashful so she get's the aqua colored shirt." Then Sabreena looks at Roxie and ask, "If I look into a mirror and put my earrings in my right ear with his right hand, will my image seem to touch my left ear with my left hand. " Roxie just looks at Sabreena and then looks at the other two girls for a bailout but gets no help from them. Roxie answers with, "I wear a orange shirt." Sabreena looks at Daphne who let's a little laugh slip. Sabreena says, "You see Roxie is a special girl, a bit slow you might say . . even Pokey." Then Sabreena continues by throwing three flower vases across the room at Kaleena who catches all three with lightening speed and agility." Daphne says, "Speedy? I see what you have done here. Taken the personality's from the ghost of Pac Man and put them into your group. I guess with the red shirt that makes you Blinky the poor and mischievous child from the city?" Sabreena is smiling now as she see's Daphne gets it. Daphne finally puts it all together, "Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde translates Sabreena, Kaleena, Leeana and Roxie!!" Daphne ask, " I just have one more question ladies, what is your feelings concerning Raquel Rack taking almost all the WMI female awards the other night?" Kaleena answers that question, "If Raquel ever steps out of the SWA region she won't be nothing to beat. She is just another silver spoon fed wrestler that has never had to work for anything her entire life. Know this Raquel we are coming after you and your G.L.O.W. title so get ready!!" Then Sabreena, Kaleena, Leeana and Roxie all put their hands in a pile and yell "NEXXUS LIVES!!"
^^^^^CARL'S CORNER^^^^^^^
Carl barks out a few more orders for Bloody Bulldog as he comes over to the camera fixing to do his show. Bloody Bulldog can be heard grumbling in the background. Today's guest is the BAW American Heavyweight Champion Jumbo Warrior. Carl starts the interview as the two have a seat in front of a big green riding lawn mower, "Howdy big Warrior. I reckon you got big ale giant shoulders. Some of the biggest-ins I've ever seed I reckon. Ummm hummm. What you reckon we gonna talk about on my show today . . .It's my show I'm a tell'en yeee, name of Carls' Corner, Ummm." Jumbo Warrior looks up into the sky, "The forces of good and evil are upon us. I am ready to go to battle for Reznor my home planet. Forces are telling me Zangief thinks his Intercontinental Heavyweight Title is the number one contender to the BAW World Heavyweight Title and that just isn't so. I am the American Heavyweight Champion and I am going to take that Ice Cream pusher behind us is title. The World Heavyweight Title will be mine before the year is over because the Spirits have spoken Carl." Carl responds, "I don't reckon you don't need to be drinking them spirits cause sometimes they lie. . .ummm hummm. You think you might want to buy a good lawnmower Mr. Warrior? I got a green one back here that would . . ." Then Bloody Bulldog comes over and ask, "You say something?" Warrior jumps up staring at Bloody Bulldog who came up from behind him. Jumbo Warrior says "That belt is mine your wearing around your waist." Bulldog responds, "If you think your a big enough man to take it here I am." Carl says in the background, "If you two really want to wrestle in a sanctioned NWL match how about signing a title vs title match on February 5th during the year's first NWL Supershow? I have the contract right here fellers . . .ummmm hummm . . .I thought you two might be interested in stepping into the ring together after you spent some time together." Carl already has the contract in hand and puts it with an ink pen across the green hood of the riding lawn mower in his shop. Both men standing on either side of the mean green machine sign the paper . . . first Bloody Bulldog , then Jumbo Warrior. Carl now sitting on the lawnmower sums it up ordering Jumbo Warrior to leave now cause Bloody Bulldog had work to do selling ice cream since he left poor Skyscraper all alone to do all the work, "Looks like we got a title vs title match set for the NWL Supershow coming up on February 5th and we got it done right here in the lawn mower shop. Until next time ummm humm I'm Carl, name of Carl I'ma telling yee."
Ninja Gaiden & Pablo Millipede vs. Demolition Dunphy & Ted Dillinger
"Gasolina" plays in the large arena as Pablo Millipede makes his way to the ring giving high fives to the fans seated along the entrance ramp. Millipede who was booed in this arena just last year has seemed to have won the fans back. Then Ninja Gaiden's music hits the loudspeakers . . . "What happens in a man's life is already written. Man must move through life as his destiny will's." As the song plays a cloud of smoke arises in the ring and when it clears Ninja Gaiden is standing in the ring beside Millipede.
The four men stand in the ring facing one another as the bell sounds. Gaiden and Dunphy begin the match. Dunphy is a large 6'2 291lbs with excellent wrestling skills to boot as Gaiden finds out quickly. Gaiden and Millipede tag back and forth several times but can't seem to get the upper hand on the massive Dunphy. Demolition Dunphy controls the match early despite which wrestler was in the ring and tags Dillinger who comes in with a falling fist drop to the face of Gaiden. Then a stomp to the face of the BAW Maine Heavyweight Champion. Dillinger picks up Ninja Gaiden for a scoop powerslam followed by a piledriver. Pablo is going crazy on the side wanting in the match but the fallen Gaiden can't respond. Then Ted applies his finishing move the "Rocka Bye " which is a sleeper hold!! The groggy Ninja Gaiden fights to stay awake. Referee Shaggy Van Mystery picks up Gaiden's arm and it drops. Then a second time and it drops again. Van Mystery looks around and grabs his arm for the final time and . . .it falls!! Van Mystery calls for the bell as this KMW team has upset a top team in the BAW!!
American Tag Team Title Match
Kinni Kuman & Buffalo Man vs. Punisher & Wild Dog -
////////MAIN EVENT///////
PWA World Heavyweight Title Match
Bear Hugger w/Count Lucard vs. Silverdog -champion
Once to the ring the indestructible Silverdog get's stunned by Bear Hugger picking him up over his head with a crucifix powerbomb that lands Silverdog on his upper back and traps. The crowd can't believe what they just saw and cheer loudly for their home team. The two big proceed to go back and forth for several minutes with Silverdog growing more and more surprised with the big Bear Hugger's skill level.
Bear Hugger manages to get Silverdog in his patented "Bear Hug" that no man has ever escaped. Count Lucard gets really excited once his wrestler executes his finishing move. Silverdog manages however to get his arms down to his sides and he starts to break free of the hold. The crowd falls silent as they watch the action inside the ring. Silverdog finally breaks the hold after several minutes of struggling against the big man. Then after a elbow he thrust Bear Hugger into the ropes and hits him with a monster clothes-line with those 25' arms!! Bear Hugger lands flat on his back as the ring shakes violently. Then Silverdog picks Bear Hugger over his head and then goes into his "Gorilla Slam" where he lands on top of the opponent he is slamming. Referee Shaggy Van Mystery counts the three count as Silverdog get's the title defense against his toughest opponent to date. Then the show goes off with Silverdog standing at center ring holding up his PWA World Heavyweight Title.