The show opens with a flashback to Card 7 of the 2014 Coast to Coast MPW Women's World Title Match between the champion, Clover, and the Mothership. Clover hits the Mothership with a signature move, 'Tough Luck'. It was an awesome display of strength by Clover to get the 400 lb Mothership onto her shoulders for the high-impact move!! All Clover has to do now is cover the Mothership for the pin. Clover begins to crawl over to cover the challenger.....but wait a second,....Clover pauses and turns to glance around the opposite side of the ring as a vaguely familiar voice is calling her name. But who?....A tall, slender female with long dark hair stands just a couple feet from ringside, beckoning Clover's attention. Clover squints her eyes for a brief second, then suddenly a rush of confusion and surprise surges through her brain, forcing her to lose awareness of the grueling wrestling match she's been competing in for the past 27 minutes.
Clover's throat and mouth are dry as she struggles to speak the mysterious female's name......."M-..Mil-....Millicent?" Clover pulls herself up to her feet and walks over to the ropes, peering down at 'Millicent' in bewilderment. Millicent stares back at Clover with a seemably cold and solemn gaze. Clover begins to mouth the words.."What are you do-.....", then Millicent raises her left arm, holding a picture frame. The image in the picture startles Clover, and pengs of sorrow pierce her soul. Tears begin to well up in her eyes as Clover utters the name 'Mangus'. Millicent's expression changes slightly into a eerie smile. Then Millicent shouts out to Clover..."Mangus isn't dead, Clover! My brother.....your lover.....ISN'T DEAD!" Clover is visibly shaken as tears roll down her cheeks, and she shakes her head in confusion at Millicent's declaration. The fans watch intently at the exchange, just as confused about what is going on as Clover is. A few feet behind Clover, the Mothership has slowly sat up and begun to pull herself to her feet.
Clover wipes tears from her eyes and shouts back at Millicent...."Mangus is dead, Milly! You told me he was dead!! We were both there at his funeral!! Just you and me, Milly!! Nobody else!!"
Millicent begins laughing, which sends both surprise and anger through Clover's body. Clover shouts at Millicent..."WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!!!" Then suddenly, Millicent raises her right arm,...holding another picture frame......with a picture of....Silencer 7!! Chills rush up and down Clover's spine as shock, confusion, and finally realization....then disbelief rushes through her mind. Then Clover stares wildly into Millicent's eyes. Millicent smirks at Clover,....then a satisfied grin creeps along Millicent's face as she sees the large fist of the Mothership come crashing down onto the back of Clover's head. The fans had screamed relentlessly to try and warn her, but Clover had become deafened to her surroundings. Following the battering-ram force to the back of her head, Clover's body fell helplessly to the mat, and her consciousness fell into darkness. The Mothership pulled Clover's limp body to the middle of the ring, then dropped her 400 lb body on top of her for the pin. Steve Swinson makes the count......1.....2.....3!!! The Mothership is the new MPW Women's World Champion!!
Then the SHOWCASE 2015 theme music begins playing, accompanied by a barrage of highlights from MPW Women's Wrestling archives........
KIRK CHASER: "Mega Pro Wrestling fans, welcome to the 2015 MPW SHOWCASE pay-per-view!! I'm your host, Kirk Chaser. At my side on her first assignment as an MPW broadcaster, is April O'Neil. She is very well-known to our fans in New York City, where April was a news reporter for Channel 6 News. Welcome to the MPW broadcasting team, April."
APRIL O'NEIL: "Thank you very much, Kirk. I'm excited to be part of Mega Pro Wrestling, and it's quite an honor to be starting my job on the MPW's biggest show of the year."
KIRK CHASER: "Fans are still buzzing about the events that went down on Card 7 of last year's Coast to Coast Tour. The Mothership defeats Clover for the Women's World Championship, but the underlying story about the mysterious female at ringside is making even bigger headlines, April."
APRIL O'NEIL: "You're absolutely right, Kirk. I was able to uncover several details about the identity of this female whose name is 'Millicent Cade'. But Kirk, the story only begins with her name. From there, there are several shocking and complex details on who exactly she is, and what she was doing at ringside during Clover's title match."
KIRK CHASER: "Well, let's just get right down to it, April. Who is Millicent Cade? And what was her motives for interrupting Clover's title match, which Clover seemed clearly was only a pinfall away from winning?"
APRIL O'NEIL: "Well, Kirk, after conducting several interviews with various parties involved, I was able to confirm that Millicent Cade is in fact the sister of WWO superstar, Silencer 7. Silencer 7's real name is Mangus Cade. But the real shocking backstory behind all of this is that Mangus and Clover were at one time, several years ago, engaged to be married."
KIRK CHASER: "That's unbelievable!"
APRIL O'NEIL: "Yes, Kirk. Mangus Cade was involved with a covert operations millitary team, code-named 'World Devastators'. This millitary team was so top-secret that all members were forbidden to reveal their involvment to anyone outside of the CIA. So, not even Clover knew that her fiance' was part of this unit. Following an unforseen tragedy during a secret mission, the entire team perished in a helicopter crash....all but, Mangus, who miraculously survived with severe injuries that damaged his vocal cords and left very severe structural and cosmetic damage to his face. Mangus would undergo hours of reconstructional surgery to his larynx and face. Although the surgery was deemed a moderate success, the surgeons determined that Mangus would never regain full functionality of his vocal cords without the assistance of an experimental, electronic voice- projection device that was implanted and fused into his larynx. It allows Mangus the ability to speak, but with an unnatural, robotic voice. The facial scarring was also repaired to the best of the surgeon's abilities, but still a signifigant and visible diagonal scar remains across his face."
KIRK CHASER: "Thus, that would explain for the mask he wears to cover the scar. And he apparently is self- conscious about his voice, so that is why he never speaks on camera?"
APRIL O'NEIL: "Yes, that is correct, Kirk. But even more important than that was the fact that Silencer 7 hid his true identity all these years because he couldn't bare to face his fiance', Stephanie 'Clover' Trayson in the condition that the accident had left him in."
KIRK CHASER: "A very heartbreaking story indeed."
APRIL O'NEIL: "Mangus kept a very low profile after that. Only Mangus' sister, Millicent, his only surviving family member, knew that Mangus was still alive, and living in seclusion. Mangus instructed Millicent to tell Clover that he had been in a group of climbers killed by and avalanche during a trek up Mount Everest, and that rescuers were unable to recover any of their bodies. Mind you, the whole Mount Everest trek was only a cover story that Mangus had given to Clover prior to his secret military mission. Millicent didn't like the idea, but she did as Mangus instructed her. He also made his sister promise to never tell anyone the truth. Clover was devastated of course. To escape from the heartbreaking pain that she felt, she buried herself into her martial arts. She had studied since she was a young child, but now she took the next step by leaving America for South Korea where she studied intensely for years under Tae Kwon Do master, Pak Sik. When Clover finally returned to America, she became friends with David Von Ramrock. They dated off and on, but never anything too serious. They were more like best friends. Clover even taught David some Tae Kwon Do, and in turn, David taught Clover some amateur wrestling. Then the two agreed to pursue careers in pro-wrestling. And they have been friends eversince."
KIRK CHASER: "So how did Mangus Cade's decision to become a pro-wrestler come about? And did David Von Ramrock know that Silencer 7 was really Mangus Cade?"
APRIL O'NEIL: "Those are two excellent questions, Kirk. I was able to discuss the matter with DVR face to face. But to your first question, Mangus' journey into the sport of pro- wrestling began the day that he saw his ex-fiance', Stephanie Trayson on the cover of a wrestling magazine, donning the name of Clover. Mangus had longed to be near her again. And he knew that if he posed as a masked wrestler that he could possibly do so. Even if it meant never revealing to her that he was still alive. Mangus also needed a steady means of income, and with his extensive military and bodybuilding training, he knew that he was more than capable of making it in the sport. Thus, both of his objectives could be accomplished."
KIRK CHASER: "A remarkable story, indeed."
APRIL O'NEIL: "As for whether DVR was aware of Silencer 7's true identity. The answer is no. At least not for the first few years. DVR told me that he heard Clover talk of Mangus Cade all the time. She had never completely gotten over him. DVR had become as close of a friend as Silencer 7 had in the wrestling business, outside of his tag partner, Interceptor. They travelled up and down the roads, and overseas in this business. DVR began to have suspicions about Silencer 7. The way he would stare intently at Clover, and the amazing physical resemblances that DVR had noticed between Silencer 7 and some old photos of Mangus Cade that Clover had kept. But the deciding factor that made DVR certain that Silencer 7 was indeed Clover's long lost love, was when DVR spotted a tattoo on Mangus Cade's chest. Silencer 7 had been the victim of a hit and run on the night of November 28, 2013. It was in Corbin, Kentucky about an hour after The Gathering pay-per-view. Silencer 7's car had been ran off the road, over an embankment and into a tree. Another motorist had seen the incident, and claimed that the suspect's car looked like to be occupied by two or three masked figures. The motorist went on to say that one of the masks appeared to be a hockey mask."
KIRK CHASER: "Hmmmm. It wouldn't take more than a guess to figure who those three masked figures might be."
APRIL O'NEIL: "Nevertheless, an unconscious Silencer 7 was rushed by ambulance to the Corbin Baptist Regional Medical Center. There was no identity on Silencer 7, but he was very recognizable by his mask. So the hopsital immediately contacted David Von Ramrock, who rushed to the hospital along with Interceptor and Larry Von Ramrock. The emergency staff didn't remove Silencer 7's mask, but they did remove his shirt. So when DVR walked into the emergency room, he spotted a tattoo on his friend's chest. The tattoo was simply a name........'Stephanie'."
KIRK CHASER: "So DVR put two and two together very quickly after that."
APRIL O'NEIL: "Indeed he did, Kirk. Silencer 7 was diagnosed only with a mild concussion. And about a week later, DVR finally had a long, private talk with Silencer 7. Silencer 7 confessed to DVR that he was in fact, Mangus Cade. But he also made DVR promise not to tell anyone else, especially Clover. So DVR kept the secret from then on."
KIRK CHASER: "But then why all of sudden did Mangus Cade's own sister appear at ringside during Clover's World title defense at the Coast to Coast Tour, and break her promise to her brother?"
APRIL O'NEIL: "Well, Kirk, after I was able to get an interview with Millicent Cade, she told me why. She had resented Clover for the fact that her brother was too afraid to let the world know he was still alive. She blames Clover for making her brother hide his face behind a mask. She felt that her brother was making a fool of himself by living his life as a masked pro-wrestler just to be close to Clover. So Millicent decided to hurt Clover by delivering the shocking news to her during the most important match of her career! And that's exactly what she did. Not only did the news send Clover into an emotional state of distraught and confusion, but it also caused her to lose the MPW Women's World Title to the Mothership."
KIRK CHASER: "What an incredible story."
APRIL O'NEIL: "Only time will tell if Clover can bounce back from this shocking event. As well as what will become of Silencer 7 and Clover at this point."
KIRK CHASER: "Fans, we will certainly keep a close watch on this developing story uncovered by the lovely and talented April O'Neil. But in the meantime, we have a tremendous card in store for you tonight!!
APRIL O'NEIL: "So true, Kirk. All six MPW singles and tag championships will be on the line tonight for the Showcase pay-per-view."
KIRK CHASER: "That is indeed the case, Miss O'Neil. So let's get this SHOWCASE on the road. Let's go to the ring for our first match!"
Tosha and Nicoline had brought their trademarked brutal style of wrestling overseas from Sweden to America, and it had catapulted them to the United States tag team titles. Along the way, the Klassen sisters made a few enemies. None of them bigger than their challengers tonight, the Marlowe sisters, Chelsea and Cathrine. The bitter feud would reach new heights in tonight's title match. The crowd was clearly behind the Canadian girls, and they used that emotional fuel from the fans to drive them to the top of their game. Chelsea and Cathrine would take control late in the match as they executed double-flying elbows on Nicoline Klassen. Cathrine would follow that up with a leg-drop from the 2nd turnbuckle across Nicoline's chest. It was a move she had learned from her father, Lumber Jack Marlowe, known as the "flying guillotine legdrop". Cathrine would cover Nicoline for the pin, but Tosha would run in and break up the count. Chelsea would run in to even the odds, but Tosha knock her off balance with a huge forearm, sending Chelsea through the ropes, and hitting the ring apron before finally landing hard on the floor.
With her sister on the floor, Cathrine would find herself on the receiving end of the Klassen sister's finisher, the "Flicka Jagare". Nicoline would cover Cathrine for the three-count, and just like that the Klassens retain the United States tag team titles.
KIRK CHASER: "It's insane to think our opening match featured such a heated rivalry by two world class tag teams. A match like that could have been featured as the main event on any regular MPW Mega Mania show."
APRIL O'NEIL: "I agree, Kirk, and the same can be said about our second match of tonight's Showcase event. The MPW's top rookie of 2014 will be taking on the Female Rookie of the Year for 2012, Nemesis Brody for the MPW Covergirl championship belt."
KIRK CHASER: "Unbelievable!! Fans, the MPW has the deepest pool of talent in women's wrestling, and the list keeps growing and growing! Both of these women are undefeated!! Who will be the first to taste defeat tonight?"
APRIL O'NEIL: "Let's go to the ring and find out, Kirk!"
|*|*|*|*|----MPW COVERGIRL TITLE MATCH----|*|*|*|*|
Mr. Wizard would lead his latest protege' to the ring as the fans cheered. The Electric Bride's eyes were wide-open as gazed from side to side at the cheering fans. Her mouth was open as well in a peculiar smile. The metal braces on her teeth appeared to show a faint glow of electricity. Mr. Wizard proudly held the ropes for her as she climbed into the ring. Moments later, Nemesis Brody would make her way to the ring with the Covergirl title around her waist. Nemesis entered the ring and immediately walked to the center of the ring to stand toe to toe with her challenger. The tension was extremely high as the two tall women locked in a staredown.
As soon as the bell rang, Nemesis Brody struck out with a vicious forearm catching the challenger off-guard. Nemesis drove the challenger back against the ropes with a series of punches, and then she screamed out a defiant roar to the crowd. The slight breach of focus would backfire as the Electric Bride shook off the early onslaught by the champion, the she struck back wildly with a barrage of punches of her own. The crowd would go nuts!! Electric Bride would heft Nemesis up for a sidewalk slam, then she followed it up with a leaping elbow drop.
Nemesis would battle back as the momentum shifted back and forth over the next several minutes. Nemesis would attempt to pick the Electric Bride up into her "Torture Rack" submission hold, but each time the Bride was able to slide off of Nemesis' shoulders before she could lock the hold in. Nemesis would pound Electric Bride to the mat with a huge bodyslam, the climb to the top turnbuckle. But by the time Nemesis made it to the top, the Electric Bride had already made it back to her feet to sweep Brody's feet out from under her. Nemesis landed in a seated position on the top turnbuckle. This put her in a bad position as the Electric Bride was able to hit her with her finisher, "High-voltage"!! The crowd went crazy as Mr. Wizard jumped in excitement and yelled for Bride to cover Nemesis for the pin.
Referee Willie Gilligan would make the count.....One.....two....thr-..NO! Nemesis was able to lift up her leg over the bottom rope, stopping the count! The crowd gasped in disappointment, and the match continued. Nemesis Brody would pull herself back together and eventually take control of the match once again. Both women would attempt several more pinfalls, but each time there was a kickout just before the count of three. In the end, the 25 minute time-limit would expire and the match would be declared a draw. Nemesis Brody would retain the Covergirl Championship, and both women would keep their undefeated streaks intact.
KIRK CHASER: "I can't believe the action we've seen so far, April. What an incredible show, and we're only a third of the way through!"
APRIL O'NEIL: "The Electric Bride really earned alot of respect tonight after going the distance with Nemesis Brody. Let's face it, she's still pretty green in the business, but she held her own against one of the MPW's top superstars!"
KIRK CHASER: "Those two may meet again in the very near future. Perhaps with a longer time limit. Twenty five minutes just wasn't enough for two women of their caliber."
APRIL O'NEIL: "I agree, Kirk. Now let's go back to the ring for our next match as the MPW World Six-Woman Tag Team Champions look to defend their trophy against Jungle Girl and Chasca, and their newly acquired partner.....the very talented Shasta!!"
|*|*|*|*|----MPW WORLD SIX-WOMAN TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH----|*|*|*|*|
Jungle Girl and Chasca had somehow convinced Shasta to join them in their pursuit of championship gold in the form of the MPW World Six-Woman tag team trophy. Although some insiders would say that Shasta's motivation was more of a personal vendetta against the masked female wrestler known as Patches. The story of the supposed feud between Shasta and Patches had never been publicly revealed. However the feud had been confirmed by two different sources close to the situation,....David Von Ramrock and Super Josh. Neither man went into detail, but DVR seemed to side with Patches, while Super Josh was backing Shasta.
Jungle Girl would start the match off against Savannah. Savannah was considered a strong contender the MPW World title in the past, but now she was focused on building a legacy along with Jaina and Patches to become the greatest six-woman tag team in the history of the sport. Savannah would take control of the match for her team early on as she displayed her superior skills over Jungle Girl. It was highly entertaining match as the champions seemed to be in control. Finally, Chasca would make the tag to Shasta as she entered the ring for the first time. Some would say that Shasta was the MPW's top rookie last year instead of the Electric Bride. MPW owner, Max Jackson declared the rookie debate to be a dead-heat between the two competitors, that would ultimately be decided somewhere down the road if and when their paths crossed.
Jaina Shadow would move forward to lock up with Shasta, but Shasta waved her off, then pointed her finger towards Patches outside the ring. Jaina obliged by walking over to tag Patches into the match. The crowd erupted as they were all aware of the reported heat between the two. Shasta would spring into an assault before Patches finished stepping both feet into the ring. Shasta would throw Patches into the ropes, then leap high into the air with the most impressive dropkick you could hope to see in pro wrestling. However, Patches managed to hold onto the ropes with one hand and stopping her forward momentum just out of reach of the strike by Shasta's extended feet. Shasta would land onto her back on the mat, and Patches would turn a cartwheel, followed a backflip into the air. Patches drove her elbow down towards Shasta, but Shasta miraculously recovered quickly enough to ward off the blow by blocking upward with both hands. Both women simultaneously flipped up off of the mat to their feet at the exact same time, then locked eyes in a ultra-competitive stare. The fans exploded with applause, showing their admiration for the skill of both women.
Shasta and Patches would continue with their counter for counter battle until Chasca managed to deliver a boot to the ribs of Patches as she got too close to the challengers' corner. Patches would be on the receiving end of alot of punishment as the challengers tagged in and out. But in the end, Patches would manage to make the hot tag to Savannah. Savannah would eventually roll up Chasca in a wheelbarrow victory roll for the pinfall as Steve Swinson made the!! The team of Savannah, Patches, and Jaina Shadow would retain the MPW World Six-Woman Tag Team titles!
KIRK CHASER: "There you have it folks, the World Six-Woman Tag Team Trophy stays with the champions,...Savannah, Patches, and Jaina Shadow."
APRIL O'NEIL: "They are definitely the best that this division has to offer, Kirk. They were impressive once again tonight. But I would expect that the feud between Shasta and Patches is only getting started."
KIRK CHASER: "It certainly seems so, April. Fans, the MPW Divas Chmampionship match is up next! Let's go back to the ring!"
|*|*|*|*|----MPW DIVAS TITLE MATCH----|*|*|*|*|
Star Blake was out to end Hayley's reign as the MPW Divas Champion. Hayley had defeated Star's friend, Shayna Carlton for the Divas title back on March 17, 2013. Star had also not held a singles title since 2011. So she was more than determined to do whatever it took to defeat the Divas Champ. Shayna Carlton accompanied Star to the ring in an attempt to intimidate Hayley. Hayley usually could count on Clover to come to her aid, but Clover was not at the arena tonight, after requesting a leave of abscence from the business following her loss to the Mothership last fall.
The match started off explosively as expected. Then just as a blind man could have predicted, Shayna Carlton would sneak in some cheap shots every chance she got when the referee wasn't looking. Despite the fact that she was seemably fighting two foes, Hayley held her own. She had improved by leaps and bounds over the past couple of years. Hayley had become such an impervious student of the sport. She had vast knowledge over the entire modern history of wrestling,...every single federation, both men's and women's. She worked harder than anyone in the business. Even Larry Von Ramrock had given her the greatest vote of confidence that "she was on the verge of becoming the next great MPW Women's World Champion".
Tonight's match against Star Blake, and the outside interference of Shayna Carlton was about to test her like nothing else in her career had to this point. Even with Shayna's help, Star still could not keep Hayley down for the count. Finally Phoebe Alamayne would also make her way to ringside, as she had become the third wheel of Star and Shayna's group. Things was starting to look desperate for the Divas champion. But then suddenly a figure emerged from the crowd. A man with a slim and muscular frame stepped over the ringside railing and began walking towards Phoebe Alamayne and Shayna carlton. The two women backed away slowly as the man seemed to make them uneasy. He was wearing jeans and a black tank-top. The man's approach had forced Shayna and Phoebe to back all the way up onto the entrance ramp, while he stood with his arms crossed. He flashed a defiant grin at them as Hayley ducked a clothesline and delivered a boot into Star Blake's stomach, then crashed her headfirst into the mat with a DDT.
The crowd rose to their feet as Hayley got back to her feet and yelled out the letters "S-S-T!!" A groggy Star Blake slowly gets back to her feet and turns around just as Hayley hits her with her finisher, the 'Springboard Suicida Thrust-kick'! Hayley covers Star for the pinfall as Willie Gilligan makes the!!! Hayley retains the MPW Divas title. The man in the black tank-top claps his hands while flashing a wry grin towards Shayna and Phoebe, who are both yelling obscenities at him. However they keep their distance as a defeated Star Blake rolls out of the ring, and slowly begins crawling towards the entrance ramp on her hands and knees.
Referee Willie Gilligan hands the Divas Championship title to Hayley as the man in the black tank top climbs into the ring. He walks over and embraces with Hayley in a congratulatory hug. Shayna and Phoebe help Star up to her feet, and they retreat up the ramp.
KIRK CHASER: "The question on my mind right now, April, is just who in fact was that man in the black tank top? I'm sure Phoebe Alamayne and Shayna Carlton are both wondering as well. Do you have any idea?"
APRIL O'NEIL: "As a matter of fact I do, Kirk. That man happens to be a rookie of the WWO, as well as being Hayley's boyfriend. He will be wrestling under the name, 'Lunatic Fringe'."
KIRK CHASER: "Wow, you have not ceased to amaze me with your extensive journalistic skills, April!"
APRIL O'NEIL: "Awww. Thank you, Kirk. I suppose I just really enjoy my job, Kirk. I never stop chasing all the stories in pro wrestling."
KIRK CHASER: "Well, I'm not easily impressed, but you've certainly made quite an impression on me so far. But now fans, we are ready for our next match. The Goth Girls look to continue their dominance as MPW Women's World Tag Team Champions. Let's go to the ring!!"
|*|*|*|*|----MPW WOMEN'S WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH----|*|*|*|*|
Mr. Wizard would make his second appearance of the night as he led Alondra Rickond and Venus Vagaond to the ring. Moments later the Goth Girl's music hit the speakers. Ramona Riot and Sheena Stormer made their way to the ring with the MPW Women's World Tag Team straps around their waists. A few young fans held out their hands to try and touch the champions, but Ramona and Sheena were having none of it. Ramona yelled out, "Take a hike, you losers!!". Sheena added her own two cents,...."We don't need no stinkin' fans! Especially no stink snot-nose brats!!"
When the match began, the Goth Girls showed why they have held a stranglehold on the MPW tag titles for 39 months straight! Riot and Stormer pounded away on Alondra Rickond for several minutes, while Venus watched helplessly on the ring apron. Rickond would eventually make the tag, and Venus Vagabond would use her gymnastic skill to propel herself over the top rope, excuting a flip in mid-air, then extending both legs to kick out at both Sheena and Ramona, knocking them both to the mat. Vagabond and Rickond would look sharp for the next several minutes in the match. The Goth Girls became frustrated.
Near the end of the match, the tide would turn again as Ramona delivered and illegal forearm to Venus Vagabond's throat. Alondra was visibly concerned as she saw Venus clutching her throat and gasping for air. Alondra tried to enter the ring to check on Venus, but referee Willie Gilligan rushed forward to hold her back. Sheena Stormer quickly entered the ring while Gilligan was dealing with Alondra. Then the Goth Girls executed a vicious double-powerbomb on the incapicitated Venus Vagabond. The impact of the powerbomb bounced Vagabond's head off of the ring canvas, instantly knocking her out. Ramona Riot covered Vagabond for the pin as Willie Gilligan whirled around to make the count. Following the three-count, the Goth Girls began taunting the fans. Alondra Rickond quickly rushed to Venus Vagabond's side. Mr. Wizard was also visibly worried, and he yelled for the paramedics to come to the ring.
Electric Bride would also rush to the ring to check on her friend. Venus Vagabond's brother, Kevin Bond had been in attendance at the event to watch his sister. He quickly made his way from a private luxury box in the arena and rushed to ringside. The Goth Girls stopped atop of the entrance stage watching the commotion inside the ring. They felt no remorse at all. Sheena and Ramona began joking and giving throat-slashing gestures before finally exiting behind the curtains. Reports later would state that Venus Vagabond had regained consciousness and was listed in stable condition at a local hospital.
KIRK CHASER: "Fans, we want to send our thoughts and prayers to Venus Vagabond. We have reports that she will be fine, but she will be spending the night at the local hospital."
APRIL O'NEIL: "It was a brutal combination of moves by the Goth Girls, Kirk, but Venus vagabond is one tough lady. We can expect her to bounce back before you know it."
KIRK CHASER: "It's been a tremendous night of matches so far, and now we are ready for our main event of the evening. The MPW Women's World Champion, the Mothership will be making her first title, get ready for this........against none other than the former 4-year reigning MPW World Champion....TECMESSA!!!!"
APRIL O'NEIL: "I'm so excited to see this matchup, Kirk! I have admired Tecmessa for so many years. She was a pioneer in women's wrestling. She was the first women's champion. She dominated the division for years, and now she's back to try and recapture the title she wore proudly for such a long time. With an unbelievable record, eleven successful title defenses!!"
KIRK CHASER: "But the Mothership is the largest female wrestler in the sport. As well as being one of the most powerful, and most feared! Can Tecmessa end the Mothership's title reign in tonight's main event?! Let's go to the ring and find out!!"
APRIL O'NEIL: "Whooo! I can't wait!! Let's do it!!"
|*|*|*|*|----MPW WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH----|*|*|*|*|
Tecmessa stepped out from behind the curtains to the entrance stage to the loudest pop of the night. The packed crowd were all on their feet as Tecmessa made her way to the ring, wearing her traditional gray, green, and white outfit, and the long black boots with green laces. Tecmessa smiled and waved at the fans as stepped into the ring. The just as soon as the Mothership's music hit the speakers, Tecmessa's smile quickly vanished and she became all business.
The Mothership took her time walking to the ring with her extra-large frame. She snarled at the fans as she made her way down the aisle. When she finally entered the ring, she let out a loud roar, then she began jumping and pounding her feet into the mat as a show of dominance. That this ring, and this arena....belonged to her. Moments later, the champion shot threatening glances towards the challenger as referee Steve Swinson stood between them in the center of the ring. Then the two women were backed into separate corners by Swinson before he called for the bell. Tecmessa remained unshaken, and totally focused as she eyed the massive Mothership across the ring. The Mothership gritted her teeth like an angry gorilla.
The bell sounded, and both women shout out of their corners like being shot out of a cannon. But Tecmessa shot out alot faster. Before the Mothership had taken even 3 steps, Tecmessa had already blasted her in the jaw with a huge forearm. The blow knocked the champion off balance as she stumbled backwards. Tecmessa struck repeatedly, with the final blow sending the Mothership spiralling around into the corner. Tecmessa grabbed a handful of the Mothership's hair, then she rammed her face-first into the turnbuckle as the fans kept count.....1...2....3...4....5....6....7.....8....9........10!!! Tecmessa released the Mothership's hair, and the champion stumbled backwards toward the center of the ring.
The Mothership tried to shake the cobwebs from her head. She could see Tecmess standing in front of her, so the Mothership lunged out to try and grab her, but Tecmessa nailed her with a big fist to the chin. The Mothership teetered back and forth before finally stumbling forward.....into the awaiting arms of the challenger! Tecmessa hefted the 400-pound plus Mothership off of the mat, and sent her crashing down to the mat with her explosive finisher....the 'Amazon Slam'!!! The crowd exploded in a deafening roar! Tecmessa covered the Mothership for the!!! Tecmessa has defeated the Mothership to recapture the MPW Women's World Championship!!!!
Tecmessa stands to her feet as Willie Gilligan raises her arm. Tears begin welling up in her eyes as she takes in the moment while the fans cheer her on. Willie Gilligan presents her with the MPW World title. Then one of her NEW best friends runs down the entrance ramp, and slides into the ring to congratulate her. Kelsy gives a big hug to Tecmessa, who had become a mentor and a friend to her over the past couple years. Then a few moments later, L.A. Destructor, L.A. Spike, and even her parents...Max and Abigail Jackson make their way to the ring to join in on the celebration. Even the longtime PWA World Heavyweight Champion, Silverdog comes to the ring to congratulate Tecmessa. The fans continue to chant her name as the celebration continues for several minutes.
KIRK CHASER: "Fans, what a tremendous ending to tonights Showcase event! We hope you have enjoyed it just as April and I have, right here at ringside."
APRIL O'NEIL: "It's certainly been one of the most exciting events I've ever been apart of Kirk. And I can't wait for the rest of 2015 here in Mega Pro Wrestling!"
KIRK CHASER: "Fans, we hope you'll join us again on our regular program, Mega Mania. Check your local listings for the next show. For April O'Neil, I'm Kirk Chaser. Good night and God Bless!!"
APRIL O'NEIL: "Good night, everyone!"
The show comes to a close as the credits begin to roll, and highlights from tonight's event replay on the screen. Fade to black...........