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The Dion Nash Site is two years old!

I started building The Dion Nash Site when I really should have been studying for mid-year exams in 1999. The first pages, the product of zero web-design skills, went online on June 20. Now, when I should be studying for mid-year exams in 2001, I find myself writing a tribute to The Dion Nash Site's second birthday.

I believe this site is amongst the oldest websites dedicated to New Zealand cricketers, or at least amongst the oldest still running. I am proud that this site has been continuously active since it's creation. Unfortunately Dion Nash's cricketing career has been frequently inactive over the same time period. But, with the Sri Lankan series starting in a month's time, hopefully that is about to change.

In the meantime, I have prepared this little 'museum' about the site's development, which compares the two previous site designs with the present one (hopefully an improvement!):

June, 1999
September, 1999
June, 2001
