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The Dion Nash Site
Guestbook Archive 2

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Lisa The Lou Vincent Site 04/Feb/2002:00:03:10
Hey Kit! I'm still getting around to writing you an email *sighs* I'm
VERY slack! Just thought I'd checkout the site and discovered you'd
totally changed the design...I LOVE IT! Very clean, nice graphics...any
way you want to take over Lou's site? ;) Dion bowled well the other
night...what a great feeling it was to see his face back in the team!
Andy Greenfield Police Oracle 31/Dec/2001:00:11:52
Found this site whilst surfing.
kerrie fox   18/Dec/2001:10:01:35
I agree with u that dion is a great cricketer.I met the New Zealand
team when they visited England as they played in a match in mk where i
live -&- my mum done the scoreing.Sadly tho Dion did not play in that
game but i got all there autographs -&- i had a chat with Matthew Horne
he is a lovely man -&- i cant wait until they are back in England . loe
the site anyway
Jo   10/Dec/2001:11:36:48
I keep forgetting to tell you - but in the Woman's Day around the week
when Dion got injured, there was a tiny little gossip thing - and it
said Mr. Dion Nash and Miss Bernice Mene were seen in a jewelry shop.

I'm still convinced it's all a big cover up ;) and the rest of this
should be written in an email, in case Dion finds out I uncovered the
truth. Let's just say it involves Shayne O'Connor. ;)

Guess what - I'm nuts today. :)
Jo Wizzer: Paul Wiseman 06/Dec/2001:21:32:38
Hey (s)Kittles.
I love the site, the pretty blue is like seeing deep into Dion eyes
just as you said. You can be very proud - and Dion can be proud - we
can all be proud that you've dedicated your time to such a wonderful
man, and of course a wonderful site.

I'll stop babbling now.

Long live Dion Nash. Not so much Bernice though...
jules o dea   02/Dec/2001:07:54:27
hey dion nash your a pretty good player
chuhquinne Nash Get That Bird 29/Nov/2001:22:22:41
well. baby blue. to match those... uhh... baby blue eyes. when they
dare to emerge from the "fold".
nice tribute, nice new look, especially the picture page which ++++
efficiency factor.
more pictures of dion's bowling face appearing in java script boxes
at random moments would definitely improve things.
dion is the best, in a very special way.
on his own level.
come back soon Dion! Good luck!
Hallo Keet.
xxx KHTRéNNhe
Graeme ~Stodart   28/Oct/2001:11:44:26
message to dion, stephen, chris and the boys. dated 28/10/01. Taking on
the aussies is mental. forget any performances against the pre test
teams, attitude and determination and a belief to succeed will be enough
to trouble the aussies. nash, cairns, o'conner havethe talent to knock
out the aussie batting lineup. just don't let them treat you like second
class opposition otherwise thats what you'll become. Set plans to get
get them out. even if its not there weakness, make them think it is. it
is totally a mind game. as for the bating, they will eventually get you
out, there atack it second to none, but they have been known to crack
for a session or so. Make it count. Fast scoring is more beneficial than
building an innings. where is matt horne???? has someone forget that he
belted the aussie attack around in his first test against the aussies in
austrailia in the last series abroad!!!! psychologically he must hold
some advantage over the aussies and i think that srt of inings is wha
James Redpath   23/Sep/2001:12:07:48
I am 16 year old tennis player who had a stress fracture in lower back
in January 2000 so are interested in the recovery you have made from
the same. Good luck for the cricket season.Hope its injury free for
Navesh GREEN AND GOLD 11/Sep/2001:13:08:04
Great site it looks really good. I'm not really a Nash fan though. Keep
up the excellent work though.
Lisa Grindlay The Lou Vincent Site 10/Sep/2001:20:27:33
Heya Kit...
Just checking out your site again, and aha! I found a new drawing that
I haven't got on my site yet! you mind if I borrow it, pretty
please? I love the way you handle colour...I'm still not brave enough
to switch from pencil portraits, but maybe this coming season. Keep up
the awesome stuff, will you be embarassed if I say I want to be as good
a web-designer as you someday? Cya round - Lisa
Deepti Shaun Pollock - The BEST Ever!! 26/Aug/2001:21:18:14
Great site!!!
Lots of info...wonderful layout.
Keep up the good work :)
And please visit my site some time
Jo Wizzer | Paul Wiseman 15/Aug/2001:13:53:17
Thought I'd come down and say Hi! In my usual Jo fashion, uh - your
very belated email reply is coming, and I'm not going to make any lame
excuses. I'll scan that picture of Tim for you, and you can see if you
think he looks anything like Dion.

Most of all, I think that 'Nashflash' is so cute. It will now be part
of my vocabulary, along with Nathey-Wathey. ;) Have a good
Stef sports site 14/Aug/2001:18:32:34
This is a very nice site.
Feel free to browse into my site.
Smitha Smitha's Justin Langer Page 30/Jul/2001:20:01:53
Hi there again. I thought I'd better sign this twice - for my 2 sites,
you know. In case someone clicks on the homepage links and explores
mine. Am doing some unabashed site promo :)))
Smitha Smitha's Steve Waugh Page 30/Jul/2001:19:48:23
Hey - this is a real cool site on Nash. I can't imagine how I'd missed
it earlier. Why dont u put up links to other cricket sites, not just
ones connected with NZ cricket? You can link up mine then :) I have 2
sites - one on Steve Waugh and one on Justin Langer. Anyway, I'll link
you up from my sites. C ya..Cheerz..Smitha
David Haines   23/Jul/2001:11:24:19
you are a good player to the New Zealand team
djedja borrenle he! HEH! 21/Jul/2001:12:35:33
el pae-pae
a gombrehensive soide guvvering edryving oide vink relevainte do zduddy
ove "Dion Nayshe."
Ber-aps zum vings leven oud, zugh as golv-ing sdadizdiks, orlzo
bervormance in "roomes of bedde" ed other zuch like.
gongraziolaziones on ub-dading vreegwently enauv do brovide "excellent
databaese" en "Nayshe" end hum doengs.
geep ub eet!
Brian   14/Jul/2001:14:01:40
Will be watching with real interest your tremendous comeback.
Enjoy Sri Lanka, watch the body and make sure you are around for a
number of years to come .....Good Luck,
Well done,
PS Look after Louie, Kyle and Ads for us too!
Jo Paul Wiseman (who is scared of me) 05/Jul/2001:22:05:48
I thought I'd drop in here, and still try make up for my slackness in
replying to you. It was over a month, and I feel bad. I love the 2nd
birthday flash thingee, very cute! I'm trying to play with html, but it
just frustrates me. I'm very looking forward to the start of the season
as I'm starting to go *slightly* crazy - I want to see how Dion bowls,
but more importantly Harry. It's gonna be such a laugh. ;) Talk to you
soon, hopefully. :)
Jay Jay's flickbevan 24/Jun/2001:18:35:14
I wish Nash best of luck for the upcoming tour Sri Lanka.
Heather Mathew Sinclair 14/Jun/2001:11:21:52
Hey, great site and great layout-easy to navigate. Thanks for visiting
mine :) and sorry for the earthquake thing..... Keep up the great work
Stephanie 24/May/2001:12:45:20
Hey Kit,

thanks very much for signing my guestbook. I have a picture of Dion that
was on the same page as the pic of Dan that is on my site. It has his
autpgraph on it and if you want the pic, please let me know and I will
scan and email it to you asap. Keep up the good work.

dani parore   10/May/2001:19:59:12
yo cool site dude. i took the time to read how you become such fans of
our nz team. well done for resisting evil and not supporting the
aussies. good job.
i myself have met the aussie team and i find them much friendlier than
the NZers.....but hey i'm not complaining, i believe the black caps
make up for it in looks ( ;) adam parore leading the chase)
from today 10.05.01 i am making a resolution to not slag off chris
nevin at all, under any circumstances, i have decided he is just doing
his job and he must be a very nice fella. i have (had) a tendancy to
be very supportive of adam craig parore and when someone even mentions
the name "nevin" (and what a nice man he i would shudder
profusely. but not anymore. no. hes great

oh god i ranmble.
i'll got now
nice site
Stephanie tis very original 29/Mar/2001:07:50:53
Hey Kit,

I just viewed the video on a computer at uni, thinking it wouldn't load.
Surprise, surprise, it did! Once again, the site is very well done
(heaps better than mine). Keep up the great work.
Kit Cairnsey: The Chris Cairns Site 15/Mar/2001:15:11:48
Yes, I'm signing my own guestbook - mainly to check if it's
Jo (other one who ra The BC's 02/Mar/2001:18:21:43
I never tire of that story, of you and Sash at the hotel. I think I
must have read it on Stacey's site, I think.

I wonder if my friend brought season tickets to the netball - with the
sole purpose of seeing if Dion Nash comes down with Bernice Mene. I was
watching that house thing again, when I was trying to find Chris Martin
talking about SA. It always makes me laugh, Dion in gumboots, with a
neighbour who threatens to kill him, oh so classy.

I hope that Dion makes his comeback soon, I miss him. (and I never
would have said that at the start of last year. My Mum thinks Craig
has 'Dion eyes'. Heheh...)

Later! :)
Jo   19/Feb/2001:19:43:23
.... matter how many times i visit your site (ie. a lot) i never get
bored of looking around everything all over again. Bahhh you talented
people, you make me sick ;)

Darn guestbook cutting off my entry! Well if that wasn't a sign for Jo
to shut up and stop blabbering i don't know what is. I'm going, i'm

Keep up the fantastic work
Luv Jo

Jo-and-you-thought-i The Rockin' Roj Site 19/Feb/2001:19:39:23
Hey Kit!

Muahahaha, yes, thats right, i have reincarnated the guestbook dialogue
*evil grins*

So, how are you? That sounds strange since i am actually on the
nzcricket list again (for anyone reading thats - plug plug :)) but i haven't
been able to read any of the messages for a long time.

This is because *deep breath*
gain.... i am cursed. But i've ordered another computer - i'm a sucker
for punishment - and when it gets delivered in aprox 2 weeks i will be
a happy chappy!

But enough about me..... ;) Seriously, i hope you're spiffy, just like
Dion, (sidenote - Bernice teaches English and French) and i'd like to
add that i'm still annoyed at myself for not having the guts to talk to
you at the game *hits self on head*

Anyway, I love the little flash movie, too skilled girl! And i'm sure
you know how wonderful the whole site is, but i still have to say, no
raynah   17/Feb/2001:21:19:25
hi nash

i am a big fan of you.i watch all the new zealand matches only when u r
playing .

i hope u get well soon and get back to the field.

i think u r a great cricketer and gorgeous too.

Diana   17/Feb/2001:13:49:22
yo kit,
site is looking good.

ok has everyone seen that pic of Dion from when he was on Sports Cafe,
with his hair all perfect and standing up and with a little necklessy
thingy - well who else has perfect, standing up hair and wears a little
necklessy thingy?? none other than Chris Martin - i feel we have a case
of a copycat! But just talking abt Chris Martin (i have nothing against
him accept that he is from Christchurch, i mean he looks pretty cool
and all) what a ponce!! (in typing ponce i did not mean a man who lived
off prostitutes money neither did i mean he was a homosexual) Have you
seen the way he wipes his forehead and before every delivery he runs
his hand through his hair so it is all perfect and standing up agin.
Come on chris man we need a hard guy not a pretty boy!!

N E way, I have been to a couple of the Auckland games, Dion is looking
ok, hopefully he will be back to take over the captaincy.

Jo The Black Caps: The Much Better Site Than Before : 16/Feb/2001:21:40:08
Hey again! I love the flash thingee by the way, and I'm very surprised
it loaded on my computer. Stupid thing we got in '97. But anyway, I'm
not here to complain about the crappiness of my comp. I'm so sad that
Dion's unavailable, although it's good to see he's waiting. My 21 year
old brother wanted him to play at Carisbrook, I think my hating Flem
has rubbed off on him. Yay! ;o)

I can't believe Doig resigned! As soon as they said his name on the
news I said outloud "Has quit..." and I was right. Goddamnit. Well they
said resigned, but anyway...

I'll go back to eating my chicken nuggest thingees and drink my fanta
at 20 to 1am. :)
tim   16/Feb/2001:19:17:11
Cool site .I think videos are a great idea!
Lisa The Lou Vincent Website 13/Feb/2001:19:06:08
Omigosh Kit, do you know how WEIRD that is? I've just been working on a
multimedia project for my Stephen Fleming site too, and the scariest
thing is they are SO similar! (mine's a lot further from being finished
though). By the way, I absolutely love got through to the
end with no technical hitches and it's written really well too. Wow.
TOTALLY impressed here! Keep it up...
Jo-Bee Wizzer: Paul Wiseman 10/Feb/2001:06:34:26
I was watching Dion on Cric Company again when he was talking about his
house. It's just so funny. My friend won Cairnsey book off Cricket
Company this week, and I was the one who wrote the email while she was
behind me. (she didn't know how many test wickets he had, and I did, so
I also offered to write it for her.) Heheh, oh well.

Hornet's the smart one of course, he knows who Paul Wiseman is, and why
he is in a team. ;) All the reports around about Dion all seem pretty
good, I found in the December Skywatch Ian Smith said Nash would never
bowl for NZ again. I hope he's wrong, but I just hope that he doesn't
come in too prematurely, and I'm sure, he won't want to go through all
this again. Poor Nashi Pear, he will survive!

I love the video stills, Dion at the Sky Tower! And he goes "There's a
lot of sky come on cricket this week, I'll be there, won't
you?" It always makes me laugh.
Jo Wizzer: Paul Wiseman 05/Feb/2001:20:15:02
I did get around to getting here, hail Treaty of Waitangi Day! Heheh,
I'm actually about to fall asleep on the keyboard, so I won't babble
too long.

Dion seemed really happy on Cricket Company, I wish he was around now,
so the selectors could have a clear option for captain, to be able to
put the captainsy in safe hands. I would be worried about Mac and how
he would handle the media actually....and it wouldn't be great for
Dan's game. Maybe, he can just come and be specialist captain, isn't
that basically what Flem is anyway? 2 ducks...I'm sure Nashy could do
better than that.

I just saw what you wrote about the Wiz site in the links, very classy.
I should update it in the weekend, he's been batting well in the Shell
Trophy, his bowling run rate has been pretty good, but he hasn't taken
too many wickets. But I say, long live Wiz! Long live Nash! I feel so
much better. :)
Jay Michael Bevan 03/Feb/2001:15:22:37
The pic on 1st page was fabulous.I guess that Nash is one of the few
bowlers in the world who can trouble destructive batsmen like Sachin
Tendulkar.It's a pity that he's out of action in ODIs.
-ur friend
Altamash no 02/Feb/2001:20:22:40
Mr dion nash,
you'r one of the good allrounder in new zealand,i want to see u
a captain of new zealand site.......
Al   02/Feb/2001:14:17:04
Sorry for mucking up my email address earlier. But I won't take back
what I said about Dion. He still has a lot to learn, even if the BC's
"need" him at the moment. I don't want to see him representing my
country, maybe Brett and Shane Lee summed it up best with their song
dedicated to Dion, "You cant bowl, can't throw etc" and playing him as
a specialist batter for NZ is ridiculous, it's like playing Geoff Allot
as a specialist batter, or Andrew Penn as a specialist bowler.
al's noble opponent   01/Feb/2001:21:14:27
(the "destroyer" i call him; the man is simple
magic) but cricket takes, in the modern game, a hard energy too and dion
is so good as to provide that (when fit) for the black caps and all our
blessings with him. xx SM.
al's noble opponent   01/Feb/2001:21:13:25
well lookie here mr al, i don't like all this talk. bein meself a huge
fan of both scotty styris and dion nash (yes the two are compatible!) i
am here to assure you that admiration of a character like that of the
humble scotty styris need not be mutually exclusive with admiration of
someone like dion nash.
firstly, dion is just as humble in "real life" as mr styris, the only
difference being that nash's onfield behaviour can be at times
excessively assertive. however, this very assertion is what many see as
one of the greatest asssets of the game. And contrary to your conjecture,
not only girls like Dion Nash. I can think of many rather manly men (and
im not all that manly) eg. Chris Cairns, for one, Fleming, Parore, martin
crowe and countless others who can be cited in admiration of nash's
contribution to cricket. id like to hail his contribution to humanity.
and this websites contribution to dion nash. your scott styris has his
solid place on the field (the "destroyer" i call him
Site Curator The Dion Nash Site 31/Jan/2001:15:16:57
It's a shame people like "Al" don't leave a valid email address when
signing guestbooks, thus precluding intelligent(?) discussion of these

- Kit.
Al   31/Jan/2001:06:05:16
It's a shame that such a well laid out and created site is wastred on a
wanker like Dion Nash. It's no surprise that the only people who like
him are chicks. And while I've got nothing against it, it's very clear
he's gay. The problem I have with him is his lack of sportsmanship. Now
I'm not against a bit of sledging or anything but the way he acted
during that Max game late last year was appaling, continually trying to
put the bowler off. Absolutely disgusting. And the way he whined to the
umpire, it was sooooo lame. It's not the first time he's made a dick of
himself like that. As for all you females (and males of course) who
think he's a dreamboat, how about you change allegiance to some guy
like my fav, Scotty Styris. Now there's a role model.
Earthling   30/Jan/2001:12:55:18
Hello Kit,
Told you I'd sign. Decided to move to Earth (get to be a bit closer to
this thing you call cricket)Interesting photo with you and Dion!
Cool site as always (and ever will be!)Keep it up!
Sarosh   26/Jan/2001:16:32:16
Hello Dion,

It was a pleasure going through your web-site. I have always enjoyed
watching the NZ team playing cricket anywhere in the world because you
are a spirited lot and play a healthy game. I wish you a speedy
recovery and wish you all the best in 2001!


Jo (Part 2)   24/Jan/2001:22:13:54
(I knew it would be too long!)
Tuffey went to appeal it, and the commentators were laughing at him.

I didn't tell Wiz nope, I was tempted to write in on the profile I gave
him though. (I gave him the photocopy of his 94 profile with "To Paul.
Remember this?" on it. ) Yay to Dion being selected! I'm pretending
that Wiz didn't get selected because he doesn't need to prove he's
good. *sigh* I hate selectors! Ugh!

Jo Wizzer 24/Jan/2001:22:12:21
Oh I like the name! Selection Rejection XI. It's all bloody North
Island players! So maybe, Wiz thought he would feel out of place with
them, even though he was born in Auckland and all. I'm sure he just
wants to forget that part of his life. Otago and Dunedin being such a
nice place to live, and for Aucklanders to hide. Like hmm, Richardson,
Nash (for a while), Hornet, and now Craig Pryor and Kerry Walmsley.

I still can't decide if Wiz had been told he wasn't in the team last
week, or he was just thinking that. But yes, I'll get onto the topic of
Nash. He was asked what his fav music was, thinking of the top of my
head. He said alternative, and then said listen to I think it was B-FM,
and smiled how he does, and laughs with those wee eyes of his. (those
eyes are disturbing :P). The double hit thing was when Tuffey threw the
ball at the stumps after Nash hit it to him, and Nash tried to hit it
when he was running through. Tuffey went to appeal it, and the
commentators were laughin
Kedge   22/Jan/2001:21:02:17
Lovely site, dion is very cool, it'sa shame he is injured, we need him
in the team, oh well he hit a very good 24 off 17 in the Auckland vrs
ND match (go adam 61 off 60) those were 2 very good sixes, too bad the
game counted for nothing! Oh well, did anyone else see Bernice Mene
there? She was wearing a yello Singlet top and was eating an ice block,
(no i wasn't paying that much attention, i was just pissed that adam
didn't manage too hit a knee lenght full toss for 6 oh well, at least
Chris Nevin (anyone who knows how tall he is email me please and if you
know how tall Adam is too) won't get adam's keeping job again *narrows
eyes* did i speak too soon, the black caps team is going to be
announced on Wednesday. in the meantime i will try and decide who i am
suporting CD or Canterbury!
Jo Wizzer 22/Jan/2001:20:53:55
I thought I'll come along here and sign your guestbook. You know, that
Dion Nash is very strange. There is something about his laugh, and he
always says weird things on Cricket Company. And I would have loved to
see Nashy hit the ball twice in that Shell Cup and get out, you don't
see that too often.

Anyway, I was just checking my links worked, and thought I should sign
this. I should work on my highly neglected BC site, but I'm just happy
to finish my Wiseman site. Phew...
Fleur Double.. something. 10/Jan/2001:18:43:35
Hello you,

Yes, signing both books just to be a general legend. ;P And to do
the "Oh, I finally finished [x] site" with my Marshall website. :)

We need Dion back for NZ, not Auckland...
dani black caps rock 07/Jan/2001:18:59:07
cool site. dion nash is da bomb (my second fav player in fact, along
with james franklin, behind adam uhhhhh yummmmm parore). yep, see ya

Jen   03/Jan/2001:12:14:31
Hi Kit!

Remmeber me? It's Jen from the Basin here! Dion Nash, huh? Well..I
don't know!!! How about a site on Wiz or Mark Richardson for me,
mae justin langer 28/Dec/2000:08:48:28
hiya, just dropping by to wish you all the best for 2001 :)

the site is looking great, well done, and i'm looking forward to
visiting again

Jo Click here!!! 14/Dec/2000:19:49:21
Hey Kit

Well, if you're gonna start an animated gif spam on guestbooks, you at
least have to have an HTML-enabled guestbook... its very disappointing
that i can't put pics in here :)
Get a new one!!! Puh-lease? ;)
Anyway, i'll stick to linking the picture as my url.... since Jo stole
teddy bears, and you've got dibs on chickens, i'm having puppies;
symbolic of Roj's puppy eyes... *cough*

Luv Jo of the Animated Gif (esp Animals) Guestbook Spam Gang

PS. Click there!!!
Jo-Bee Black Caps 12/Dec/2000:09:28:50
Now, Jo suggested this. We all got around putting images in peoples
guestbooks, after I put one in hers, and I pointed it out that you had
started it.. :) Images probably don't work in here, but I'm gonna try
it anyway!

img src=""

See the bear is Nathan Astle, he's happy cos he can bowl, sad he can't
bat. Happy, Sad, Happy, Sad...I'm love that bear! :P
This is the first time i logged onto this fab site keep it up.
My mate is totally in love with Nashy and she was wondering if he's
married any 1 no if yes email us back please.
Luv Flinty
Luton, England
Jo-Bee The Black Caps 08/Dec/2000:12:53:27
Just signing your guestbook again. ;) Uh, Dion said that on Cricket
Company...they asked him, and Emily Drumm the question. Drumm said that
anyone performing was her man...but it was really sad when he said it,
because he was laughing but you could tell he felt awful. :( I have to
remember to put up the quote about him saying he couldn't understand
why people mixed him up with Cairns, he was much better looking. His
neighbour at that stage, told him he was going to get his shotgun so
Dion goes "No, No, I'm Chris Cairns then"

I understand you missing Dion, because I'm missing my 2nd favourite
player, poor Wiz with his broken ankle. And Mac's got the flu, and
didn't go to practice. Nathan, well if you blink when he's'll probably miss him. Getting married was the worst thing
that happened to him...

Okay, I think that's long enough. :)
Fleur Northern Districts Knights 06/Dec/2000:14:25:56
Hey again Kitten...
I meant is the HotBot engine still going to run? mwah, I hope so...
it's so addictive.
Yes, owning own server does help with the popup problem. However and don't and they're free...
Jo-Bee The Black Caps 04/Dec/2000:13:25:59
I'm back again. :)

I was just fixing up links on my site, and realised I had to change
this link, and thought I'd visit and sign the guestbook. It's good to
see Dion actually batting well, it certainely looked like his batting
plan was backfiring. I've always said that Dion's lucky he can bat,
because if Allot suffered an injury like that, he wouldn't be able to
fall on batting. Because, well he can't.

Reminds me, on Cricket Company they asked them if they wore boxer
shorts or briefs. Here were the answers of the guys, who they asked.
Cairns= Boxers Mac= Boxers Nevin= Boxers Allot= Briefs

Love the site as always. :)
Jo The Rockin' Roj Site 19/Nov/2000:08:23:16
Hey Kit

I just thought i'd pop in and say how much i love the new look of the
site... its very simple and classy :)
I have only one *slight* stuff-up to register.... you still have my
site linked to windygates! I mean, come on, i was nice and changed
your link to the angelfire one.... would you please mind changing
mine? :P
Btw, sure you can have the blank pic of Dion and Chris hugging... i'll
send it now - isn't it lovely?

Luv Jo
Kit The Dion Nash Site 17/Nov/2000:19:50:13
The Dion Nash Site has moved to a NEW ADDRESS:

so update your bookmarks!

The new version is now almost complete and I am no longer updating the
old one, so, if you came via the old site, pay The Dion Nash Site a visit
at it's new home, keep up with Dion's batting ambitions, and tell me
everytime you find something I've stuffed up horribly in the relocation
process :)

Sorry for the inconvenience,

Kit (site creator)
Jo-bee Somewhere, I'm *actually* nice to Nashy 03/Nov/2000:18:25:02
I'm back again, because I feel so special when someone actually signs
my guestbook. Hmm, Nash worshipping...I don't know what to say, but I
don't know...Nashy is growing on me. :o) He looked so unbelievably sad
on Cricket Company, and I thought he was...oh, I can't admit it!
Anyway, I really need to update my site and say we lost yet another
ODI. Flem looked as usual, on drugs. At least you can say, Dion at
least shook that off after leaving SA. :oP I really do miss Dion from
our team...
Jo-bee The Black Caps- My First Love 28/Oct/2000:13:59:49
Hiya again, I'm just here because I was linking up your site to my site
again and I always have to go here to get the URL, to copy and paste.
I've just put up Dion's profile, and I put a link at the bottom of the
profile to your site. I hope that's okay.

Anyway, I'm still in my pj's at 5pm and I'm going out at 5:30pm and
really don't think people want to see them. :oP

Love the site, as always!
Emma   26/Oct/2000:16:20:32
Hey kit

I am signing again.i LUV YOUR WEBSITE

See ya at the test(??????????)
Jo-Bee The Black Caps, or something original. :oP 24/Oct/2000:16:30:58
I'm just here, because FINALLY I'm linking up your page and I needed to
click on the link to get the link..if that makes sense. I love your
page, even if it's on Dion Nash. :oP It's so fun that now Bernice Mene
is moving to Auckland because now I can hassle my Nash loving
friend...I'm too nice to do it to you of course, but now...since they
don't have the cook strait between them, things could get a little
heated. In what way...heheh, I'll shut up now. I'm even scaring myself.
Mark   22/Oct/2000:18:51:36
I used to play against Dion when I was playing for Kaitaia and him for
Northern Wairoa. He was a quick bowler as a teenager as well!
Kit The Dion Nash Site 22/Oct/2000:14:28:19
yay, finally managed to delete most of my guestbook entries. No more 129k
Fleur Northern Knights 30/Sep/2000:09:16:16
Hey you, aren't the injuries just disturbing! Ah well now that
Vettori's done himself in at least hopefully Bucko Martin will get a
chance -- all the spinners are at some course in Christchurch at the
moment, and I'm not at all biased when I say that Martin's the best. :)

Anyvague, yes, ND people wuv me. ^_^ Spiffy people that they are. I
know Doull, at least, knows of my site. Ah, Spike. He is blique.

Anyway. Have a nice time until the next signage!
sadie   28/Sep/2000:22:05:36
Fantasticto see you're fit again!look forward to seeing you in
England again in a few years! good luck and i hope to see you soon.

Best wishes
love sadie
(birmingham, England)
Marsian   25/Sep/2000:16:25:43
Hi Kit,
Since you live in Aussie this information probably doesn't help
you much.But today, I was viewing a site called NZ Cricket-The one
with all that electronic mailing and I learned that you and almost
everyone else seemed kept up to date with the cricket through
Cricinfo's commetry.Well, for all of yous who don't have sky and live
in NZ have you ever thought of listening to live commetry through a
radio station called Radio Sport.That's how I do it since the TV is out
of bounds at that time of night.It's easier than staring at computer
text-not so hard on the eyes in the middle of the night.

Signing off,MARS
Marsian   23/Sep/2000:15:07:05
WOW! Kit this is some site!Keep it up
Just wanted to say how well updated this site is.
Don't you have school, or work to go to!This is the definitely the best
way to keep up with news of Dion Nash.You see, he is my favourite
player cause he's the reason i even started playing cricket and cricket
is a great game.(I hope you realise the do play cricket on Mars)
I was inspired after watching that nail-biting "Gabba Match" Have you
realised the in these last-ball situations against SA,Nash is ALWAYS
undone by Lance Kluesner? Amazing!Well keep up the
GREAT work. Very impressed.

From a cricket loving Marsian
Jo The Rockin' Roj Site 18/Sep/2000:22:10:05
Hey Kit
Thanks heaps for the links - and the helpful tips were *very*
appreciated (i'm new at this :))
I don't think i need to tell you how immensely styley your site is;
judging from the guestbook i think you already know. But i'll do it
anyway ;)
I love your site, and theres no better place to be kept up-to-date with
all the news about one of my fav, and definitely the most talented
cricketers. Of course the fact that hes such a cutie doesn't make me
biased! :P
I'll definitely be back soon (sorry :))
Luv Jo
Charlotte   18/Sep/2000:18:04:07
i love Dion
he's one of the reason i got into cricket
i hope he has many more wonderful years in cricket and of course it
would be such a shame top let such a good butt go to waste
ME   14/Sep/2000:15:21:27
Just here to say I'm pretty impressed with the very contantly up dated site.Keep it up.My fav site on the net!
ME   14/Sep/2000:15:18:47
Just here to say I'm pretty impressed with the very contantly up dated site.Keep it up.My fav site on the net!
Justine Vercoe   07/Sep/2000:11:29:06
It is a great web-site
Fleur Northern Knights 04/Sep/2000:20:54:50
Hello you. Draw the Knights guy? Ha, I wish!! :) Nah, the ND marketing
guy sent me the pic along with the signatures, and my pretty Aldridge
Max top.

We are keeping each others' guestbooks running! This is a fun game
Claire Buchanan   03/Sep/2000:12:31:46
What an awesome site. Dion Nash is the best cricket player around.
Luv all the pics and i hope to see more pics soon to add to my
and Dion does have the best but around!!!
anyways i love the page and Dion!
Keep it updated please!!!
Bye luv Claire
Claire Buchanan   03/Sep/2000:12:21:20
neekol   31/Aug/2000:13:29:54
This is so cool. I am so in love with Dion Nash. I think he is a
great player and very much sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've lived in Australia all my life but I seem to always go for new
zealand because of Nash...
dinella   19/Aug/2000:17:27:26
Great site,I really enjoyed myself coz I'm a great fan of Dion Nash.
JAY THE MAN   10/Aug/2000:11:19:54
WOW I'm the first person in August to vist this website.
Can't wait to see the Black Caps in action in South Africa.Hopefully
the Proteas will throw a few matches.As long as Nash(Stash) -&- Fleming
stay off the dack we should be fine.
Dion Nash   25/Jul/2000:18:43:09
this is the real Dion Nash although im unsure as to how to prove this.
just thought id say how humbled i am that someone would put this site
together, not to sure about some of the haircuts and facial expressions
ive displayed over the years, however i hope there are a few more to
come, thanx for tuning in regards to all, Nashy...
verena   22/Jul/2000:17:27:51
great 11 wickets at lords i was very impressed

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