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Bus people

Ok, this is my Bus people website i made in about 20 minutes, so don’t get all pissy b/c it’s too simple and ther're a bunch of typos. I have had to ride the bus home two days in a row and it sucks. I am doing a photo report type thing on why you should not ride a school bus, and especially my bus, unless you do i to keep me company. I will start off with a picture I took of three people who were waiting for the bus after school. They are pictured below.

Wow, that was probably too scary to show you, and I’d recommend making all small children leave the room now, b/c these pictures get scarier as they go. Anyway, I got on the bus and immediately some trashy kid starts talking to me. He told me if I drink a gallon of spit I can get AIDS. I hope he dies slowly. Anyway, I didn’t answer him so he asked if I thought I was better than him. I responded with a quick “Well, if you consider ‘knowing how to use soap ‘ as being better than you, than yes, I am in fact better than you” He kicked my ass. I was like, ok, guess I better not talk to anyone else today. They realized that I was better than them and went to prey on another victim.

The bus people make fun of her for it b/c they dont want to take the additional minute and a half to drop her off.That's right, these people (who all live in run-down shitty looking TRAILER parks)are making fun of this girl because of where she lives. I probably enjoy making fun of someone more than the next guy, but I think thats the biggest load of hypocritical bullshit ever.I hate them. Here's a picture of what bus people live in:

No joke, thats what they live in. i don't lie. there's another girl onmy bus who's name is "sue". But I'm going to call her "hamburger twat" for short. I've never sen her naked, but this is what i think she would look like:

Whats really sad is that these people are procreating and dating each other. i've never had a date in my life and they go party every weekennd. This is what I would use if I wanted to have a good time with them:

This webpage could get my ass kicked, but since bus people can't read, i'll continue to write about them.Let's see...what to write about now. Everyone on my bus rubs snuff...even the girls. Everyone on my bus wears really really really tight pants...even the guys.If the bus ever flipped over the guradrail and killed everyone (even myself) I could die happy knowing that at least the world would be rid of 28 trash people. They have no value in society.....This is what they will end up doing for a living:

what a sweet website. I might update it later, but first i have to do something bus people can't.....Eat a balanced meal and take a shower.