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Patrick Rafter

      ...a man of extraordinary greatness: humble, generous, gracious, attractive, and a skillful athlete who helped bring the game of tennis to new heights... a loving son and brother to his family, a great mate to his friends, and an undeniable inspiration to his millions of fans around the world.

      In the span of his stellar professional career, we have witnessed countless moments of triumphs and defeats, joys and pains. We have stood behind him in those moments, and rooted for him all the way.

      This Tribute Page aims to remember those moments, and relive the memories which brought Patrick Rafter to where he is now--a tennis master who could be considered one of the greatest! It also showcases the sentiments of people--devoted fans--whose lives Pat has touched... and changed.

This is what the fans have to say...

NAME: Davies Brian
LOCATION: Brussels, Belgium

      Rafter... You've been my teacher all these years, your style, your way to pley was my inspiration... Thank you for all Pat but I'm still sad to see you no more in the tv screen make a great volley... You'll miss us... Good luck and enjoy your life...

NAME: Anita Cordova
LOCATION: Downey, California USA

      It is hard to express what one feels after hearing that such a great athlete has left the game. Sadness of course, but also joy at haveing been able to see Patrick Rafter's career develop over the years. He was always the one to watch. I definately live in a Patrick Rafter home. Thanks for the fun matches and memories Pat. I wish him all the best for the future.

NAME: Ain Lucilla
LOCATION: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

      Pat Rafter is what I call a super hero... which is so true that he inspires me and others, everything and never fail to do so. I'm a bit frustrated that he is now resting and won't pkay tennis again I still admire him though because we all know that it's is so worthy to do so. Pat is not only cute but a very nice lovable person... i'm glad that he is happy now with his long-time girlfriend and with his new-born child... go Pat Rafter... everybody's favourite living thing in the world.

NAME: Ewka Ginalska
LOCATION: Wroclaw, Poland

      Hi to all of Pat`s fans and especially to Patrick! It`s very hard to me to say how important Patrick was in my life and I believe is and will be... I saw him for the first time in 1997 in Paris (but only on TV :))) ) and it was begining of my love to tennis and Pat. I`ve watched every match I could, I remember that I was spending many nights watching him in Indian Wells, Montreal, Toronto, US Open... many great ,great mamories... I`ve always dreamt about seeing him live... and I almost have... he was in Montreal and I was in Toronto :( What can I say more. I`ll miss you Pat but I hope you are happy now. All the best to you and your family. Love you, respect - Ewka Ginalska :)

NAME: Elysiah Rafter
LOCATION: Buderim Meadows, Queensland, Australia

      I have one of Pat's fans for a very long time although that is because he is my cousin. I haven`t met him face to face but I have talked to him on the phone while I was at my great grand parents' place. I am so glad he has so much info on the net because I go and have a look for new stuff once every week. Sometimes I am at school.

NAME: Josef Uhlenbruch
LOCATION: Herten, Germany

      All I have to say, is that you are my inspiration in playing Tennis, and I hope I will be such a good sportsman, that you had been all the years till your retirement.
      I wish you all the best for you, Lara and Little Joshua...
      I'll never forget you...
      P.S. Are there more babies planned?

NAME: Natalie Tan
LOCATION: Sydney, Australia

      I have also been a relative 'late starter' to being Pat's fan, and now i regret that i didn't discover the game earlier, to watch him win his two USO crowns.
      I have always wished i could see him play, at the Davis Cup ties we have here but cold never go because of school and the expensive ticket prices. However, I know he has given much joy to everyone who has been lucky enough to see him play, and i am one of millions who will miss him dearly.

NAME: Dimitar Ivanov
LOCATION: Pleven, Bulgaria

      Patrick Rafter was my favourite and best player for me... I will miss him for sure! Take care, Pat! And hope u will have a great life from now on. :) :)

NAME: Jennifer M. Schwing
LOCATION: New Iberia, Louisiana USA

      Tennis will never be the same now that Patrick Rafter has retired! Tennis has lost a great player, competitor, and sportsman and the world has gained someone that will always be involved in helping the children!

NAME: Ratchada Limwattanaponchai
LOCATION: Bangkok, Thailand

      First of all, I can't express all my feelings to Pat well in English. I'll do my best.
      To Pat: you're such a great guy in so many ways. The way you play tennis is enthusiastic, fair and fun to watch. I've been watching you as many matches as I could. No matter you win or lose you always wave your hand for thanks to fans. All news, interviews of yours or anyone who knows you always show how good humam being you are. I've never heard anything bad about you. Maybe god didn't see it. So that's why you couldn't success in what you deserved during the time before you retired. But you win people's heart.
      I didn't have enough money to fly to see you play in person at court. Then you retired before I graduate and work to afford that.
      I've heard that you're enjoyed playing golf. It would be great if you keep doing it and turn pros playing in golf tournaments, I will still have chances to see you again.
      All i want is to see you once in my life.
      Love and respect, Ratchada Limwattanaponchai

NAME: Giovanna Riva
LOCATION: Cordoba, Argentina

      It's very difficult to me to express well in english, but first of all I wanna say how sad is for me to write this, because my expectations are to see Pat play tennis for a long time more. I had play tennis since I was 5, and now I'm 26 and I'm married with a tennis professor!! so I love the sport, it's so beautiful. Pat for me is an example of everything in life, he has honour, respect for the others, he cares for children, and he was a fighter in every single match I had saw for 6 years. I cried (really cried) for a few days when he lost the Wimbledon final,and my heart feels today sad about this. He deserves all the triumphs he had and a lot more, because he is a fantastic human being. I was terrible excited when Argentine had to play Davis Cup against Australia, 'cause I hope to see him only one time in my life. But I couldn't, so I expect to do it,in a few years, or in other life, I dont't know. It's difficult to say what Pat means to me, my feelings are so strong about him: love, respect, admiration. For all these things I hope in one moment of my life I could met him, or he could read it. I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU, I MISS YOU A LOT!!!

NAME: Kim Rottman
LOCATION: Menasha, Wisconsin USA

      I've been a tennis fan for the better part of 20 years but the last couple of years have been the most fun because of your presence on the tour. Your serve and volley style makes a match so much more fun to watch and your enthusiasm and grace makes us want you to win. Here in America it's tough to find an athlete you can admire as a human being as well but there is no such difficulty with you. Win or lose you are always gracious, and off the court you care so much about others it's really an inspiration. I desparately miss watching you play and would dearly love to see you give Wimby and Davis Cup one more go but I wish you nothing but the best if you decide to retire.
      Huge congratulations on the Australian of the Year Award and your impending "daddyhood"! :) Enjoy your time off whether it's a few months or forever, and know that every one of your fans considers him/herself a better person for having been touched by you!
      Love and Good Luck!, Kim

NAME: Yana
LOCATION: Harper Woods, Michigan USA

      Pat, I'm writing this in true faith and with much hope that you will truly read this. You are a human being that possesses a heart like none other. I live my life to give in whatever way I can with my heart and I've watched you and see that you are a man of great character and of true heart also. I admire you greatly and though many say they are your number one fan, in my heart, if you only knew how much joy watching you has brought to me. As wild as this is, I even started to date a man here in MI who resembles you very very much and he too enjoyed watching you play. I'm feeling a profound sadness of this "semi" retirement that you had to take and am praying that you return to the game. I've met on line a wonderful Auzzie who introduced me to a girl that you talked to (she's the neighbor in NY to your neighbor in Bermuda). Who would have thought, this world could actually be that small? Instead of me just telling you how awesome I truly believe you are, I instead will be brave (but with humility and a tad bit of fear) ask you this, would you contact me on here just once? I would love to have the greatest gift of all, to talk once to you in my lifetime and truly say, yes - I was blessed. You would bring that much to a "no one who does have a heart like yours" joy beyond words. I do believe in miracles and I send this to you with all the hope that the kindness I see you give esp. to children, you would also give this once to me :) - I can be reached at or The girl you spoke with was Crystal :) and though she had never heard of you (shock in my eyes) she said you were truly the kindest person she ever spoke with - I pray I leave such lasting impressions on those I encounter as well - May all your dreams and desires Pat come true and I'm praying with all my heart that you come home to us on T.V. so we can truly watch "quality" tennis. Without you, it's just not the same :*( We all adore you and wish you the best. Your friend and #1 FAN - Yana.

NAME: Veronica
LOCATION: Stuttgart, Germany

      Hey Pat! I just wanted to tell you that you are the reason I ever became a tennis-fan. I watched one match of yours in 1997 ( I think it was against Bjorkman) by pure coincidence, because I had never liked tennis before that day. And since then I'm one of you greatest fans. You are such a great player, a real athlete and a very fair sportsman. We, your fans, do not only love you because of your great looks, but also because of your big heart, your kindness and your great tennis. Without you tennis has lost its importance in my life, and it will be very sad to watch any matches from now on. But I'm happy for you, because I think this is what you wanted and if you are happy, all your fans are happy too. I wish you all the best for you future, enjoy all the other nice things besides tennis in life! Take so much care! Love, Veronica.

NAME: Jo-Anne
LOCATION: Adelaide, Australia

      Pat Rafter, what can I say. He is a true Champion, a great man and a great sportsman. I have been a fan of Pat's for ages, and was saddened by his statement this time last year when he said he was retiring. It will be sad watching the Davis Cup and all of the other tournaments without him there. Pat we love you and you will be missed if you do not return to the court. Take care.

NAME: Tari Nikkila
LOCATION: Livonia, Michigan USA

      I became a Pat Rafter fan late in his career, so I am really feeling bad about not being able to see him play anymore. On the positive side, he has also made me into a great fan of the game of tennis! I'm playing whenever I can and my son is taking lessons. This kind of inspiration will be the legacy he leaves us with. Thank you Pat for some very memorable tennis moments that you allowed us to be a part of!

NAME: Giselle
LOCATION: Buenos Aires, Argentina

      Pat: First of all, I would like to thank you for being my inspiration in tennis. I never saw such a wonderful sport (only soccer) until one day I saw on a TV channel that you were playing, I was shocked to see how superb the sport is, and now all I see and play is tennis. I am addicted to tennis. Secondly, I would like to ask you not to retire. If you leave, the entire world will miss your wonderful games. Moreover, you have to win Wimbledon and the Davis Cup!!!!. You are a grand person, both outside and inside the tennis court, and you are very cute. Never lose your humility.

NAME: Magdalena Cabaj
LOCATION: Warsaw, Poland

      I am a huge tennis fan - for me it's the most elegant, electric, fascinating and breath-taking sport. Only here almost everything is possible. And this is the most beautiful thing about this game. This unique atmosphere, mystery and always heroic fight make it remarkable, cause world wide interest and concentrate immensity of fans all over the world.
      I'm Pat's big fan for about five years. To me, Pat is a Champ, as well on as off the court and he will always be. He is simply the best, no matter what. Even if he loses, he does it in a great style. He is honest and never looks for any excuses. He can always admit that the opponent was better, and although he was playing his best it wasn't good enough. This is what I really admire and love about him as well as his commitment to tennis, to his family, friends and charity, and fact that he is such a wonderful patriot, he always fights for Australia. No wonder, he is a national hero... But I think he is a hero of every nation, because he is a great example of a simply good person, a very generous one with a huge heart and spirited soul.
      I wish him all the best for his future. I wish him to do whatever he wants to be happy, I wish him to find balance and good spirits, as well as something in his life that can give him a really good fulfilment and enjoyment when he retires. I want him to have a great life. I simply wish him to find what he is looking for!
      I truly hope that he never changes. The world would be a better place if there were more people like Pat. He can really make the difference, thanks to him we all can.
      Pat changed my life completely and beautifully. His attitude, who he is and what he does, made me wanting to be a better person in every day life. He will always have a special place in my heart and in my life.

NAME: Anshul Kumar
LOCATION: Boulder, Colorado USA

      Patrick Rafter is a great person for how he plays, who he is, and his attitude towards everything. I really enjoy watching him serve and volley... attacking the net at every possible chance and leaping around at the net to win points with an authoritative volley to best his opponents. However, he is also very graceful and sportsmanlike in defeat... always happy for the winner, able to overcome the sheer disappointment of a loss when others can barely refrain from crying. But apart from tennis, Pat always is a great person and is always willing to contribute anything needed for those less fortunate than us. Overall, Pat is one of the best people in the world for everything he does - from his great skills to his generosity. He will clearly be missed by everybody as a result of leaving tennis.

NAME: Emma Baker
LOCATION: Derbyshire, England

      Pat is one of the greatest players around. He rulz and always will even if he doesn't play tennis again. He is the best. He's a nice guy, he's sweet, he's a laugh. I've met him and he's one of the nicest players to meet. He has inspired me to play tennis. I love the game and love watching just as much as playing has helped me continue the love I have for the game. I respect all the players but Pat just stands out. He's achieved some great goals like the US Open and finalist at Wimbledon, and many other tournments. I would just love to tell him what a great guy he is! He is good for the sport and he rulz! I've just read his bio rocket to the top, it was brilliant, interesting and informing. Well done, Pat! You deserve your holiday but don't leave us for good! But if you do, we wish you luck in what you do and will miss you!!! You've been a great player and really inspired me to take up the game and turned my point of view. Good luck in the US Open we know you can win it! You'll be fine, show them what you've got, be the best you can be. Our thoughts are with you and always will be with you. We are so pround of you, and as your fans we love you and always will! Rafter, you rule and always will! Good luck, Pat and I love you!!!

NAME: Kelly O'Hanlon
LOCATION: Ft. Myers, Florida USA

      I began watching Tennis and gained a passion for the sport because of Pat.
      My husband and I were extremely happy about starting our family and even though I had this beautiful little girl in my life I was depressed about the weight that I had gained. We had tennis courts in our development that were rarely used so I thought why not. And for the first time in my life I picked up a racket and asked my husband to play with me. I loved it and couldn't stop but was not very good so I took lessons. During this time I spotted this beautiful man playing tennis (Pat) and I had to watch him all the time. Besides his beauty I appreciated how talented he was and came to love his playing style.
      Thank you, Pat, for being an inspiration!

NAME: Vicky T'Jampens

      Hey Pat!
      I just wanna say that I really gonna miss you at the tennis courts. You're a great player, you are mister fair play, you're friendly during the match and afterwards... The world of tennis is gonna lose a great man! Good luck and just be yourself!!

NAME: Wing Chan

      I like Pat not only because he is a great player, but also because of his attitude. He will never give up all of the chances of winning. And he is very calm, he can control his temper properly, that's what seldom players can do. Also, he is very friendly, there is always a big smile on his face. He is such an excellent player that no one can replace him!

NAME: Ximena Cabrera
LOCATION: Buenos Aires, Argentina

      Dear Pat,
      Hi! I am Ximena Cabrera. I am 13, I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I love practicing tennis and you are my favorite player. I practice this sport since I was 3 but I start playing it more when I first saw you playing in the US Open final 1997. I start searching for photos and information about you in the Internet. There I start being your great fan! You inspire me a lot in the way you play. It helps me a lot. Apart from that, if it wasn't for you I hadn't met my boyfriend at my club where I play tennis every day. Besides, I would like you not to retire this year. First because you've got to win Wimbledon, you are the best player so you can do it! And second, because I would like to see you some day as a great professional playing on court.
      Thanks for everything, Xime.

NAME: Samantha Tsang
LOCATION: Irvine, California USA

      Although I can't say that I've been Pat's fan for a long time, nor do I play tennis, but the first time I got interested in watching it is when I saw Pat play. Later I understand how his attitude is on court and off court and how he plays with grace, with dignity, and it is quite a heartening sight. I feel excited every time he plays whether it is a win or a lose, rushing up to the net and precise serves, is just the perfect style. It has been a great pleasure knowing there is a such a tennis player, an athlete, an aussie, a man that have such charisma and energy. The player who smiles every time he sees his fans around and won't be too tired to have a chat with them or sign an autograph. I'll always remember Pat Rafter as the champion, thank you for all you've put into tennis, into life.
