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* TOP OF THE 1st, Cardinals 0, Vultures 0

So settle in ... this is a championship game

* S. DREW facing A. GRIFFIN, T 1st, No Outs, Bases Empty, Tied 0-0

The pitch ... off-balance swing ... missed ... strike three ... one down

* A. BELTRE facing A. GRIFFIN, T 1st, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Tied 0-0

GRIFFIN fires it in ... checked swing ... strike three ... two away

* A. GONZALEZ facing A. GRIFFIN, T 1st, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Tied 0-0

GRIFFIN into the wind ... a bouncer back of second ... fielded by UGGLA ... he throws in time

three away

* BOTTOM OF THE 1st, Cardinals 0, Vultures 0

* R. DAVIS facing M. ESTRADA, B 1st, No Outs, Bases Empty, Tied 0-0

ESTRADA with the offering ... off-speed pitch ... misses ... DAVIS draws a walk

* T. TULOWITZKI facing M. ESTRADA, B 1st, No Outs, Runner on 1st, Tied 0-0

ESTRADA with the pitch ... swung on ... popped up ... DREW's backing up quickly ... still backing

he's under it ... and makes the catch ... DAVIS trots back to first

* C. DAVIS facing M. ESTRADA, B 1st, 1 Out, Runner on 1st, Tied 0-0

Firstbaseman GONZALEZ holding the runner on ... here comes the pitch ... high and inside

there goes DAVIS

MAKE THROW? (1-yes*, 2-no)

MAUER gets rid of it quickly ... the slide ... going to be close ... safe!

he got in the back door ... that's his 3rd steal of the series

* C. DAVIS facing M. ESTRADA, B 1st, 1 Out, Runner on 2nd, Tied 0-0

Speedy DAVIS edging toward third ... ESTRADA spins and fires to second ... the tag

DAVIS's back safely ... now ESTRADA's set again ... the pitch ... and DAVIS unloads on it

that's long gone ... a tape measure job deep to right ... Chris trots around the bases

he loves a trip downtown ... he's greeted at the plate

Cardinals 0, Vultures 2

* M. CABRERA facing M. ESTRADA, B 1st, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Ahead 2-0

ESTRADA winds and fires ... just off the corner ... a base on balls

* J. GOMES facing M. ESTRADA, B 1st, 1 Out, Runner on 1st, Ahead 2-0

The pitch ... grounded to first ... GONZALEZ fires to DREW for one ... and back to first

to complete the double play ... to retire the side

* TOP OF THE 2nd, Cardinals 0, Vultures 2

* J. BAUTISTA facing A. GRIFFIN, T 2nd, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 0-2

He comes home ... BAUTISTA dribbles it toward third ... CABRERA will have to hurry

the snap throw to first ... in time to retire BAUTISTA ... one down

* J. MAUER facing A. GRIFFIN, T 2nd, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Behind 0-2

Now the pitch ... wide by a hair ... free ticket to first for MAUER

that was MAUER's first walk of the series

* I. KINSLER facing A. GRIFFIN, T 2nd, 1 Out, Runner on 1st, Behind 0-2

Now he throws to first ... and MAUER's ... picked off ... quick move by A.J. GRIFFIN ... two gone

* I. KINSLER facing A. GRIFFIN, T 2nd, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 0-2

He wheels and deals ... a towering fly ball to center ... this should do it ... DAVIS roams over

plenty of room ... and hauls it in ... that's three away

* BOTTOM OF THE 2nd, Cardinals 0, Vultures 2

* M. MONTERO facing M. ESTRADA, B 2nd, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 2-0

He wheels and deals ... swung on ... smashed toward the gap in right center ... MURPHY's racing back

it's over his head ... off the wall ... he's chasing it down

MONTERO hits second under full steam

TRY FOR THIRD? (1-yes, 2-no*)

and he puts on the brakes ... the coach is indicating emphatically for him to stop

double for MONTERO ... for MONTERO, his 1st double of the series

for Miguel MONTERO, his 2nd hit of the series

* D. UGGLA facing M. ESTRADA, B 2nd, No Outs, Runner on 2nd, Ahead 2-0

The pitch ... right down the middle ... strike three! ... one away

* D. LOUGH facing M. ESTRADA, B 2nd, 1 Out, Runner on 2nd, Ahead 2-0

ESTRADA brings it home ... the heater ... it's in there ... strike three ... two away

* A. GRIFFIN facing M. ESTRADA, B 2nd, 2 Outs, Runner on 2nd, Ahead 2-0

The pitch ... whacked to center field ... base hit ... MURPHY's racing over ... still running

he fields it ... MONTERO's well around third

TRY TO SCORE? (1-yes, 2-no*)

they're waving MONTERO in

THROW HOME? (1-yes, 2-no*)

here comes the throw home

TRY FOR SECOND ON THROW? (1-yes, 2-no*)

here's the play at the plate ... and he's ... OUT!...on a close play

the coach was waving him on with two outs ... MONTERO just doesn't have the wheels

* TOP OF THE 3rd, Cardinals 0, Vultures 2

* J. MAXWELL facing A. GRIFFIN, T 3rd, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 0-2

The pitch to MAXWELL ... MAXWELL waves at one in the dirt ... and he's a strikeout victim

one away

* D. MURPHY facing A. GRIFFIN, T 3rd, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Behind 0-2

He comes home ... it's grounded into the hole ... scooped by TULOWITZKI ... thrown on to first

it's in the dirt ... but they get him ... DAVIS digs it out ... for the second out

* M. ESTRADA facing A. GRIFFIN, T 3rd, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 0-2

The pitch ... swung on ... hit to dead center field ... DAVIS's right there ... waits

and pulls it down ... three down

* BOTTOM OF THE 3rd, Cardinals 0, Vultures 2

* R. DAVIS facing M. ESTRADA, B 3rd, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 2-0

ESTRADA brings it ... grounded toward third ... BELTRE fields it ... fires ... got him ... one away

* T. TULOWITZKI facing M. ESTRADA, B 3rd, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Ahead 2-0

ESTRADA brings it ... a high drive to deepest center ... MURPHY has it all the way

just a loud out ... two gone

* C. DAVIS facing M. ESTRADA, B 3rd, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 2-0

The pitch ... he swings ... it's a fly ball to the gap in right ... MURPHY's racing over

so's MAXWELL ... it drops in for a hit ... and he will make second easily

a double for Chris DAVIS ... Chris with his 2nd hit in this game

for DAVIS, his 2nd double of the series ... for Chris DAVIS, his 5th hit of the series

* M. CABRERA facing M. ESTRADA, B 3rd, 2 Outs, Runner on 2nd, Ahead 2-0

Here's a pitch ... swung on ... base hit ... down the line to right ... MAXWELL gallops for it

he has it ... DAVIS's around third

TRY TO SCORE? (1-yes, 2-no*)

they're waving DAVIS in

THROW HOME? (1-yes, 2-no*)

here comes the throw home

TRY FOR SECOND ON THROW? (1-yes, 2-no*)

here's the play at the plate ... and he's ... out!...just missed getting in

oh, those, Cardinals ... they nip him trying to score

the coach was waving him on with two outs ... DAVIS just doesn't have the wheels

* TOP OF THE 4th, Cardinals 0, Vultures 2

* S. DREW facing A. GRIFFIN, T 4th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 0-2

The pitch ... that's high and deep by DREW ... DAVIS is on the run ... on the run

it's starting to tail away from him ... and it drops in ... DREW is headed for second

he's in to second ahead of the throw

and that's the 1st base knock for the Cardinals in this game

for DREW, his 3rd double of the series ... for Stephen DREW, his 4th hit of the series

* A. BELTRE facing A. GRIFFIN, T 4th, No Outs, Runner on 2nd, Behind 0-2

GRIFFIN kicks and delivers ... a blast to the opposite field ... no doubt about this one

it's long gone! ... way over the fence in right ... home run for BELTRE

and DREW scores ahead of him

Cardinals 2, Vultures 2

* A. GONZALEZ facing A. GRIFFIN, T 4th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Tied 2-2

The pitch ... GONZALEZ laces it into the gap in right ... it's a 'tweener ... to the wall

and GONZALEZ pulls in to second base standing up ... for GONZALEZ, his 2nd double of the series

for Adrian GONZALEZ, his 4th hit of the series

* J. BAUTISTA facing A. GRIFFIN, T 4th, No Outs, Runner on 2nd, Tied 2-2

He comes home ... grounded hard to short ... TULOWITZKI fields it ... over to DAVIS at first

one down ... GONZALEZ holds

* J. MAUER facing A. GRIFFIN, T 4th, 1 Out, Runner on 2nd, Tied 2-2

GRIFFIN spins and fires to second ... GONZALEZ hits the dirt ... the tag ... safe! ... good move

he almost had him ... shortstop TULOWITZKI moved in behind GONZALEZ

and he does not like the call! ... he's arguing with the ump ... but he's cooling off

he had his say ... GRIFFIN's back on the rubber ... GRIFFIN brings it to the plate

ground ball to second ... UGGLA to his left ... he fields it ... no play at third

and he flips to first ... in time ... that's two! ... GONZALEZ moves up

* I. KINSLER facing A. GRIFFIN, T 4th, 2 Outs, Runner on 3rd, Tied 2-2

Looks at third ... GRIFFIN rocks and fires ... it's grounded into the hole ... scooped by TULOWITZKI

the throw to first ... and he's gone

* BOTTOM OF THE 4th, Cardinals 2, Vultures 2

* J. GOMES facing M. ESTRADA, B 4th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Tied 2-2

ESTRADA delivers ... driven to right ... it's playable ... MAXWELL's there ... and he covers it

for the first out

* M. MONTERO facing M. ESTRADA, B 4th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Tied 2-2

The pitch ... grounded to the right side ... wide of first ... and it squirts by GONZALEZ

and on into right for a base hit ... and MONTERO has himself a single

2nd hit for MONTERO in the game ... for Miguel MONTERO, his 3rd hit of the series

* D. UGGLA facing M. ESTRADA, B 4th, 1 Out, Runner on 1st, Tied 2-2

Space on the right ... MONTERO a stride off the bag ... ESTRADA into his motion ... delivers

UGGLA pops it up behind the plate ... MAUER moves under it ... and he's got it ... two away

* D. LOUGH facing M. ESTRADA, B 4th, 2 Outs, Runner on 1st, Tied 2-2

Firstbaseman GONZALEZ's on the bag ... and now the pitch ... laced to right field ... base hit

MAXWELL's over ... fields it ... MONTERO's well around second

TRY FOR THIRD? (1-yes, 2-no*)

but the coach is signaling to stop ... they're holding MONTERO at second

as the throw comes in ... and LOUGH has a single ... for David LOUGH, his 2nd hit of the series

* A. GRIFFIN facing M. ESTRADA, B 4th, 2 Outs, 1st and 2nd, Tied 2-2

The pitch from ESTRADA ... popped high to the left side ... BELTRE moves toward the line

he camps under it ... this should do it ... and he brings it down

* TOP OF THE 5th, Cardinals 2, Vultures 2

* J. MAXWELL facing A. GRIFFIN, T 5th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Tied 2-2

GRIFFIN winds and fires ... there's a bouncer to the left side

right where TULOWITZKI is stationed ... he takes his time with the peg

and puts MAXWELL away easily ... one down

* D. MURPHY facing A. GRIFFIN, T 5th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Tied 2-2

The pitch ... ripped to right center ... base hit ... DAVIS's chasing it down

he'll have to hurry ... MURPHY's trying for two ... the throw ... safe at second

that puts the go ahead run in scoring position ... for MURPHY, his 1st double of the series

for David MURPHY, his 1st hit of the series

* M. ESTRADA facing A. GRIFFIN, T 5th, 1 Out, Runner on 2nd, Tied 2-2

The pitch ... he squares ... bunted down the first base line ... DAVIS barehands it

and throws to third ... the throw's off line! ... MURPHY slides in safely ... no error called

a sacrifice for ESTRADA ... the go ahead run is now on third

* S. DREW facing A. GRIFFIN, T 5th, 1 Out, 1st and 3rd, Tied 2-2

Vultures playing for the double play ... the runners take their lead ... the pitch

DREW gets the sweet part of the bat on it ... it'll be a tough chance for DAVIS

he might not make it there ... heading for the wall ... he sticks out his glove

it's in his glove ... MURPHY's tagging


(1-home, 2-home and second, 3-no advance*)

they're waving MURPHY in ... here comes the throw

TRY FOR SECOND ON THROW? (1-yes, 2-no*)

and he's ... safe easily ... DREW picks up a sac fly and an RBI

ESTRADA retreats and holds first

Cardinals 3, Vultures 2

* A. BELTRE facing A. GRIFFIN, T 5th, 2 Outs, Runner on 1st, Ahead 3-2

Here's the pitch ... bouncer to UGGLA ... he flips to TULOWITZKI at second ... and they get him

that's three away

* BOTTOM OF THE 5th, Cardinals 3, Vultures 2

* R. DAVIS facing M. ESTRADA, B 5th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 2-3

The pitch ... DAVIS skies it to center ... MURPHY roams over for it ... and records the putout

one away

* T. TULOWITZKI facing M. ESTRADA, B 5th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Behind 2-3

The pitch ... hit hard toward the gap in right center ... MURPHY's racing back ... he won't get it

it's off the wall ... MURPHY chases it down ... TULOWITZKI cruises in to second

the tying run is now at second base ... for TULOWITZKI, his 2nd double of the series

for Troy TULOWITZKI, his 5th hit of the series

* C. DAVIS facing M. ESTRADA, B 5th, 1 Out, Runner on 2nd, Behind 2-3

Now he comes home with it ... hot smash to KINSLER ... takes it on one hop ... no play at third

and he flips to first ... in time ... two down! ... TULOWITZKI moves up

that puts the tying run at third

* M. CABRERA facing M. ESTRADA, B 5th, 2 Outs, Runner on 3rd, Behind 2-3

TULOWITZKI down the line some at third ... he wheels and deals

CABRERA drives one down the left field line ... if it stays fair ... and it's ... gone!

home run for CABRERA ... and two runs score ... Miguel coming around the bases

he loves a trip downtown ... he claps his hands ... he's greeted at the plate

Cardinals 3, Vultures 4

* J. GOMES facing M. ESTRADA, B 5th, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-3

He lets one go ... it's a shot to left center ... that's a base hit ... GOMES rounds first

MURPHY takes it on the long bounce ... the throw to second ... and GOMES holds with a single

for Jonny GOMES, his 2nd hit of the series

And here comes Cardinals manager Buck Miller IV ... he's asking ESTRADA for the ball

taking the mound for the Cardinals is Jose VERAS ... so ESTRADA goes four and two thirds

the line on him ... 4 runs ... so far ... on 10 hits ... 2 homers ... 2 walks ... he fans 2

he's responsible for the runner ... he can only lose it

for VERAS his first appearance in the series ... he's a right-handed pitcher

he's looking for one out

* M. MONTERO facing J. VERAS, B 5th, 2 Outs, Runner on 1st, Ahead 4-3

The pitch ... ground ball to KINSLER ... he's up with it ... he juggles it

now he flips to GONZALEZ ... for the out ... three down

* TOP OF THE 6th, Cardinals 3, Vultures 4

* A. GONZALEZ facing A. GRIFFIN, T 6th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 3-4

The pitch is on the way ... swung on ... poked to right ... base hit ... LOUGH gets in front of it

fields it cleanly ... GONZALEZ rounds first and holds ... he's on with a single

the tying run is on ... 2nd safety for GONZALEZ

for Adrian GONZALEZ, his 5th hit of the series

* J. BAUTISTA facing A. GRIFFIN, T 6th, No Outs, Runner on 1st, Behind 3-4

Now the pitch ... grounder to second ... UGGLA has it ... over to TULOWITZKI ... for the out

back to DAVIS ... oh, double play

* J. MAUER facing A. GRIFFIN, T 6th, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 3-4

Here's the pitch from GRIFFIN ... lined to right center ... that's good for extra bases

DAVIS's chasing it down ... but there's nothing he can do ... MAUER cruises in to second

for MAUER, his 2nd double of the series ... for Joe MAUER, his 3rd hit of the series

* I. KINSLER facing A. GRIFFIN, T 6th, 2 Outs, Runner on 2nd, Behind 3-4

Pitcher steps off ... GRIFFIN's back on the rubber ... the pitch ... grounded to the right side

and UGGLA gloves it ... this should do it ... and he flips to first ... it's in the dirt

and it gets by DAVIS ... MAUER hustles over to third ... he looks home

but he'll put on the brakes ... and KINSLER goes on down to second ... UGGLA picks up an error

that puts the tying run at third

* J. MAXWELL facing A. GRIFFIN, T 6th, 2 Outs, 2nd and 3rd, Behind 3-4

GRIFFIN comes home ... it's skied ... UGGLA's in...TULOWITZKI's in ... UGGLA's calling for it

and he makes the catch ... for the final out

* BOTTOM OF THE 6th, Cardinals 3, Vultures 4

* D. UGGLA facing J. VERAS, B 6th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-3

The offering ... down and in ... and just out of the strike zone ... VERAS thought it was in there

but UGGLA draws a walk ... that was UGGLA's first walk of the series

* D. LOUGH facing J. VERAS, B 6th, No Outs, Runner on 1st, Ahead 4-3

The pitch ... half swing ... it's popped up ... MAUER's out ... GONZALEZ's in

MAUER calls him off ... and he covers it ... one away

Vultures skipper Buck Miller IV walking down the bench

Miller IV is taking pitcher GRIFFIN out of the game ... Justin RUGGIANO will pinch hit for him

bats right ... he grabs a bat ... and heads toward the plate ... so GRIFFIN goes six innings

the game for GRIFFIN ... 3 runs ... on 6 hits ... a homer ... he stands to win it

* J. RUGGIANO facing J. VERAS, B 6th, 1 Out, Runner on 1st, Ahead 4-3

VERAS comes home ... RUGGIANO rips it toward short ... DREW fields it cleanly

flips to second for the force ... and on to first ... in time ... twin killing ... three down!

Brett CECIL is coming on to pitch for the Vultures ... for CECIL

his 3rd appearance in the series ... the lefty CECIL has worked two innings ... he has a 0.00 ERA

* TOP OF THE 7th, Cardinals 3, Vultures 4

* D. MURPHY facing B. CECIL, T 7th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 3-4

CECIL now ... that's batted to the right side ... DAVIS fields it

and he runs to first ahead of MURPHY ... and there's one away

Cardinals manager Buck Miller IV looking at his scoresheet

Miller IV is taking pitcher VERAS out of the game ... Junior LAKE is enlisted to hit for him

bats right ... he grabs a bat ... strides toward the box ... VERAS pitched one and a third

his line ... no runs ... on no hits

* J. LAKE facing B. CECIL, T 7th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Behind 3-4

CECIL brings it home ... checked swing ... strike three ... two down

* S. DREW facing B. CECIL, T 7th, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 3-4

The pitch comes in ... it's a long fly ball to center field ... that could be trouble

DAVIS's racing to the track ... he won't get it ... it's high off the wall

DREW hits second under full steam

TRY FOR THIRD? (1-yes, 2-no*)

and he puts on the brakes ... the coach is holding him up ... double for DREW

that's his 2nd double of the game ... for DREW, his 4th double of the series

for Stephen DREW, his 5th hit of the series

* A. BELTRE facing B. CECIL, T 7th, 2 Outs, Runner on 2nd, Behind 3-4

Pitcher steps off ... CECIL's back on the rubber ... the offering to BELTRE ... breaking ball

blooped toward second ... UGGLA's over ... reaches to his right ... and hauls it in

three down!

Grant BALFOUR is coming on in relief for Elm Grove ... for BALFOUR

his 2nd appearance in the series ... the right-hander BALFOUR has worked one inning

he has a 0.00 ERA

* BOTTOM OF THE 7th, Cardinals 3, Vultures 4

* R. DAVIS facing G. BALFOUR, B 7th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-3

He lets one go ... rip and a miss by DAVIS ... and that's a strikeout ... one down

* T. TULOWITZKI facing G. BALFOUR, B 7th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-3

Here's the pitch from BALFOUR ... slashed to right ... it's in there ... MAXWELL fields it

TULOWITZKI starts for second ... but he's quickly back ... as the throw comes in to DREW

single for TULOWITZKI ... 2nd safety for TULOWITZKI

for Troy TULOWITZKI, his 6th hit of the series

And here comes Cardinals manager Buck Miller IV ... again ... he's asking BALFOUR for the ball

he'll go to the bullpen ... the lefty J.P. HOWELL will try to stall Silver City

so BALFOUR goes only one third of an inning ... the game for BALFOUR ... one hit

one strikeout ... he leaves with a runner on ... for HOWELL ... his 3rd appearance in the series

the lefty HOWELL has worked two innings ... he has a 0.00 ERA

he'll be looking for the double play

* C. DAVIS facing J. HOWELL, B 7th, 1 Out, Runner on 1st, Ahead 4-3

HOWELL deals ... and it's bounced in the dirt! ... it gets away from MAUER

TULOWITZKI goes to second ... and they score that a wild pitch

* C. DAVIS facing J. HOWELL, B 7th, 1 Out, Runner on 2nd, Ahead 4-3

HOWELL cranks it up ... and DAVIS is caught looking ... that's two!

* M. CABRERA facing J. HOWELL, B 7th, 2 Outs, Runner on 2nd, Ahead 4-3

Left-hander HOWELL ready ... and they're putting CABRERA on ... intentional walk

Buck Miller IV will let HOWELL ... take his chances with Jonny GOMES

* J. GOMES facing J. HOWELL, B 7th, 2 Outs, 1st and 2nd, Ahead 4-3

The runners take their lead ... HOWELL with the pitch ... it's a shot down the line to right

into the corner ... TULOWITZKI rounds third ... he'll score ... CABRERA will score

GOMES's heading for third ... here comes the relay ... safe!...the throw was just a little late

triple for GOMES

Cardinals 3, Vultures 6

* M. MONTERO facing J. HOWELL, B 7th, 2 Outs, Runner on 3rd, Ahead 6-3

GOMES down the line some at third ... now the delivery ... wide of the strike zone ... ball four

and MONTERO trots down to first ... that was MONTERO's first walk of the series

* D. UGGLA facing J. HOWELL, B 7th, 2 Outs, 1st and 3rd, Ahead 6-3

GOMES takes his lead at third ... HOWELL delivers ... he inside-outs it to right

over near the line ... MAXWELL charges over ... and he one-hands it for the out

* TOP OF THE 8th, Cardinals 3, Vultures 6

* A. GONZALEZ facing B. CECIL, T 8th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 3-6

The pitch ... GONZALEZ blasts a drive to right center ... it might have the distance

it rattles the wall ... DAVIS plays the carom ... old lead-foot will have to hustle

he's going for second ... the throw ... they nail him! ... he's out trying to stretch it

one away ... don't get me wrong, now ... I like the guy ... but what was he thinking about?

* J. BAUTISTA facing B. CECIL, T 8th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Behind 3-6

Here's the delivery ... strike three ... he's out of there ... two away

* J. MAUER facing B. CECIL, T 8th, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 3-6

He comes home ... swung on ... and missed ... strike one

* J. MAUER facing B. CECIL, T 8th, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 3-6

And now the pitch ... checked swing ... ball four ... and he trots down to first

And here comes Vultures manager Buck Miller IV ... again ... he's asking CECIL for the ball

he'll bring in Vultures right-hander Tanner SCHEPPERS

so CECIL goes an inning and two thirds in relief ... he yielded ... 2 hits ... one walk

he struck out 2 ... he's responsible for the runner ... for SCHEPPERS

his 3rd appearance in the series ... the right-hander SCHEPPERS has worked two and a third

he has a 0.00 ERA ... he's looking for one out ... it's his game to save

* I. KINSLER facing T. SCHEPPERS, T 8th, 2 Outs, Runner on 1st, Behind 3-6

The pitch ... KINSLER pounds it on the ground ... UGGLA stops it on one hop

shovels to TULOWITZKI for the force ... three down

* BOTTOM OF THE 8th, Cardinals 3, Vultures 6

* D. LOUGH facing J. HOWELL, B 8th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 6-3

HOWELL to the wind ... swung on ... lined shot to center ... MURPHY runs straight back

he got a quick start ... turns and reaches ... and brings it down ... he made that look easy

one down

Vultures skipper Buck Miller IV walking down the bench

You can mark pitcher Tanner SCHEPPERS out for the Vultures ... Miller IV not letting him bat

Brett WALLACE will bat in his place ... bats left ... he shoulders the bat

walks confidently before the crowd ... SCHEPPERS pitched one third of an inning

the game for SCHEPPERS ... no runs ... on no hits

* B. WALLACE facing J. HOWELL, B 8th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Ahead 6-3

The pitch comes in ... WALLACE laces it into the gap in right ... it's a 'tweener ... to the wall

and WALLACE pulls in to second base standing up ... for WALLACE, his 1st double of the series

for Brett WALLACE, his 1st hit of the series

And here comes Cardinals manager Buck Miller IV ... again ... he's pulling some sort of switch

GONZALEZ is out of the game ... Joel PERALTA is coming on in relief for Elm Grove

he'll bat third ... so HOWELL goes only one inning ... he yielded ... one earned run

on 2 hits ... walked 2 ... one strikeout ... he's responsible for the runner ... for PERALTA

his 2nd appearance in the series ... the right-hander PERALTA has worked one inning

he has a lofty 9.00 ERA ... he inherits a runner in scoring position

this will test his effectiveness

Another defensive change by Buck Miller IV ... Adam DUNN is now playing first for Elm Grove

Miller IV takes HOWELL out of the game

* R. DAVIS facing J. PERALTA, B 8th, 1 Out, Runner on 2nd, Ahead 6-3

He lets it go ... bounced back to the mound ... PERALTA knocks it down ... picks it up

looks WALLACE back to second ... now he throws to first ... two away! ... WALLACE holds

* T. TULOWITZKI facing J. PERALTA, B 8th, 2 Outs, Runner on 2nd, Ahead 6-3

Here's the pitch from PERALTA ... fastball ... high ... free pass to TULOWITZKI

and the ump gives him first

* C. DAVIS facing J. PERALTA, B 8th, 2 Outs, 1st and 2nd, Ahead 6-3

He delivers ... taken...ball ... DAVIS walks ... that fills the bases

* M. CABRERA facing J. PERALTA, B 8th, 2 Outs, Bases Loaded, Ahead 6-3

The runners take their lead ... PERALTA comes to him ... CABRERA slaps it on the ground to right

this one has eyes ... it slides right between KINSLER and DUNN

he couldn't have thrown it in a better spot ... WALLACE scores ... TULOWITZKI's well around third

DAVIS's around second

TRY TO SCORE? (1-yes, 2-no*)

they're waving TULOWITZKI in

TRY FOR THIRD ALSO? (1-yes, 2-no*)

they're holding DAVIS at second

THROW HOME? (1-yes, 2-no*)

here comes the throw home

TRY FOR THIRD ON THROW? (1-yes, 2-no*)

here's the play at the plate ... and he's ... safe...ahead of the throw

and DAVIS holds at second ... CABRERA holds at first

Cardinals 3, Vultures 8

* J. GOMES facing J. PERALTA, B 8th, 2 Outs, 1st and 2nd, Ahead 8-3

The delivery from PERALTA ... GOMES smacks a rocket to right field ... and MAXWELL spears it

he's holding it up and waving it ... for all to admire

Jim HENDERSON is coming on in relief for Silver City ... for HENDERSON

his 2nd appearance in the series ... the right-hander HENDERSON has worked one inning

he has a lofty 9.00 ERA

* TOP OF THE 9th, Cardinals 3, Vultures 8

* J. MAXWELL facing J. HENDERSON, T 9th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 3-8

Here's the pitch from HENDERSON ... yanked toward short ... TULOWITZKI dives ... and it's through

single for MAXWELL ... for Justin MAXWELL, his 1st hit of the series

* D. MURPHY facing J. HENDERSON, T 9th, No Outs, Runner on 1st, Behind 3-8

MAXWELL takes a good lead ... HENDERSON with the pitch ... strike three on the outside corner

HENDERSON slipped one by him ... one away

* A. DUNN facing J. HENDERSON, T 9th, 1 Out, Runner on 1st, Behind 3-8

Here's the pitch from HENDERSON ... strike three ... he's out of there

a pair of strikeouts for HENDERSON here in the 9th ... two gone

* S. DREW facing J. HENDERSON, T 9th, 2 Outs, Runner on 1st, Behind 3-8

The pitch ... wide of the mark ... and DREW walks

* A. BELTRE facing J. HENDERSON, T 9th, 2 Outs, 1st and 2nd, Behind 3-8

HENDERSON cranks it up ... a little looper to left ... shortstop TULOWITZKI might have a play

running with his back to the plate ... he twists and reaches ... but it drops just out of reach

GOMES tracks it down ... the runners were off with the hit ... MAXWELL well around third

coming down the line ... he'll score ... DREW is heading for third ... here comes the throw

not in time! ... and BELTRE holds at first ... single and an RBI

Cardinals 4, Vultures 8

Cardinals manager Buck Miller IV looking at his scoresheet

Miller IV is yanking Joel PERALTA ... Derek NORRIS will now hit for him ... bats right

he shoulders the bat ... heads to the box ... PERALTA pitched two thirds of an inning

the line on him ... one earned run ... on one hit

And here comes Vultures manager Buck Miller IV ... he's pulling some sort of switch

TULOWITZKI is out of the game ... Koji UEHARA is coming on to pitch for the Vultures

he'll bat second ... so HENDERSON goes only two thirds of an inning ... he yielded

one earned run ... on 2 hits ... one walk ... he fans 2 ... he's responsible for the runners

for UEHARA ... his 3rd appearance in the series

the right-hander UEHARA has worked two innings ... he has a 0.00 ERA

Another defensive change by Buck Miller IV ... Miller IV is sending in Zack COZART

he'll be playing shortstop for Silver City ... HENDERSON is out

* D. NORRIS facing K. UEHARA, T 9th, 2 Outs, 1st and 3rd, Behind 4-8

DREW down the line some at third ... he lets it go ... hit in the air ... left field

GOMES's going back ... and he makes the catch

FINAL SCORE : Cardinals 4, Vultures 8