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* TOP OF THE 1st, Vultures 0, Cardinals 0

So settle in ... this is a championship game

* R. DAVIS facing A. WAINWRIGHT, T 1st, No Outs, Bases Empty, Tied 0-0

The pitch ... rip and a miss by DAVIS ... and that's a strikeout ... one away

* T. TULOWITZKI facing A. WAINWRIGHT, T 1st, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Tied 0-0

WAINWRIGHT kicks and deals ... that's rocked to deep left center ... it is high ... and long

and gone! ... TULOWITZKI with a monster shot

Vultures 1, Cardinals 0

* C. DAVIS facing A. WAINWRIGHT, T 1st, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Ahead 1-0

The pitch ... DAVIS hits a comebacker ... WAINWRIGHT knocks it down

bare-hands it and throws to first ... a photo finish ... and the ump calls DAVIS out

* M. CABRERA facing A. WAINWRIGHT, T 1st, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 1-0

The pitch ... high fly ... left center ... MURPHY roams over ... he'll get there ... and does

three down

* BOTTOM OF THE 1st, Vultures 1, Cardinals 0

* C. CRISP facing M. LATOS, B 1st, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 0-1

LATOS comes to him ... smashed hard at DAVIS ... he leaps ... just out of reach

that's good for extra bases ... LOUGH's after it ... he's there ... the throw

he'll hold Coco to a double ... for CRISP, his 3rd double of the series

for Coco CRISP, his 5th hit of the series

* J. MAUER facing M. LATOS, B 1st, No Outs, Runner on 2nd, Behind 0-1

LATOS working on CRISP to hold him close ... he doubled to lead it off ... the pitch

lined hard to left ... toward the gap ... it's rolling ... that's good for extra bases

CRISP's around third ... he scores ... GOMES gets it in quickly ... MAUER stops at second

back-to-back doubles by the Cardinals

Vultures 1, Cardinals 1

* A. BELTRE facing M. LATOS, B 1st, No Outs, Runner on 2nd, Tied 1-1

The pitch ... base hit right field ... it drops in front of LOUGH ... he has to play the long bounce

MAUER rounds third

TRY TO SCORE? (1-yes, 2-no*)

the throw comes in to DAVIS ... and they're holding MAUER at third

for Adrian BELTRE, his 6th hit of the series

* S. DREW facing M. LATOS, B 1st, No Outs, 1st and 3rd, Tied 1-1

Infielders back ... now he comes home with it ... just off the plate ... and he issues a free pass

LATOS is upset with himself ... his control has deserted him for the moment

that fills the bases

* I. KINSLER facing M. LATOS, B 1st, No Outs, Bases Loaded, Tied 1-1

Infield back at double play depth ... the runners take their lead ... LATOS now ... upstairs

and KINSLER isn't tempted ... ball four ... and that walks in a run

and the bases are still loaded ... that'll give Buck Miller IV a few more grey hairs

and KINSLER gets an easy rbi

Vultures 1, Cardinals 2

* A. GONZALEZ facing M. LATOS, B 1st, No Outs, Bases Loaded, Ahead 2-1

Infielders back ... the pitch from LATOS ... hard shot at CABRERA ... he spears it

tags third to get the force ... but the run scores ... and GONZALEZ's on at first

Vultures 1, Cardinals 3

* J. MAXWELL facing M. LATOS, B 1st, 1 Out, 1st and 2nd, Ahead 3-1

The pitch ... slashed into the hole ... SCUTARO to his left ... he won't get it

KINSLER races around third ... he's headed home ... he'll score ... GONZALEZ holds up at second

as the ball is returned to the infield ... and MAXWELL's on at first

Vultures 1, Cardinals 4

* D. MURPHY facing M. LATOS, B 1st, 1 Out, 1st and 2nd, Ahead 4-1

The runners take their lead ... the pitch ... swung on ... easy bouncer to SCUTARO ... could be two

he flips to TULOWITZKI at second ... over to first ... double play

and they get out of the inning

* TOP OF THE 2nd, Vultures 1, Cardinals 4

* J. GOMES facing A. WAINWRIGHT, T 2nd, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-4

Sorry, there's a delay ... WAINWRIGHT is walking off the mound ... here comes the trainer

they're talking it over ... WAINWRIGHT stretches his arm ... throws a pitch

Adam throws a practice toss now ... not much on it ... they leave the field

he could be gone for the series ... The report from the clubhouse...

Cardinals pitcher Adam WAINWRIGHT ... injured for 5 days

Miller IV has made his decision ... with WAINWRIGHT injured

Jose VERAS will take the mound for Elm Grove ... so WAINWRIGHT is yanked early

he goes only one inning ... the game for WAINWRIGHT ... one earned run ... on one hit ... a homer

one strikeout ... for VERAS ... his 2nd appearance in the series

the right-hander VERAS has worked one and a third ... he has a 0.00 ERA

* J. GOMES facing J. VERAS, T 2nd, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-4

VERAS brings it to the plate ... swung on ... chopping ground ball up the middle ... DREW's over

stabs for it ... and he's got it! ... fires to first ... in time ... one down

* M. SCUTARO facing J. VERAS, T 2nd, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Behind 1-4

VERAS into the wind ... it's popped high in the air ... DREW's backing up ... he has it measured

and he puts it away ... for out number two

* M. MONTERO facing J. VERAS, T 2nd, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-4

VERAS kicks and deals ... bounced to short ... DREW to his right ... he has it

and he throws him out ... to retire the side

* BOTTOM OF THE 2nd, Vultures 1, Cardinals 4

* J. VERAS facing M. LATOS, B 2nd, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-1

LATOS with the offering ... one-hopper to second ... over to first ... one down

* C. CRISP facing M. LATOS, B 2nd, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-1

Now the delivery ... LATOS misses ... ball four ... CRISP will go to first

and that's already the 3rd walk issued by LATOS

* J. MAUER facing M. LATOS, B 2nd, 1 Out, Runner on 1st, Ahead 4-1

There goes CRISP ... and it's drilled foul ... strike one

* J. MAUER facing M. LATOS, B 2nd, 1 Out, Runner on 1st, Ahead 4-1

Space on the right ... CRISP leading off ... CRISP is off with the pitch ... the delivery

swing and a miss ... MONTERO fires to second ... and gets him! ... great throw by MONTERO

pretty aggressive with a 3-run lead

* J. MAUER facing M. LATOS, B 2nd, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-1

The two-strike pitch ... MAUER tops it down the third base line

it'll be a tough play for CABRERA ... the off-balance peg ... yes! ... got him by a stride

sweet play by CABRERA ... for the final out

* TOP OF THE 3rd, Vultures 1, Cardinals 4

* D. LOUGH facing J. VERAS, T 3rd, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-4

VERAS kicks and deals ... right in there ... he's called out on strikes

must have been looking for something else ... one away

* M. LATOS facing J. VERAS, T 3rd, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Behind 1-4

The pitch ... lined ... but right at GONZALEZ ... he snatches it in mid-air

and LATOS barely got out of the box ... and that's out number two

* R. DAVIS facing J. VERAS, T 3rd, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-4

The pitch is on the way ... slow bounder to the right side ... KINSLER's there ... throws quickly

just in time ... three away

* BOTTOM OF THE 3rd, Vultures 1, Cardinals 4

* A. BELTRE facing M. LATOS, B 3rd, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-1

LATOS deals ... in the dirt ... ball one

* A. BELTRE facing M. LATOS, B 3rd, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-1

The offering to BELTRE ... cut on ... a topper out front ... LATOS has it ... goes to first

in time for the out

* S. DREW facing M. LATOS, B 3rd, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-1

He brings it in ... sliced to CABRERA ... room service bounce ... the long throw to first

and they get him ... for the second out

* I. KINSLER facing M. LATOS, B 3rd, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-1

The pitch ... didn't mean to swing ... a slow roller to the left side

TULOWITZKI will have to rush his throw ... and he gets KINSLER ... nice play ... three down

* TOP OF THE 4th, Vultures 1, Cardinals 4

* T. TULOWITZKI facing J. VERAS, T 4th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-4

Now VERAS comes home with it ... Texas Leaguer to left ... TULOWITZKI is around first and holds

as the throw comes in to second ... he's on with a single ... 2nd hit for TULOWITZKI in the game

for Troy TULOWITZKI, his 10th hit of the series

* C. DAVIS facing J. VERAS, T 4th, No Outs, Runner on 1st, Behind 1-4

Firstbaseman GONZALEZ right on the bag ... TULOWITZKI's off and running

DAVIS taps it to the left of first ... GONZALEZ moves over for it ... the underhand toss to VERAS

safe! ... his foot was off the base ... the scorer rules it a hit

for Chris DAVIS, his 8th hit of the series

* M. CABRERA facing J. VERAS, T 4th, No Outs, 1st and 2nd, Behind 1-4

Here's the pitch ... grounded hard to short ... could be two ... DREW fields it

flips to KINSLER at second ... over to first ... double play ... TULOWITZKI moves to third

* J. GOMES facing J. VERAS, T 4th, 2 Outs, Runner on 3rd, Behind 1-4

TULOWITZKI takes his lead at third ... to the plate ... GOMES lunges at it

and TULOWITZKI is stranded ... three down

* BOTTOM OF THE 4th, Vultures 1, Cardinals 4

* A. GONZALEZ facing M. LATOS, B 4th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-1

LATOS to the wind ... spanked sharply to CABRERA ... brutal bounce

but CABRERA keeps it in front of him ... the quick throw across the diamond ... got him!

one away

* J. MAXWELL facing M. LATOS, B 4th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-1

Here's the pitch from LATOS ... MAXWELL bruises it ... heading for the gap in left center

but GOMES flags it down on the first bounce ... and MAXWELL decides not to stretch it

he hugs first with a single ... 2nd hit for MAXWELL in the game

for Justin MAXWELL, his 3rd hit of the series

* D. MURPHY facing M. LATOS, B 4th, 1 Out, Runner on 1st, Ahead 4-1

He delivers ... high bouncer to short ... he has to wait ... now he has it ... looks at second

he'll go to first ... two down ... MAXWELL moves up

Cardinals skipper Buck Miller IV walking down the bench

You can mark pitcher Jose VERAS out for the Cardinals ... Miller IV not letting him bat

Adam DUNN will bat in his place ... bats left ... he wrenches a piece of ash from the bushes

strolls to the box ... so VERAS goes three innings ... his line ... no runs ... on 2 hits

* A. DUNN facing M. LATOS, B 4th, 2 Outs, Runner on 2nd, Ahead 4-1

MAXWELL edges a bit more off second ... LATOS delivers ... hard shot to the right side

and it's through ... base hit ... LOUGH chases it down ... MAXWELL's well around third

TRY TO SCORE? (1-yes, 2-no*)

they're waving MAXWELL in

THROW HOME? (1-yes, 2-no*)

and he scores ... and DUNN holds with a single

Vultures 1, Cardinals 5

* C. CRISP facing M. LATOS, B 4th, 2 Outs, Runner on 1st, Ahead 5-1

The offering to CRISP ... CRISP lines one deep to right ... LOUGH racing back ... he has it!

and that retires the side

Grant BALFOUR is coming on in relief for Elm Grove ... for BALFOUR

his 4th appearance in the series ... the right-hander BALFOUR has worked an inning and two thirds

he has a lofty 16.20 ERA

* TOP OF THE 5th, Vultures 1, Cardinals 5

* M. SCUTARO facing G. BALFOUR, T 5th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-5

BALFOUR winds up ... it's deep to center ... way back ... MURPHY's racing to the track

against the wall ... and he makes the catch ... one down

* M. MONTERO facing G. BALFOUR, T 5th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Behind 1-5

He comes home ... upstairs with a fast one ... MONTERO doesn't offer ... and that's ball number four

and Miguel will get down to first

* D. LOUGH facing G. BALFOUR, T 5th, 1 Out, Runner on 1st, Behind 1-5

Now BALFOUR comes home with it ... soft blooper to right ... toward the gap ... and MAXWELL

cuts it off on the bounce ... MONTERO's around second

TRY FOR THIRD? (1-yes, 2-no*)

but the coach flashes the stop sign ... and they hold MONTERO up ... as the throw comes in

and LOUGH is on with a single ... for David LOUGH, his 4th hit of the series

* M. LATOS facing G. BALFOUR, T 5th, 1 Out, 1st and 2nd, Behind 1-5

Infield looking for the bunt ... the runners take their lead ... the pitch ... he waves at it

strike three ... two down

* R. DAVIS facing G. BALFOUR, T 5th, 2 Outs, 1st and 2nd, Behind 1-5

He lets one go ... he waves at it ... strike three ... three down

* BOTTOM OF THE 5th, Vultures 1, Cardinals 5

* J. MAUER facing M. LATOS, B 5th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 5-1

Here's the pitch from LATOS ... MAUER sends one to left center ... DAVIS's racing over

GOMES's on the run ... and DAVIS makes the catch ... one down

* A. BELTRE facing M. LATOS, B 5th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Ahead 5-1

The pitch ... it's a whiff ... two away

* S. DREW facing M. LATOS, B 5th, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 5-1

The pitch ... swung on ... and it's chopped down the first base line ... DAVIS

takes the high hop ... he flips to LATOS covering ... and they get him

* TOP OF THE 6th, Vultures 1, Cardinals 5

* T. TULOWITZKI facing G. BALFOUR, T 6th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-5

He lets one go ... swung on ... foul tip ... held by MAUER...strikeout ... one down

* C. DAVIS facing G. BALFOUR, T 6th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Behind 1-5

Now BALFOUR comes home with it ... swung on ... smashed toward the gap in right center

MURPHY's racing back ... it's over his head ... off the wall ... he's chasing it down

DAVIS hits second under full steam

TRY FOR THIRD? (1-yes, 2-no*)

and he puts on the brakes ... the coach is indicating emphatically for him to stop

double for DAVIS ... that's DAVIS's 2nd hit of the game

for DAVIS, his 3rd double of the series ... for Chris DAVIS, his 9th hit of the series

* M. CABRERA facing G. BALFOUR, T 6th, 1 Out, Runner on 2nd, Behind 1-5

The pitch comes in ... CABRERA's called out on strikes ... two gone

* J. GOMES facing G. BALFOUR, T 6th, 2 Outs, Runner on 2nd, Behind 1-5

He lets it go ... he pops it up ... GONZALEZ's backing up ... KINSLER's over ... waves off GONZALEZ

three down

* BOTTOM OF THE 6th, Vultures 1, Cardinals 5

* I. KINSLER facing M. LATOS, B 6th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 5-1

Here's the pitch ... swung on and lined ... base hit into center ... DAVIS picks it up

and keeps KINSLER at first ... so he's on with a single

for Ian KINSLER, his 5th hit of the series

And here comes Vultures manager Buck Miller IV ... he's pulling some sort of switch

DAVIS is out of the game ... Brett CECIL is coming on in relief for Silver City

he'll bat first ... so LATOS goes five innings ... his line ... 5 runs ... all earned

on 7 hits ... 3 walks ... one strikeout ... he's responsible for the runner

he can only lose it ... for CECIL ... his 4th appearance in the series

the lefty CECIL has worked three and two thirds ... he has a 0.00 ERA

he'll try to hold them to let the Vultures get back in it

Justin RUGGIANO is in center field for Silver City ... Miller IV takes LATOS out of the game

* A. GONZALEZ facing B. CECIL, B 6th, No Outs, Runner on 1st, Ahead 5-1

KINSLER bluffs going ... now CECIL comes home with it ... fastball ... high

free pass to GONZALEZ ... and the ump gives him first ... that extends the streak

now 6 games in a row on base

* J. MAXWELL facing B. CECIL, B 6th, No Outs, 1st and 2nd, Ahead 5-1

The pitch ... it's a shot to left center ... base hit ... GOMES is racing over

he cuts it off deep in the gap ... KINSLER is around third ... GONZALEZ is around second

TRY TO SCORE? (1-yes, 2-no*)

they're waving KINSLER in

TRY FOR THIRD ALSO? (1-yes, 2-no*)

THROW HOME? (1-yes, 2-no*)

here comes the throw home

TRY FOR THIRD ON THROW? (1-yes, 2-no*)

here's the play at the plate ... and he's ... safe...ahead of the throw

and GONZALEZ holds at second ... MAXWELL is on with a single

Vultures 1, Cardinals 6

* D. MURPHY facing B. CECIL, B 6th, No Outs, 1st and 2nd, Ahead 6-1

The runners take their lead ... CECIL brings it ... swung on ... easy bouncer to SCUTARO

could be two ... he flips to TULOWITZKI at second ... over to first ... yes!

two for the price of one ... GONZALEZ moves to third

Cardinals skipper Buck Miller IV walking down the bench

Miller IV is recalling pitcher BALFOUR ... Junior LAKE is enlisted to hit for him ... bats right

he shoulders the bat ... heads out ... BALFOUR pitched two innings ... his line ... no runs

on 2 hits

* J. LAKE facing B. CECIL, B 6th, 2 Outs, Runner on 3rd, Ahead 6-1

The delivery from CECIL ... LAKE waves at one in the dirt ... and he's a strikeout victim

and GONZALEZ is stranded ... three down

Joel PERALTA is coming on to pitch for the Cardinals ... for PERALTA

his 3rd appearance in the series ... the right-hander PERALTA has worked an inning and two thirds

he has a lofty 10.80 ERA

* TOP OF THE 7th, Vultures 1, Cardinals 6

* M. SCUTARO facing J. PERALTA, T 7th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-6

PERALTA comes home ... lined to right ... MAXWELL will play it on the hop

and SCUTARO's on with a single ... for Marco SCUTARO, his 5th hit of the series

* M. MONTERO facing J. PERALTA, T 7th, No Outs, Runner on 1st, Behind 1-6

PERALTA with the pitch ... grounder to KINSLER ... he fires to DREW at second ... out!

over to GONZALEZ at first ... and he's ... safe at first ... but they get the lead runner

one down

* D. LOUGH facing J. PERALTA, T 7th, 1 Out, Runner on 1st, Behind 1-6

The delivery from PERALTA ... swung on ... and it's pulled hard to right ... MAXWELL's there

reaches up ... and hauls it in ... two away ... MONTERO retreats quickly

as the throw comes in

* J. RUGGIANO facing J. PERALTA, T 7th, 2 Outs, Runner on 1st, Behind 1-6

He wheels and deals ... swung on and missed ... side retired

* BOTTOM OF THE 7th, Vultures 1, Cardinals 6

* C. CRISP facing B. CECIL, B 7th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 6-1

CECIL to the wind ... there's a fly ball to left ... GOMES drifts back ... still backpeddling

hey, this ball may carry ... at the fence ... GOMES jumps for it ... does he have it? ... no!

a home run for CRISP!

Vultures 1, Cardinals 7

* J. MAUER facing B. CECIL, B 7th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 7-1

The pitch ... banged to left center ... base hit ... MAUER rounds first ... and holds with a single

Joe with his 2nd hit in this game ... for Joe MAUER, his 5th hit of the series

* A. BELTRE facing B. CECIL, B 7th, No Outs, Runner on 1st, Ahead 7-1

The pitch comes in ... grounder to SCUTARO ... he fires to TULOWITZKI at second ... out!

over to DAVIS at first ... and he's ... safe at first ... but they get the lead runner

one down

* S. DREW facing B. CECIL, B 7th, 1 Out, Runner on 1st, Ahead 7-1

CECIL comes to the plate ... bounced up the middle ... TULOWITZKI is over ... he stabs for it

he's got it ... flips to second ... not in time ... and DREW is on with a single

for Elm Grove ... the 11th hit in this game ... for Stephen DREW, his 6th hit of the series

* I. KINSLER facing B. CECIL, B 7th, 1 Out, 1st and 2nd, Ahead 7-1

The runners take their lead ... he wheels and deals ... swung on

it's a fly ball to the gap in right ... LOUGH's racing over ... but he won't get it

it's to the wall ... BELTRE scores ... DREW's rounding third

TRY TO SCORE? (1-yes, 2-no*)

the throw comes in to DAVIS ... KINSLER's in standing with a double

and they're holding DREW at third

Vultures 1, Cardinals 8

* A. GONZALEZ facing B. CECIL, B 7th, 1 Out, 2nd and 3rd, Ahead 8-1

Infield deep ... now the pitch ... looped to left ... toward the gap ... he'll have to hurry

and GOMES ... takes it in ... both runners are tagging

TRY TO SCORE? (1-yes, 2-no*)

they're waving DREW in

TRY FOR THIRD ALSO? (1-yes, 2-no*)

here comes the throw home

TRY FOR THIRD ON THROW? (1-yes, 2-no*)

here's the play at the plate ... and he's ... safe easily

GONZALEZ picks up a sac fly and an RBI ... and KINSLER holds at second

Vultures 1, Cardinals 9

* J. MAXWELL facing B. CECIL, B 7th, 2 Outs, Runner on 2nd, Ahead 9-1

KINSLER moves quietly toward third ... here's the delivery ... wide of the mark

and MAXWELL walks ... that was MAXWELL's first walk of the series

* D. MURPHY facing B. CECIL, B 7th, 2 Outs, 1st and 2nd, Ahead 9-1

Here comes the pitch ... MURPHY lays off the pitch ... ball four ... David takes his base

that fills the bases ... that was MURPHY's first walk of the series

Cardinals manager Buck Miller IV looking at his scoresheet

Miller IV is recalling pitcher PERALTA ... who is it? ... Derek NORRIS will bat for him

bats right ... he shoulders the bat ... heads out ... so PERALTA goes one inning ... his line

no runs ... on one hit

* D. NORRIS facing B. CECIL, B 7th, 2 Outs, Bases Loaded, Ahead 9-1

Here he comes ... grounded to the right side ... wide of first ... and it squirts by DAVIS

and into right field for a single ... one run scores ... MAXWELL is well around third

MURPHY is well around second

TRY TO SCORE? (1-yes, 2-no*)

they're waving MAXWELL in

TRY FOR THIRD ALSO? (1-yes, 2-no*)

they're sending MURPHY to third also


(1-home, 2-third, 3-no throw*)

the throw goes home

TRY FOR SECOND ON THROW? (1-yes, 2-no*)

here's the play at the plate ... and he's ... safe easily ... and MURPHY moves to third

NORRIS holds at first

Vultures 1, Cardinals 11

And here comes Vultures manager Buck Miller IV ... again ... he's pulling some sort of switch

SCUTARO is out of the game ... David CARPENTER is coming on in relief for Silver City

he'll bat sixth ... so CECIL goes an inning and two thirds ... his line ... 5 runs ... all earned

on 6 hits ... a homer ... 3 walks ... one strikeout ... he's responsible for the runners

for CARPENTER ... his 3rd appearance in the series

the right-hander CARPENTER has worked three innings ... he has a 3.00 ERA

Dan UGGLA is now playing second base for Silver City ... Miller IV takes CECIL out of the game

* C. CRISP facing D. CARPENTER, B 7th, 2 Outs, 1st and 3rd, Ahead 11-1

The runners take their lead ... the pitch ... misses the strike zone ... CRISP ambles to first

that fills the bases

* J. MAUER facing D. CARPENTER, B 7th, 2 Outs, Bases Loaded, Ahead 11-1

The runners take their lead ... the pitch ... MAUER piles into this pitch ... this could be trouble

LOUGH races it to the wall ... picked clean! ... and that's out number three ... free at last

J.P. HOWELL is coming on to pitch for the Cardinals ... for HOWELL

his 4th appearance in the series ... the lefty HOWELL has worked three innings

he has a 6.00 ERA

* TOP OF THE 8th, Vultures 1, Cardinals 11

* D. UGGLA facing J. HOWELL, T 8th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-11

And the pitch comes in ... taken ... strike three ... he's gone ... one down

* T. TULOWITZKI facing J. HOWELL, T 8th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Behind 1-11

HOWELL delivers ... lined to left center ... giving chase is MURPHY ... he hightails it to the track

and he snares it on the fly ... two gone

* C. DAVIS facing J. HOWELL, T 8th, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-11

Here comes the pitch ... he goes down on strikes ... that's three away

Miller IV is sending in Zack COZART ... he'll be playing short for Silver City ... TULOWITZKI is out

* BOTTOM OF THE 8th, Vultures 1, Cardinals 11

* A. BELTRE facing D. CARPENTER, B 8th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 11-1

CARPENTER brings it home ... cut on ... way out in front ... strike three ... one down

* S. DREW facing D. CARPENTER, B 8th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Ahead 11-1

CARPENTER kicks and deals ... off-balance swing ... it's skied ... in foul territory

MONTERO moves under it ... he has it measured ... and makes the catch ... two away

* I. KINSLER facing D. CARPENTER, B 8th, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 11-1

CARPENTER fires it in ... driven to the gap in right ... LOUGH can't get there ... it falls in

KINSLER is headed for second ... he's digging ... the throw from RUGGIANO

he lays the tag on him ... SAFE!...the ump signals safe ... a double for KINSLER

that's his 2nd double of the game ... for KINSLER, his 3rd double of the series

for Ian KINSLER, his 7th hit of the series

* A. GONZALEZ facing D. CARPENTER, B 8th, 2 Outs, Runner on 2nd, Ahead 11-1

CARPENTER looks back at KINSLER on second ... CARPENTER spins and fires to second

and it's in the dirt! ... scooped by COZART ... the tag ... safe!

CARPENTER's back on the rubber ... CARPENTER brings it home ... lined hard to left

GOMES had him played perfectly ... and he gloves it ... GOMES scarcely had to move

that's three away

* TOP OF THE 9th, Vultures 1, Cardinals 11

* M. CABRERA facing J. HOWELL, T 9th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-11

He comes home ... CABRERA looks at strike three ... one away

* J. GOMES facing J. HOWELL, T 9th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Behind 1-11

HOWELL to the wind ... way off the plate ... that'll be ball four ... and a free pass for GOMES

that was GOMES's first walk of the series

Vultures skipper Buck Miller IV walking down the bench

Miller IV is taking pitcher CARPENTER out of the game ... who is it?

Brett WALLACE will bat for him ... bats left ... he grabs some timber ... heads to the box

CARPENTER pitched one and a third ... he yielded ... no runs ... on one hit

* B. WALLACE facing J. HOWELL, T 9th, 1 Out, Runner on 1st, Behind 1-11

HOWELL cranks it up ... swung on ... it's a high fly to center ... MURPHY roams over

plenty of room ... he squeezes it ... two away ... and GOMES gets back safely

* M. MONTERO facing J. HOWELL, T 9th, 2 Outs, Runner on 1st, Behind 1-11

HOWELL comes home ... looped to left ... and BELTRE brings it down

FINAL SCORE : Vultures 1, Cardinals 11