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* TOP OF THE 1st, Vultures 0, Cardinals 0

So settle in ... this is a championship game

* J. DYSON facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 1st, No Outs, Bases Empty, Tied 0-0

Here he comes ... it's dribbled down the third base line ... BELTRE charges...barehands it

the throw to first ... DYSON beats it out! ... he's on with a single

for Jarrod DYSON, his 5th hit of the series

* M. SCUTARO facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 1st, No Outs, Runner on 1st, Tied 0-0

A toss over to first ... and DYSON steps back to the bag ... now HERNANDEZ is back on the rubber

he delivers ... chopper back to the mound ... HERNANDEZ gloves it

he flips to GONZALEZ at first ... for the out ... DYSON moves to second on the play ... one down

* C. DAVIS facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 1st, 1 Out, Runner on 2nd, Tied 0-0

HERNANDEZ looks back at DYSON on second ... HERNANDEZ comes to him ... ground ball to GONZALEZ

GONZALEZ knocks it down ... he's up with it ... DYSON rounds third ... but he's quickly back

and DAVIS's on at first with a single ... for Chris DAVIS, his 10th hit of the series

* M. CABRERA facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 1st, 1 Out, 1st and 3rd, Tied 0-0

Infield back at double play depth ... HERNANDEZ rocks and fires ... hit hard to DREW

he's up with it ... he fires to second for one ... back to first for two ... in time

a double play ... and they get out of the inning ... and HERNANDEZ is pumped!

* BOTTOM OF THE 1st, Vultures 0, Cardinals 0

* C. CRISP facing U. JIMENEZ, B 1st, No Outs, Bases Empty, Tied 0-0

And the pitch ... swung on ... chopping ground ball up the middle ... TULOWITZKI's over

stabs for it ... and it's through ... base hit for CRISP

for Coco CRISP, his 7th hit of the series

* J. MAUER facing U. JIMENEZ, B 1st, No Outs, Runner on 1st, Tied 0-0

CRISP is off with the pitch ... it's a shot to left center ... DYSON's racing to the gap

he's under it ... and he pulls it in ... one away ... CRISP scampers back to first

* A. BELTRE facing U. JIMENEZ, B 1st, 1 Out, Runner on 1st, Tied 0-0

CRISP going with the pitch ... grounded to the right side ... nobody can get to it ... base hit

SCUTARO moved toward second base ... and that let the ball get through

speedy CRISP glides in to third ... and Adrian BELTRE shows some good bat control

a classic hit-and-run ... for Adrian BELTRE, his 7th hit of the series

* S. DREW facing U. JIMENEZ, B 1st, 1 Out, 1st and 3rd, Tied 0-0

The Vultures are looking for the play at the plate ... CRISP takes his lead at third ... the pitch

oh! look at this! ... that baseball is just a memory! ... a tape measure job deep to right

Vultures 0, Cardinals 3

* I. KINSLER facing U. JIMENEZ, B 1st, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Ahead 3-0

He comes home ... swung on and missed ... two away

* A. GONZALEZ facing U. JIMENEZ, B 1st, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 3-0

JIMENEZ delivers ... wide of the strike zone ... ball four ... and GONZALEZ trots down to first

that extends the streak ... now 7 games in a row on base

* J. MAXWELL facing U. JIMENEZ, B 1st, 2 Outs, Runner on 1st, Ahead 3-0

The pitch ... swung on and missed ... he struck him out ... that's three away

* TOP OF THE 2nd, Vultures 0, Cardinals 3

* T. TULOWITZKI facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 2nd, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 0-3

The pitch ... yanked toward short ... and he has it in the air! ... one down

* R. DAVIS facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 2nd, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Behind 0-3

He comes home ... that's rocked to deep left center ... it is high ... and long ... and gone!

DAVIS with a monster shot

Vultures 1, Cardinals 3

* D. LOUGH facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 2nd, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Behind 1-3

The pitch is on the way ... swung on and missed ... HERNANDEZ pulled the string

and LOUGH was way out in front ... two gone

* M. MONTERO facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 2nd, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-3

The pitch ... way outside ... MONTERO draws a base on balls

* U. JIMENEZ facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 2nd, 2 Outs, Runner on 1st, Behind 1-3

Firstbaseman GONZALEZ holding the runner on ... here's a pitch ... half swing ... it's popped up

MAUER's out ... GONZALEZ's in ... MAUER calls him off ... and he covers it ... for the third out

* BOTTOM OF THE 2nd, Vultures 1, Cardinals 3

* D. MURPHY facing U. JIMENEZ, B 2nd, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 3-1

JIMENEZ brings it to the plate ... scorched back through the box ... it caroms off his leg

TULOWITZKI charges over ... bang-bang play at first ... MURPHY is out!

Ubaldo JIMENEZ shakes it off ... he'll be alright ... one down

* F. HERNANDEZ facing U. JIMENEZ, B 2nd, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Ahead 3-1

To the plate ... HERNANDEZ pounds it on the ground to short ... TULOWITZKI is there

the throw over ... and in time ... and that's the second out

* C. CRISP facing U. JIMENEZ, B 2nd, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 3-1

He brings it home ... swung on ... lined to short ... he won't get it ... and CRISP is on at first

2nd hit for CRISP in the game ... for Coco CRISP, his 8th hit of the series

* J. MAUER facing U. JIMENEZ, B 2nd, 2 Outs, Runner on 1st, Ahead 3-1

CRISP breaks hard for second base ... great jump

MAKE THROW? (1-yes*, 2-no)

MONTERO comes up throwing ...! ... that's his 3rd steal of the series

* J. MAUER facing U. JIMENEZ, B 2nd, 2 Outs, Runner on 2nd, Ahead 3-1

CRISP at second takes a big lead ... the pitch ... high fly ball to center ... DAVIS drifts under it

takes a step back ... and makes the catch ... side retired

* TOP OF THE 3rd, Vultures 1, Cardinals 3

* J. DYSON facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 3rd, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-3

The pitch ... swung on and missed ... he struck him out ... one away

* M. SCUTARO facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 3rd, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Behind 1-3

The pitch is on the way ... line drive base hit to right ... SCUTARO rounds first

but MAXWELL wings it back in to KINSLER ... and SCUTARO will settle for a single

for Marco SCUTARO, his 6th hit of the series

* C. DAVIS facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 3rd, 1 Out, Runner on 1st, Behind 1-3

The pitch is on the way ... on the hands ... popped up ... BELTRE's waving off the others

he's under it ... he puts it away

* M. CABRERA facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 3rd, 2 Outs, Runner on 1st, Behind 1-3

Now HERNANDEZ pitches ... healthy cut by CABRERA ... he's out on strikes ... that's three away

* BOTTOM OF THE 3rd, Vultures 1, Cardinals 3

* A. BELTRE facing U. JIMENEZ, B 3rd, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 3-1

He cranks and fires ... high fly ball to deep right ... LOUGH's back to the warning track

he's against the wall ... reaches up ... and brings it down ... one away

* S. DREW facing U. JIMENEZ, B 3rd, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Ahead 3-1

The pitch ... there's a bouncer to the left side ... right where TULOWITZKI is stationed

he takes his time with the peg ... and puts DREW away easily ... two down

* I. KINSLER facing U. JIMENEZ, B 3rd, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 3-1

Here's the delivery ... healthy cut by KINSLER ... hit to dead center field ... DAVIS's right there

waits ... and pulls it down ... side retired

* TOP OF THE 4th, Vultures 1, Cardinals 3

* T. TULOWITZKI facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 4th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-3

Here comes the pitch ... it's skied ... DREW's backing up ... waves off BELTRE ... and takes it in

one down

* R. DAVIS facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 4th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Behind 1-3

Now HERNANDEZ comes home with it ... upstairs with a fast one ... DAVIS doesn't offer

and HERNANDEZ gets the call ... he's out on strikes ... two down

* D. LOUGH facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 4th, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-3

The pitch ... a healthy cut by LOUGH ... but he sends it straight up ... MAUER flings his mask aside

and cradles the ball ... for the third out

* BOTTOM OF THE 4th, Vultures 1, Cardinals 3

* A. GONZALEZ facing U. JIMENEZ, B 4th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 3-1

Now he comes home with it ... and it's chopped down the first base line

DAVIS covers it and touches the bag ... for out number one

* J. MAXWELL facing U. JIMENEZ, B 4th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Ahead 3-1

The pitch ... taken ... strike three ... he's gone ... two gone

* D. MURPHY facing U. JIMENEZ, B 4th, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 3-1

JIMENEZ with the pitch ... fly ball left field ... it's playable ... DYSON moves under it

and he's got it ... that's three away

* TOP OF THE 5th, Vultures 1, Cardinals 3

* M. MONTERO facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 5th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-3

HERNANDEZ into his motion ... delivers ... breaking ball ... bounced up the middle

KINSLER's there ... spins...fires to first ... in time for the out ... for the first out

* U. JIMENEZ facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 5th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Behind 1-3

HERNANDEZ with the offering ... there's a deep drive to left

it's going to be a long run for CRISP ... but he says he's got it ... and he does ... two gone

* J. DYSON facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 5th, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-3

The pitch comes in ... DYSON raps it to the right side ... KINSLER ranges to his left

the quick peg to first ... and DYSON is retired ... three away

* BOTTOM OF THE 5th, Vultures 1, Cardinals 3

* F. HERNANDEZ facing U. JIMENEZ, B 5th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 3-1

He brings it home ... way off the plate ... that'll be ball four ... and a free pass for HERNANDEZ

that was HERNANDEZ's first walk of the series

* C. CRISP facing U. JIMENEZ, B 5th, No Outs, Runner on 1st, Ahead 3-1

JIMENEZ fires it in ... he swings ... but he held up ... and it's ball four

Coco takes his base on the walk ... and there's a runner in scoring position

* J. MAUER facing U. JIMENEZ, B 5th, No Outs, 1st and 2nd, Ahead 3-1

JIMENEZ fires it in ... rapped back to the mound ... JIMENEZ has it ... turns and fires to second

back to first ... double play ... and HERNANDEZ moves to third

the Vultures doing their best to keep this game close

* A. BELTRE facing U. JIMENEZ, B 5th, 2 Outs, Runner on 3rd, Ahead 3-1

To the plate ... way outside ... and it gets by MONTERO! ... HERNANDEZ's headed home ... he'll score

Vultures 1, Cardinals 4

* A. BELTRE facing U. JIMENEZ, B 5th, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-1

He wheels and deals ... swung on ... it's a fly ball to the gap in right ... it's playable

LOUGH's there ... he's got a bead on it ... and he hauls it in ... three down

* TOP OF THE 6th, Vultures 1, Cardinals 4

* M. SCUTARO facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 6th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-4

He comes home ... high, high pop fly ... this one'll bring rain

BELTRE and MAUER converge near the line ... MAUER is calling off BELTRE

and he has it for the out in fair territory ... and there's one away

* C. DAVIS facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 6th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Behind 1-4

HERNANDEZ now ... hit in the air to left field ... CRISP glides back ... plenty of room

and he covers it ... two down

* M. CABRERA facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 6th, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-4

HERNANDEZ delivers ... CABRERA hits a ground-hugger toward second

KINSLER picks it up and flips it to first ... routine ... three down

* BOTTOM OF THE 6th, Vultures 1, Cardinals 4

* S. DREW facing U. JIMENEZ, B 6th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-1

He brings it in ... swung on ... hit to dead center field ... DAVIS's right there ... waits

and pulls it down ... one down

* I. KINSLER facing U. JIMENEZ, B 6th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-1

JIMENEZ deals ... swung on ... big K ... and KINSLER's retired ... two away

* A. GONZALEZ facing U. JIMENEZ, B 6th, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-1

Now JIMENEZ comes home with it ... swung on ... poked to right ... base hit

LOUGH gets in front of it ... fields it cleanly ... GONZALEZ rounds first and holds

he's on with a single ... for Adrian GONZALEZ, his 8th hit of the series

And here comes Vultures manager Buck Miller IV ... he's asking JIMENEZ for the ball

coming in to relieve JIMENEZ is Tanner SCHEPPERS ... the right-hander

so JIMENEZ goes five and two thirds ... he yielded ... 4 runs ... so far ... on 5 hits

a homer ... walked 3 ... he fans 4 ... he's responsible for the runner ... he can only lose it

for SCHEPPERS ... his 4th appearance in the series

the right-hander SCHEPPERS has worked two and two thirds ... he has a 0.00 ERA

he's looking for one out

* J. MAXWELL facing T. SCHEPPERS, B 6th, 2 Outs, Runner on 1st, Ahead 4-1

The pitch ... way outside ... MAXWELL draws a base on balls

and GONZALEZ moves into scoring position

* D. MURPHY facing T. SCHEPPERS, B 6th, 2 Outs, 1st and 2nd, Ahead 4-1

Here's the delivery ... swung on ... and it's a hard liner to SCUTARO ... caught!

* TOP OF THE 7th, Vultures 1, Cardinals 4

* T. TULOWITZKI facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 7th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-4

The pitch ... a whiff! ... one down

* R. DAVIS facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 7th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Behind 1-4

HERNANDEZ to the wind ... paints the black ... strike three called ... two gone

* D. LOUGH facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 7th, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-4

The pitch ... OOOOF! ... LOUGH flails the air ... but fails to make contact with the ball

he heads back to the bench ... side retired

* BOTTOM OF THE 7th, Vultures 1, Cardinals 4

* F. HERNANDEZ facing T. SCHEPPERS, B 7th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-1

The pitch ... way off the plate ... that'll be ball four ... and a free pass for HERNANDEZ

* C. CRISP facing T. SCHEPPERS, B 7th, No Outs, Runner on 1st, Ahead 4-1

The pitch from SCHEPPERS ... grounded hard wide of third ... CABRERA takes it on the short hop

he'll go to first ... and they get him ... one away ... HERNANDEZ moves to second on the play

* J. MAUER facing T. SCHEPPERS, B 7th, 1 Out, Runner on 2nd, Ahead 4-1

SCHEPPERS with the offering ... high fly ball ... down the line to right ... not deep

LOUGH got a good jump ... he stabs for it ... and he's got it!

HERNANDEZ's tagging...LOUGH turns and sets

TRY FOR THIRD? (1-yes, 2-no*)

but the coach flashes the stop sign ... as the throw comes in

* A. BELTRE facing T. SCHEPPERS, B 7th, 2 Outs, Runner on 2nd, Ahead 4-1

SCHEPPERS comes home ... slow chopper toward TULOWITZKI ... he charges it ... surrounds it

juggles it ... he'll go to first ... for the third out

* TOP OF THE 8th, Vultures 1, Cardinals 4

* M. MONTERO facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 8th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-4

HERNANDEZ winds up ... lined ... DREW leaps ... but he won't get it ... and MONTERO's on at first

for Miguel MONTERO, his 4th hit of the series

* T. SCHEPPERS facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 8th, No Outs, Runner on 1st, Behind 1-4

Infield drawn in a few feet ... the pitch ... grounder to KINSLER ... he fires to DREW at second

out! ... over to GONZALEZ at first ... and he's ... safe at first

but they get the lead runner ... one away

* J. DYSON facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 8th, 1 Out, Runner on 1st, Behind 1-4

The pitch ... strike three on the outside corner ... HERNANDEZ slipped one by him ... two gone

* M. SCUTARO facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 8th, 2 Outs, Runner on 1st, Behind 1-4

The pitch ... high and inside ... and the count goes full

* M. SCUTARO facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 8th, 2 Outs, Runner on 1st, Behind 1-4

SCHEPPERS takes his lead ... the payoff pitch ... grounded hard wide of third

BELTRE takes it on the short hop ... he'll go to first ... and they get him ... side retired

* BOTTOM OF THE 8th, Vultures 1, Cardinals 4

* S. DREW facing T. SCHEPPERS, B 8th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-1

SCHEPPERS brings it to the plate ... it's deep to center ... way back

DAVIS's racing to the track ... against the wall ... and he makes the catch ... one away

* I. KINSLER facing T. SCHEPPERS, B 8th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-1

The pitch ... cut on ... hit in the air to right ... LOUGH drifts over ... taps the glove

and KINSLER's gone ... two down

* A. GONZALEZ facing T. SCHEPPERS, B 8th, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-1

The pitch ... there's a little blooper ... down the right field line ... it might drop in

LOUGH has a long run ... he gets there! ... that's three away

For the Cardinals ... Miller IV now has Juan URIBE playing third base ... BELTRE is out of the game

* TOP OF THE 9th, Vultures 1, Cardinals 4

* C. DAVIS facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 9th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-4

Here's the pitch from HERNANDEZ ... grounded hard wide of third ... URIBE dives

and it hops right over his glove ... base hit for DAVIS

Juan URIBE seemed to be fooled by that ball ... 2nd hit for DAVIS in the game

for Chris DAVIS, his 11th hit of the series

* M. CABRERA facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 9th, No Outs, Runner on 1st, Behind 1-4

DAVIS takes his lead ... the pitch to CABRERA ... routine fly ball ... center field ... MURPHY

backs ... he squeezes it ... one away ... DAVIS hurries back to first

* T. TULOWITZKI facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 9th, 1 Out, Runner on 1st, Behind 1-4

HERNANDEZ comes to the plate ... HERNANDEZ fans him ... two down

* R. DAVIS facing F. HERNANDEZ, T 9th, 2 Outs, Runner on 1st, Behind 1-4

The pitch ... HERNANDEZ fans him ... and that's out number three and the game

FINAL SCORE : Vultures 1, Cardinals 4