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Durable Aircraft Models P-51


This is just a quick note on adding  some extra features to the DAM p-51. For  more detailed construction
on Foamies in general, see the DAW K6 page. This model is available from Durable Aircraft Models



My Dam p51 was constructed with 2 piece wing so the wing joiner rod was tied down with
Kevlar and composite fishing lines of 60 pound breaking strength. Painted over with Epoxy and
multiplex cotton and glass powder mixture.

Because of the Two Piece wing structure,  additional wing bolts needed to be added to
the fuse. A voltage regulator and beeper was added to the fuse and top and bottom


Note the criss crossing of 3m Strapping Tape. This gives it very good shear handling strength.


The model was covered in MONOCOAT after a good undercoat of Strapping tape and 3m77
It was painted with Createx Acrylic Autoair Color (See: ) and sprayed with common
thinner based clear coat for protection.

The Model flies Very Very well. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate the performance of this model a 20/10.