Hey everyone, here is a good interview with PJ Ladd, it was taken of http://www.coliseumskate.com, which is a rad site for sure and you should check it out!

PJ Ladd

10/22/01 (Matt's House watching Tactical Manual Promo)

PJ: Oh sick, you've got some of the old Coliseum small stickers.

Matt: Yeah, take them. What got you so pumped on Plan B?

PJ: Questionable, that's it. It was so raw! I never watched anything else, like I never saw any of the old World Videos or anything. I hadn't even seen Tim and Henry(Blind video).

(PJ's car) PJ: Did you see what happened(points to a dent in the car)?

Matt: What've you been stoked on lately?

PJ: What do you mean?

Matt: Just in general.

PJ: I don't know, ohhhhh, ES!

PJ: Hey did you see that show "SKATE"?

Matt: No.

PJ: Oh, Jesus it was bad. Just fucking horrible.

Matt: Sounds terrible.

PJ: How fucking horrible, I didn't even see Danny Way. How rad was Skate TV(1991).

Matt: What have you been skating lately?

PJ: Flatground and boxes.

Matt: Did you learn any new box tricks?

PJ: I've got some stuff up my sleeve. It's secret. Tricks are getting easier for me, I think.

Matt: Oh yeah, really?

PJ: Yeah it's cool, I've been healthier lately, I've been sleeping. Like back in the warehouse days, I never slept. (watching footage)

PJ: You got Alexis' tricks on the computer? Matt: Yeah.

PJ: How rad is she? She rips! (PJ footage)

PJ: That's my footage? I better go film, I only have like 5 tricks. (still watching)

PJ: Flat bars are the greatest! I've got to find some new spots!

Matt: What's your favorite board graphic of all time?

PJ: Of all time? I don't know, I love that new Penny with him on the bike.

Matt: How often did you get boards when you were younger?

PJ: I worked at my parent's store for lunch money, I'd save it and just buy boards, I wouldn't eat, but I'd get a board once a month.

Matt: When did you first come down to the shop?

PJ: 1998

Matt: Oh yeah, I tried to give you those trucks and you wouldn't take them.

PJ: Yeah, Destructos, I paid you. (watching the Andrew Reynolds Coliseum website interview)

PJ: Holy Shit! That was funny, "do something Ali!"

PJ: So Matt, are we going to Spain?

Matt: Yes, no, yes, no, no, no yes. Are you going to Australia (with Element)?

PJ: I guess.

Matt: Why is Plan B the best skate company of all time?

PJ: It was just a bunch of fucking teenagers, psyched on skating, they weren't making a lot of money, they were just skating. Danny way did a nose blunt 270 out, grinded a double kink and skated vert all with the same style. You should know that! You should know as much as I do!

Matt: What's been in the PJ jukebox?

PJ: PJ what? You're doing an interview right now, aren't you! What the fuck! NO, NO, NO!

Matt: Let's do an interview.

PJ: No, no.

Matt: Who would win in a fight, me against Ryan Kingman (Element team manager)?

PJ: Kingman. That dude is burly.

(Matt commenting on the photos PJ shot in Melrose today for an ad) Matt: Why don't you use that ollie over the rail for an Element ad?

PJ: If I could backside 180 it, maybe.

Matt: You're going to do a bs 180 over that? PJ: We got kicked out second try. Let's go eat! Oh, I've got the generator.

Matt: Do you want to go check ou that double set in Stoneham(MA)?

PJ: Yeah, ok.

Matt: Is your van hurting?

PJ: Yeah! I put it in drive and it won't go. It's so sick! I've got no money to fix it.

Matt: I've got a flyer here for a contest in Deleware, 1000 bucks for first.

PJ: I don't know, a contest? Contests are lame.

PJ: So what about Spain?

Matt: It's a go, I've just got to talk to Ryan.

PJ: When are we premiering the Expedition Video? Matt: Mid-November.

PJ: How about the Coliseum Video (PJ Ladd's Wonderful/Horrible Life)?

Matt: Week after.

PJ: Oh shit, I better get footage. Did you buy the tickets for Spain?

Matt: Emmmm. Not yet.

PJ: We aren't going, are we?

Matt: Didn't you go snowboarding with Element?

PJ: Yeah, to Mammoth Mountain.

Matt: Did you snowboard?

PJ: Fuck no! I sat in the hotel room the whole time. Actually, I skated in the basement of the lodge, I was the only one that brought a board.

Matt: So the whole team was snowboarding and you were skating flatground in the basement?

PJ: Yes.

Matt: Why does that not surprise me? (double set Stoneham)

Matt: There it is with the wood down it.

PJ: Oh shit!

Matt: The Stoneham boys were here.

PJ: Damn, that's long. The Stoneham kids are rad. There's always a different crew. I like the Stoneham Skatepark, it's my favorite park. It's got the box, the flatbar, and all the shit can be moved around.

Matt: They're redoing it in the Spring.

PJ: I really like that park, there's no spots in Boston you can go to and just skate, except maybe Navy Yard. (gas station)

PJ: There's some guy behind us wearing a Tony Hawk sweatshirt, what a dork. Come on Mr. Cuisine, where can we get food?

Matt: What do you want?

PJ: Pizza and french fries, lets go to Papa Ginos. (inside reading the new Slap)

Matt: Here's Ryan's part. He says some funny shit.

PJ: Look at all the Coliseum ups(stickers and Tshirts)!

PJ: Hey, Ryan said something about Nike wanting him to ride for them.

Matt: He'd better not!

Matt: You talked to Donny lately?

PJ: Yeah, he's at the new Element place. He's been skating a lot.

Matt: SoÉ.we're only waiting for your interview for the website.

PJ: I know! I'm going to do it! Matt: How about new questions, what should I ask you?

PJ: Start with, what's wrong with you, why can't you land anything?

Matt: I'm taking out my fake notebook.

PJ: Well, I can only find time to skate once a month, other than that, I chill out with my dogs!

PJ: I'll get that interview, don't worry.

And here's a video review for PJ's fucking awesome new vid, it's called PJ Ladd's Wonderful, Horrible, Life. It was taken from http://www.switchmagazine.com/skateboardproductreviews/PJ_ladd.html

This is one of the most feel-good down to earth skate videos I've ever witnessed in my life. This video is made by Coliseum Skate shop up in Boston, MA. The team consists of Jereme Rogers, Alexis Sablone, Colin Fiske, Southie, Ryan Gallant, Dave Vey, Dave Armsden, Baby Schizo, and last but not least P.J. Ladd. Throughout the video there is amazing skating, tons of laughs, and an awesome wide variety of music.

Starting off is Jereme Rogers who has a smooth laid back style. Alexis Sablone is up next and she is completely gnarly! P.J. has some footage in her part to make you beware of what's to come in his part. It's a good thing they do because physical and mental preparation is definitely needed to watch his part. Next is Mr. Colin Fiske who has an Andrew Reynolds type of style and does some pretty harsh sets. Southie has a very different part skating some very unique terrain and is definitely a skateboarder for the fun of it.

Ryan Gallant has one of the smoothest styles that anyone will ever see, and he definitely has one of the nicest hardflips in the game. Its now time for the master, and yes I mean P.J. Ladd. His part is absolutely mind blowing, jaw dropping, and pants pissing all combined into one. It is hands down of the best skate parts ever without a doubt. After his part is the credits, and I must add that the song used for the credits is nothing but necessary. After the credits is footage that P.J. didn't use for some odd reason because it is still beyond the lines of amazing. The other 3 riders for Coliseum have their parts after the extra footage. Do yourself a favor and buy this video if you don't already own it. Cherish it for eternity!!!


Email: snowboarding_is_forever@hotmail.com