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Jason answers fans e-mails

J-DUB,you seriously motivate me to work even harder on my game when i can read some real shit about your game and how it was coming up practicing and all. My name is Barry Welsh, i'm a h.s. senior in IL, i've got a full ride scholarship to Indiana St. next year. i'm 6' 165lbs pg and i've been compared with you ever since you did avery johnson your rookie year. your an inspiration for me to keep working on my game. i lift weights and practice everyday, i want more than anything to be in your shoes someday. I've got a couple questions that i pray you can answer for me, like how long did you practice and what type of workouts? do you really weigh 190lbs? i just need some info to go on. i'm from a small town like dupont but i'm moving to a city this summer to better my game, kind of like you did(i read that). well i don't want to waste anymore of your time and i know you probably get 100's of these but i promise you i am different, i totally believe i'll be guarding you one day, as for now i'm off to work out. thanks.

Hey barry, thanks for the e-mail. All I can tell you is that I practiced every day. I loved having a basketball in my hands at all times. One thing that worked for me was wearing oversized work gloves while practicing ball handling drills. It will make your wrists and hands much stronger. Hope to see you guarding me some day.


Yo Jason i play AAU and i am the starting pg. i understand how to come up with my own moves. I wanna know did u play aau and did it have a affect on you. Let me get some tips on how to become a better ballhander. aight then, Ahmad a.k.a Atrack

Hey Ahmad, how are you doing. I started playing AAU at age 9. I played in numerous national tournaments. I made AAU All-American in the 11 and 12 year old national tournaments. I have played in Seattle, Baton Rouge, Indianapolis, and Orlando. Just practice, practice, practice.


I am going into the 9th grade next year and I need a few tips.
What can I do to improve my dribbling and creating? How can I "see the floor better?"

Hey Brandon, Just keep practicing and you will improve. Growing up, I would practice up to 5 to 6 hours a day. I drove my dad crazy. Some days I would do ball handling skills for hours without ever shooting.


Hey J-Dub Im a real big fan of you and the Sacramento Kings. You with your crisp passes and long shot treys, Web-man with his sweet dunks, loddy doddy Vlade is awesome and slicky Nicky Anderson is like your wing man. Im saying that a little bit of trust in the kings and u guys can go all the way! But what i have been noticing with your team is, you guys need to be closer. I mean teamsmanship is everything with b-ball! but i just wanted to shout out to you. And im 14 and i wanna be just like u. so write back if u have time. A fan Tab Key

Hey Tab Key
Thanks for e-mail. All the guys on our team get along real well. We hope to add a couple more pieces to the puzzle to make our team better.
