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Jason on Aldeman's "Coaching stragity": "He's seen it all and been to the (NBA) Finals and knows what stuff is going to work and what can help me in this league," Williams said of Adelman."And sometimes I don't want to do it, but he knows, and he's seen players going through what I'm going through ... so I don't know if there is anyone else better to listen to."

"I wish I'd spent more time on my jump shot than learning to read and write," he says. "'Cause it's not what you know, it's who you know."
Jason hadn't even got on the court when the harassment began from the union arena fans.One particular heckler shouted,"You can't hoop! give it up". Williams turned to him and said "Your here to see me," and with a big smile on his face. "And your son wants to be me."
Jason after his season high scoring 24 points: "My offense is coming in the course of the game," Williams said. "People are too worried about Chris and Peja. They made it a whole lot easier."
"I'm not an asshole like everybody thinks.I think I'm a great person if you get to know me. But like Slim Shady said, 'I am whatever you think I am."
Jason Williams speaking with a fan about Super Bowl: He and Jason were discussing who would win the Super Bowl, and the little guy said "If Denver still had John Elway, they would win the super bowl," and Jason replied "If my aunt had nuts she would be my uncle."
Jason on his suspension: Williams " I think the reason I got suspended was because I didn't return phone calls, It wasn't about failing a drug test and me getting suspended. It was me being hard-headed and not doing the things I was supposed to do after I was tested positive. It wasn't nothing about me keeping on smoking. It was just that I wouldn't return phone calls. That's what it boiled down to, the phone calls. The way my whole life has been, I've always gotten out of things where somebody got me out of it. I've been in this situation before where I didn't return phone calls, but I got out of it. But now, they've got this new policy in the new collective bargaining agreement, and I'm seeing they are just going to use me as a poster child. Well, we did it to J-Will, and we'll do it to you."
"You probably think Jordan's back right now, don't you?"
"Well, I've made the elbow pass, so, please don't ask me again for that."
"If my shoots enter, I continue shooting, If I miss, I continue my shooting too."
"I don’t even think about it. Those moves and everything are just in the flow. It happens like this"(snaps his fingers). People think I play for the fans, but take them out of there and I’m still going to throw behind-the-back passes. I’d rather have 15 assists than 50 point. I love passing. If I have a choice between giving a sweet behind-the-back dime or swishing a 15-footer, I’ll take the dime every time"
"A lot of those old-timers and commentators see me throw a behind-the-back pass and say, ‘He could have thrown a chest pass.’ Well, it’s just so much easier for me to catch and whip instead of catching it, cocking it on my chest and throwing it. People think it’s hot-dogging, but it’s just easier for me. It’s how I’ve always played"
"I don’t know what to say about that, I hate racism and I honestly don’t see people as black or white. I just try to see the real person. I don’t judge nobody by their colour. I hate it when people ask me why I have a black game. Why started judging people’s games by race? I just go out and play. Everybody’s the same and the harder you practice, the better you get. I don’t even want to get into all that black/white stuff"
"Ahh, no. Not yet. I hope that don't happen. He's a little bigger than me." Jason on if he has ever been mistaken for Jayson Williams of the New Jersey Nets.
"Vlade's pretty plain. He's funny. I saw him eat a hot dog. He eats it plain. That's weird to me. I could never eat just a dry hot dog."
" I don't really know. I like music a little bit, but not like people probably thinks I do. Never do I, like, pop in a CD at home. Ever. Only time I listen to it is in the car, turning on the radio. Whatever station is on. I'm pretty wide-open. If there's an old song that I like, I can listen to it. It don't matter to me." Jason on music
"I like to shoot pool, go fishing, go bowling, go to the movies. I like the simple things. I don't like going out to the clubs." Jason on his hobbies outside basketball.
"I'm hanging at home, probably, with my dog and my girlfriend. I don't really go out too much. I try to stay out of trouble." Jason on what he does on a regular Saturday night in Sacramento.