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Why Jason?

Like most NBA players, Jason Williams has lovers and haters, although it is much easier to find a hater than to find a lover. To some Jason appears to be an out of control hick, an eminem wannabe who flops up 3- 1/2 point shots, all offence and no defence, a stoner who’s only ambition is to get kicked out of the NBA for failing too many drug tests, an egotistical fan hater, or according to Phil Jackson “looks like a neo nazi”. I could go on but I’m a lover remember. But why? Why root for the guy whose opponents have career nights, for the guy whose assist-to-turnover ratio ranked 51st in the league amongst point guards last year, who also launched up a ridiculous 505 three-pointers in 99-00, and made only 29%.

Yeah, turnovers are a bad thing but what does that say about the player? He is the reincarnation of John Stockton? No way! Who wants to pay money to see that boring old fart play? It means he takes risks, he wears his heart on his sleeve (or shoulder), he’s not afraid of critics and won’t conform to the masses or all those people saying “Make a chest pass, for god sake’s Jason a chest pass!”. And I wouldn’t want it any other way. He brings excitement to a game that’s been stagnant ever since Jordan left. His emotional and flashy style of play makes fans all over the world fall in love with him. He’s got a chip on his shoulder that people can relate to. Even Puff Daddy’s been seen sporting his jersey. He’ll cripple you with his moves and stun you with his passes. He’s even brought his own elbow pass to the game. The world hasn’t seen his high risk highlight reel moves since the 70’s when Pete Maravich used to play. You never know what he is going to do next, and neither does he. It’s a roller coaster ride to watch him play. You hold your breath when he launches a three; you wince when he dishes a behind the back dime, but it’s an amazing feeling when he pulls it off. And in the 2001-2000 season, it happens more often than not. He’s having a career year in 3 pts% and his assist-to-turnover ratio is now one of the highest among point guards. He’ll learn to play D better, but don’t worry for now with Bobby Jackson as a killer back up. The Kings are the best in the west and their stats prove it. Williams brings the team together with a chemistry that no other team can match. Could they win the championship without him? I doubt it. Could they fill Arco night in, night out with out him? I doubt it.

Site Owner ~Jennifer Porter