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Surf competition and games on the beach in Unawatuna (held on 18th June 2005). 

The local community of Unawatuna organized a festival on the beach to make a positive contribution to the post Tsunami program of the society. Man, woman and children came together to enjoy various traditional games.

The main attraction was a surf competition, the first one ever organized in Unawatuna. Eighteen local surfers and one Japanese surfer competed for the trophy, a ‘broken-fixed’ surfboard ... but mostly to have fun and show their skills to the crowd, both locals and foreigners. The sun was shining and the waves 3 feet high, good vibes all around, the local DJ playing his best records to boost the good spirits ...

Rasika bottom turn

The moves where judged by a three-head jury. The surfers where divided into 4 groups, each group having 2 guys getting through to the next round, the third round being the final with 4 surfers: Rasika, Sanesh, Suranga and Iranka. The jury was having a difficult job to discern the competitors having no rashvests to wear, but it was obvious very soon that there could only be one winner: Rasika. His deep take-offs, strong turns and long rides with a few floaters and cover-ups made him a real champion. He is just ripping and scored a couple of 5 point waves!!! Rasika has a dream to become a famous surfer owning a surfshop in Unawatuna. Today he made his first step in that direction.

In the evening a party was organized in The Rockhouse, where the prices where handed over and everybody danced and drank till the early morning. But the next day, all where back in the water, enjoying another day of good surfing in Unawatuna.

On the right, Rasika with his "new" surfboard. The second prices being a leg rope was donated by Surfcity guesthouse.

Imco Flipse
Surfcity, Unawatuna
24th June 2005