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Golf Is A Target Game

Granted, distance must be overcome-- often long stretches of it--but it is distance to a precise location. Considering the size of the target (4 1/4 inches in diameter) and its relation to the size of the playing field (generally over 100 acres), it is obvious that direction must always play a critical role. A good golf swing produces the ball/club contact which overcomes the problems of distance and direction.

Although scoring in the game is determined by a high percentage of skills other than the full swing, golfers nonetheless tend to get caught up in the intricacies of the elusive swing motion. However, many who follow this quest fail to recognize that no matter how efficient and precise the swinging mechanism becomes, it is of little consequence unless aimed correctly.

Is aim important? Consider this. A perfect swing made in the wrong direction will produce a most imperfect shot. Timing, rhythm, speed and square contact are of little value unless they produce a shot that travels toward the target. What a waste to make a good swing and come up with a bad shot because of faulty aim!

What does one need to aim in golf? First the clubface, then himself. The "himself" includes the eyes, shoulders, hips, knees and feet. Don't think that correctly lining up one part of the body automatically aligns the others. Most assuredly it does not.

If the player's objective is to hit a straight shot to the target, it will have to be accomplished in the following way: the clubhead must be traveling on a path toward the target at contact and the face must be square or at right angles to that path. Whatever combination of body and clubface positions which consistently accomplishes these objectives is the correct aim for the golfer. Read the above last sentence again! It doesn't say you must assume your setup with your stance or clubface square, open or closed. It says. "Whatever combination of body and clubface positions which consistently accomplishes these objectives" ...these objectives are "path to the target and face square" at impact.

Next: How We Aim


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