Tactical Scenarios
Scenario One: Last Man Standing?
You report to base. Everything is in order, and you are prepared to defend your base against the pending attack. You walk over to the General's office to receive your orders. He informs you that instead of defending base and using the defences to your advantage, you would do much better in the open field. One look outside can tell you that it's not exactly an open field. You check your pack: One 2L for ammo, a 1200, a tenpack of grenades. Standard infantry equipment. No, you are not in any leadership position. Your squad of four is a basic infantry unit. You would be marching with two other squads, a heavy, and another like yours. An hour later, recon spotted the enemy moving. The orders are given, and you find your position. The enemy begins to fire. The battle is on...
Men are falling all around you. Of your squad, one remaining, of the other, two heavies are retreating, the rest are gone along with the other infantry squad.
"INCOMING!" A storm of grenades takes out your one ally. You've still got full ammo on your back, and a third in your gun. Quickly in your mind you review your options...
I suggest a retreat to some cover, if not base. If you can't make it back, then hide in the nearby woods.
Scenario Two: Man Hunt
A database check on the opposing team reveals one main threat: their heavy gunner. His history: seven major battles, twenty-one victims. Commander gives the order to hunt him down. He dispatches a special team: two main infantry, four light infantry. You are one of the light infantry. You are issued a 310, threepack of grenades, and a map of the forest he is hiding in.
"Move out!" the order is given. You lead your troop out to the forest. Suddenly, as you walk along one of the paths, one of you light men drop. You quickly scan for any enemies, but see none. Then, another drops. Suddenly, two of your men flee for fear of being next. What do you do?