The Truth About Sniping
For the longest time, snipers have been considered a vital part of any soaker battle. Websites like AquaZone, GNG, Hydrowar, Super Soaker Commando's Lair, and many other sites all acknowledge as well as provide helpful tips for the sniper. I have asked many people what their job on the team is, and the answer is almost always: "I'm a sniper". Just about every website that discusses snipers says that it is a very hard job to fill, but yet, everyone can fill it? This does not make much sense at all. It seems like in the soaker community, the front line is not infantry, or grunts, but snipers! But are we all really snipers? What are snipers? What is their use? Are they of any use? Is everyone in the soaker community living in a pipe dream?
Sgt. Burns radioed his contact.
"Private Ritts, come in, this is Burns."
"Roger that, Burns, I am in a crucial position, prepare to maintain radio
"Affirmative, Ritts." Ritts, crawled up the side of the mountain,
his body flat against the mountain face. With unnatural agility, he silently
reached the summit. Keeping his head low, he spotted the enemy post in the
"Come in Burns, this is Ritts, thirteen hostiles sighted, permission
to engage the enemy?"
"Roger that, permission granted. Commence firing." Within four minutes,
Ritts had eliminated the patrol.
Ritts was a soldier. He had a gun. The gun fired real bullets. When fired
correctly, a bullet could kill an enemy soldier a mile away. The enemy soldier
would fall to the ground, and the bullet could not be traced back to its sniper.
The sniper could get away, unseen, mission accomplished.
Commander Fox radioed his contact.
"Desert Warrior, come in, this is Fox."
"Uh, Rogther thath, Foxth! Guess what! I'm in a really good spoth right
now, man I could see everywhere. Rigth now I'm up in the big treeths, ya know
up by the fort. Oh, I better be quieth becauth I think they see me. Uh, ten
fore. Bye. Uh, whoa!!!" At this point, Desert Warrior falls out of the
tree, only to be discovered by the soldiers below. Just like in practice,
he falls to a kneeling position and begins to fire at the men. Sadly enough,
our brave hero perishes in combat.
Desert Warrior was a soldier he had a gun. The gun fired a real stream of
real water. When fired at an angle, his stream of water would hopefully land
on an enemy just before breaking into droplets. And unless they were playing
one shot kills, the enemy would just fire back. Our hero would fall to the
ground, and even if he was hiding, the stream could be easily traced. Mission
failed. Now its up to the next sniper to save the day.
Everyone knows that snipers must have range. Range that squirt guns don't
have. Or any other water weapon, for that matter. Think about the numbers.
The most range ever was the 2000 at 53 feet. As far as current weapons, the
farthest shooting in production is only 37 feet! Sniping, yeah right.
A sniper sneaks across the battlefield into the enemy's camp. That's an accomplishment. And then he goes and picks off one, maybe two guys before he's discovered. Then he get's nailed. So it's one or two decent enemies for this really awesome sniper who has these mad skills? Mad enough to get that far? As any commander knows, that's a dumb choice.
For further reading, visit Waterfighters, Inc. Here's their article about sniping ------ Click Here