What Is a Go-ped Roadster?


THE oldest production brand go-ped! That's what a Roadster is! This one, Is mine lovingly named "Dino-ped"! I came across it at an Autojumble in May 2007, Looking rather sorry for it's self! Straight away it caught my eye because of it's G2D motor. Along with one or two other things unique to Genuine go-peds of today! The seller wanted £100 for it! Which he thought was reasonable, at this time I wasn't so sure. One or two people came up to the stall, asking the price, quicking turning tail when they found out with mutterings of "You can get ones with lights and seats for £95". I however took the time to talk to the seller, He couldn't remember much about it. He remembered buying it roughly 20 years earlier in LA. He claimed it was one of the first genuine go-peds, made by the guy who started the company, Could it be? He got this from Steve Patmont himself? The story was starting to get more and more interesting. Eventually we came to a deal, and £90 lighter thanks to my good friend "Sidibear" who loaned me the dosh, I was on my way, with a much heavier motorised scooter of some sort!

Later that day, I got it home, the girlfriend was NOT impressed with my £90 debt, and this old scooter! Not bothered by this, I continued to put some fuel in the tank, fired it up, and had a go! At first it would not start! But soon it was running, it became aparent soon afterwards that riding was a tad tricky, the carb had gone bad over age, known fault on the early go-peds. It would ride, with a little help by kicking along (see video below). Next I sat, and started cleaning it, it wasn't long before she was sat next to me, oily rags in hand, helping! We soon had it cleanish, so we took some pics, and posted them up on the UK and USA go-ped forums. Within a couple of hours, there were many replys to the post, and cash offers for the scooter!

It turned out, this scooter is known as a "Roadster" and indeed it is a Genuine Patmont Motor Werks go-ped! It is confirmed by Steve Patmont himself to be one of the FIRST 113 made for resale, in the Patmonts own home back in 1986. Hand built by many members of the Patmont Family! As the posts online progressed, More and more information was being uncovered about the Roadster, Such as the frames being welded by Gabe Patmont himself! It wasn't long before it became clear, this particular one, was actually one of the first 50 (aprox) due to it's frame set up! They early ones had a one piece frame, with 5 bends and a notch cut to weld in the steering stock, the later ones were two piece frames, joined at the steering stock!

My Roadster came in pretty good condition. With only very minor damage as a result of being used. Also one or two minor details were amiss, Such as the factory go-ped sticker on the steering stock, which I have since replaced thanks to TRIS from Uk Go-ped forum. Also the fuel lines and airfilter had become un-useable due to age. The handel grips had gone missing. However I am working towards replacing all of these, most already done, to return it to it's Original state!

Another twist to the story, was a good few months later, a second Roadster apeared, over in the USA. This was also set up the same, hence one of the first 50 or so and was soon brough by Tris from UKGPF. Again in very good order, exept with the original sticker! This was used to get re-productions made (this is how i got mine).

I plan to leave mine along, replace the missing parts to original condition and not use it, this includes leaving the carb alone. Tris however has decided to restore his Roadster to "as new" condition and after his past restorations of a 1989, and 1993 sport, Im sure it will look spot on!

I must take this chance to say, Neither Roadster are for sale at this time! If they do become for sale, I will add details to this page! For now, Some pictures.... these pics are of my Roadster, Pics of Tris' will follow after restoration...

Also, A vid of it in action... remeber though, this is a 20+ year old ped, and I am pretty heavy!

Below I managed to find the links to the old threads on GPN (go-ped nation) so you can see for yourselfs!

First Thread

Second Thread

Tris' restoration Thread

Any questions, feel free to ask!