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Alexei's Biography

On March 18, 1980, Zoya Yagudina gave birth to a baby boy named Alexei Konstantinovich Yagudin. Alexei turned out to be a sickly child, and upon advice from a doctor, Zoya enrolled then 4 year old Alexei in Figure Skating classes. Who could have known that he would at age 20 be a three-time World Champion ...!!! In 1992 Alexei started training with Alexei Mishin, under whose tutelage Alexei excelled in all the technical aspects of the sport. He won the Junior World Championships in 1996, came in third in the 1997 World Championships, and won both the European and World Championships in 1998. But if was not until after the Olympics and Worlds in 1998, when he switched coaches and started training under the watchful eye of Tatiana Tarasova, that Alexei got the chance to develop his full potential!!! Together they created (and still continue to create) stunning programs, full of emotion, expression and beautiful movements. It was Tatiana who enhanced Alexei's ability to interpret music in such a way that it leaves viewers speechless! Every year they choose a theme for his free skate, and every year he amazes his fans and everyone else anew! Whether as Lawrence of Arabia, or as the Gladiator - Alexei just seems to become the character he chose. When he isn't working on the ice, Alexei enjoys playing golf and tennis, watching TV, playing with his dog Lawrie (named after his fantastic LoA program) or just driving around town in his silver Mercedes. Alexei is currently training in Newington, Conneticut, and he plans to stay there until after the Olympics at least, although he often misses Russia and his mom.

Competitive History

Alexei's Programs

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