Last Update...3/28/02 First off, lemme give u my email, I love getting email so feel free to write me :)


GO JV W******* SOFTBALL IN 2002!!!

Full Name: Mandy

*screen names*=(Yahoo IM)gymnastfan_f

Where you live:Pennsylvania

Personality Type: friendly

Best/Close Friends:Lori, Kristen, COURTNEY - Luv ya gurlie, best of luck! - , John <3, Troy, Kellie (i e, lol), Iris, Matt, Justin, Amanda, Milty, Zach, Steph, and just to mention her one more time, Courtney, I love her to death, she is the best friend anyone could ask for :) (Besides the fact that she's a ho, LOL)

Religion: Christian

Things you like to do: Watch Baseball, go to baseball games, SOFTBALL (I LOVE SOFTBALL!!!)

Best Advice Ever Given:Keep your eye on the ball

Favorite Sport: Baseball/softball/college basketball

Stupidest Thing You've Ever Done:Fallen in Love (*sigh)

What color is your toothbrush? Light Blue/White

What color is your toothpaste? White

Is the glass half-empty or half-full? half-full

If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be? Problly something on my lower back

Which one, Coke or Pepsi? Coke

What's your sign? Scorpio

Are you a righty or a lefty or ambidextrous? left when I write, right in everything else

Fave Thing To Do In The Summer: Go to baseball games (Camden Yards in particular - Go Orioles!) Softball, swimming, hang out with friends

Fave Thing To Do In The Winter:Dream about the baseball season starting, go to Orioles FanFest, play in da snow :)

Special Skills Or Talent: Softball, gotta love it

Special Awards You've Won: Honor Roll every semester so far in the High School

Character Traits You Look For Most In a Girl/Guy: I don't know anymore

What You Want To Be: A doctor, probablly an infertility specialist

Fave Music:Pop, rock, Rap

Groups/Singers You Enjoy:USHER!! Craig David, O-Town

Fave Color: Light blue

Fave Food: sunflower seeds

Least Fave Food: pizza (ugh!)

Fave Subject In School:LATIN :(

In And Around The CD Player: Usher, Craig David, Willa Ford, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Eminem, Kci and JoJo, 98 degrees

Fave "Toy":Umm, I dunno

Fave Book:"Kissed by an Angel"

Book You Would Like to Read: The book on Andruw that just came out. You can buy it by going to :)

Fave cartoon characters:None

Fave Actor/Actress: Who used to be Eric from Days Of Our Lives, Mimi from Passions, and of course, Matt Damon.

Fave Movie: Shrek (I LOVE the "I have to save my ass!") HAHAHAHAHA

Fave Animal: dolphin

Fave TV Show: Gilmore Girls (Rori is AWESOME)

Fave Day: Braves opening day, it's the day I look forward to every winter

Fave Month: March (Madness) and April (Opening Day)

Fave Holiday:the World Series (Hey, it could be considered a holiday ;)

Fave Part Of Newspaper: sports

Fave Thing To Wear: My khakis and tank tops

The Worst Thing You Despise:The C**** ***** softball team, they kicked our butts :(

Purse, backpack, attache, or other? backpack

What's in your purse/pockets/backpack/etc? Money, books, stuff

Coffee or tea? Tea

Do you dream in color or black and white? Color

Do you fly in your dreams? Sometimes, sure.

Again - "GO JV W******* SOFTBALL IN 2002!! :)

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