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Other Webpages & Clubs to Join

There are lots of other great webpages on the Net about Prince Hamzah come Check them out! Also if you would like to be a member of a club about Prince Hamzah this is the place to start!

Jordan Royal Family Club-The Best club on the Web about the royal Family of Jordan, Lots of Pics of Hamzah, it's VERY active!!

Princes Of Jordan club-A new Club I just found, Hopefully it will pick up soon.

Princes Hamzah and Hashem Club-This club is just starting out too, it's not only about Hamzah but about his very cute brother Prince Hashim! I might have to make room on my page for him soon. *lol*

Jordan Royal Family Page-The Person who Created this site is the same person who created the "Jordan Royal Family Club, this site has very recent pics of Hamzah and great info on the other members of the Jordan Royal Family, this site is also updated alot!

ArabianCandy's Webpage-This is also a great site about the Royal Family of Jordan. This page even has a recorded speech Hamzah gave, his voice is soooo sexy!

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