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Read quotes by and about the Prince!

Snippet from an interveiw from Prince Hamzah's and Hashim's former tutor.

During her stay in Jordan, Ms. Smith spent afternoons with the king's sons Hamzeh and Hashim.

``I did everything from entertaining them to doing sports, whatever you would really do with your own children,´´ she said.

The children Ms. Smith tutored are now grown, but she remembers egg fights and balloon fights with them and the king.

For royalty, the children were ``quite normal, as normal as they could be,´´ she said. ``They were quite fun. There were always guards around and they loved to fool around with the guards or their drivers.´´

"Next Year the Plan calls for Hamzeh, the crown prince, to begin his career as a college freshman. "Harvard or Princeton I hope 'He needs to fall in love, get into a bar fight, that sort of thing,' the king says. 'It'll be good for him.' " -King Abdullah (his Brother)

"There's no byzantine quality here," Abdullah says of his relationship with Hamzeh. "We're very close and we think the same way. My father maybe favored the two of us because I think we're both very much like him." the king continues.

Question: Will the king do to his younger brother what King Huessin did to his younger brother?::

"You know, Satloff wrote a very interesting article about this," the king said, referring to Robert Satloff, the Jordan expert. "I showed Hamzeh this paper. Satloff says that whatever Abdullah does and says will not convince the skeptics that what King Hussein did with Hassan would not happen again with Abdullah and Hamzeh. I told Hamzeh that I wanted him to read this. I've told Hamzeh: 'Look, I've got to make this work, you've got to make this work, we know what happened between Hassan and Hussein and why it didn't work. Let's use them as a model in a way, to make sure that you, Hamzeh, succeed.' " The King anwsering the question.

"Hamzeh, who is easily the most earnest 19-year-old in the history of 19-year-olds" writer for the NY Times

"I was always trying to balance the time he was spending with his father by encouraging his father to encourage him to involve himself in a range of other activities with people his own age," Queen Noor remembers about Hamzah.

What does Hamzah have to say about all this??::

In an interview in the Basman Palace, near his father's grave, Hamzeh says he happily leaves his future in the hands of his oldest brother:

"Well, sir, His Majesty is my king. He is my older brother. I love him dearly, sir, and I would follow him anywhere. Whatever he chooses will be for the best of the country," he says, unrelentingly serious and completely, refreshingly archaic. Like his father, he addresses everyone as sir.

You don't care about being king at all?

"It doesn't matter at all."

This is not, his mother says, public relations. "Believe me," Queen Noor says, "he doesn't know about spin. He really means what he says."

When I ask Hamzeh if it ever crossed his mind simply to hang out for a while, like other 19-year-olds, his eyes grow wide. "Hang out?" he asks, astonished.

"Sir, by privilege of birth you are born into a responsibility and a duty, and it's an honor for me to be my father's son and to be born with a heritage that goes back over 1,000 years. It is a great responsibility to serve God Almighty and serve one's country and one's people with every ounce of energy -- and I pray to God Almighty that I will be able to serve them well."

All this information came from the NY Times!!!!!

"Hamzah, may God give him long life, has been envied since childhood because he was close to me, and because he wanted to know all matters large and small, and all details of the history of his family. He wanted to know about the struggle of his brothers and of his countrymen. I have been touched by his devotion to his country and by his integrity and magnanimity as he stayed beside me, not moving unless I forced him from time to time to carry out some duty on occasions that did not exceed the fingers on one hand. That is how Hamzah Ben Al Hussein spent his holiday, between his studies at Harrow and his admission to the military academy at Sandhurst, after my insistence. I order him now, as his father and leader, to continue his studies there without any interruption until he finishes, by God's grace" - Late King Hussein (his Father)

"Hamzah actually takes precedence over his peers." Reporter from the Sydney Morning.

"But the speculation about Prince Hamzah has been fed by his father, too. The king has taken Hamzah along on state visits, and he sent an emotional public letter to the prince on his 18th birthday in March, recalling how tough it was when, at 17," Hussein took the throne.-Reporter from the Hannibal Courier

"Hamzah, 18, who is studying at Sandhurst and bears a striking resemblance to his late father." Barbra Walters


Don't worry I will add more and more quotes as I find them!

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