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H.R.H Crown Prince Hamzah's Bio


H.R.H Crown Prince Hamzah bin Al Hussein was born March 29, 1980 to HM King Hussein Bin Talal and HM Queen Noor Al Hussein, in Amman Jordan. Hamzah began his early (elementary) education in Amman, he than received the General Certificate for Secondary Education from Harrow in the U.K. Hamzah has been awarded lots of prizes such as the "Dome of Rock" awarded to him by the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs in 1990 and the "History Prize" from Harrow.

Hamzah decided to follow in his father's and brother's footsteps and enrolled in the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst U.K. Hamzah went on to be awarded other medals in Jordan and abroad such as, The Grand Cordon of the Order of Al-kawkab Al-Urduni, The Al-Hussein Gold Medal for Achievement and The Bahraini Medal of Ahmad Al-Fateh.

Hamzah has attended training courses in marksmanship, skydiving, first aid and military tactics. He also enjoys fencing, shooting, Judo, fishing, skiing, water sports and flying fixed wing and helicopter aircraft. Feb 7 of 1999 Hamzah was named Crown Prince by his brother HM King

Abdullah Bin Al Hussein after the death of his beloved father the late King Hussein of Jordan and the ascension of his brother HM King Abdullah II of Jordan. He has Three full siblings (1 brother and 2 sisters) and eight half siblings. Hamzah recently graduated from Sandhurst and is now back in Jordan carrying on his duty as Crown Prince.

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