[josh hartnett] ::credits
i thought i should have a page where i can give credit where its deserved, so...here goes...
josh hartnett - because the page is, after all, for him since hes just so damn talented
dominic - for the pic on the intro page and some help with html.
sara - for teachin me how to do frames
jenna - cuz she asked me to thank her cuz she thinks shes god.. email her and tell her shes stupid
e online - for aaall the pictures from the chat they had before here on earth was released
aand all of you people for actually coming to my page (and the few of you that email me and tell me that you like it, i appreciate it).
there are like...a bunch more people but i can't think of any at the moment. if i stole one of your pictures for a logo or something please let me know and i'll give you credit for it here. thanks!