this part of the site is going to be dedicated entirely to the movie "Pearl Harbor" which Josh filmed with Ben Affleck and Kate Beckinsale in Hawaii.

Amazing. That's all I have to say about this movie. I kept hearing people say that because of all the hype about it, it would be a letdown...not by a long shot. Maybe just a tiny little bit less than what I expected, but hardly a disappointment. Josh is incredible in it, he is truly a great actor. yes, ladies and gentlemen, he's going to be huge. I'm talking like Harrison ford huge! I can't even say enough good things about him. Anyway ... go see it. Definitely worth your 8 bucks.

Well, the Pearl Harbor premiere was last week (5.21.01, Monday) on board the U.S.S. Stennis in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. I was down in Pearl Harbor, but not fortunate enough to be at the premiere. I did get to see the fireworks show they put on, and it was incredible! There has been tons of news coverage on the premiere, and from what I've seen and heard it looked pretty amazing. There'll be pictures up of the boat and hopefully some fireworks pictures in a few days. So, I guess that's about it!

The Pearl Harbor movie book has been released, and you can buy it for $35 at pretty much any bookstore. Faith Hill is singing the theme song for the movie, and you might wanna check out MTV or VH1 for the video, which is directed by Michael Bay and includes scenes from the movie. Pearl Harbor opened throughout the U.S. on Friday, May 25.

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Star BulletinRace & Reality at war in the moviesSat. April 29, 2000article
Honolulu Advertiser 'PH' producer bets on another blockbusterSun. April 23, 2000article
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Honolulu AdvertiserReality, Fiction clash in 'Pearl Harbor' scriptTues. April 11, 2000article
Honolulu Star BulletinPearl Harbor blasts its way into a Week of InfamyMon. April 10, 2000article
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Honolulu Star BulletinIt will be Dec. 7, 1941, all over againTues. April 3, 2000article
Honolulu Star BulletinActors, Film Execs Pay RespectsTues. April 3, 2000article
Honolulu Advertiser'Pearl Harbor' movie drops anchor hereTues. April 3, 2000article
page last updated: May.22.2k1

other links: Pearl Harbor: official movie site - Pearl Harbor
Cinemenium - Pearl Harbor