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Khalid M Bhatti's Blog
Monday, 4 April 2005
Islam and west
Islam means peace for all human races and spices on earth. Islam is not a new religion. It is the true continuation of the religion, brought to the human race by the first human and Prophet of God, namely the Adam. The same religion that later evolved in Judaism and Christianity. It was God's will to wind up all these religions into shape of islam, after Jews and Christians deformed the true spirit of the message of God. And it is stated in the bible that a messenger of God will correct the deformation of Judaism and christianity and the messenger's name would be "Farqleet" in Abrani (Hebrew) language of the Jews. The true translation of Farqleet", is "Ahmed" Muhammad's (PBUH) childhood's name. There are so many and absolute misinformation's about islam in the said book "The sword of the Prophet". I would rather say that the author is motivated by his grudge,christian or secular bias against islam and thus bears no authority on islam and had made it's book unauthentic. The author only aim is to get cheap fame by defaming islam, like Selman Rushdie etc. *Would the honorable author, please like to tell the readers, how could a calm,poor and powerless Muhammad be'in a position to force people to embrace islam, when at that time there were so many powerful tribes and tradesmen in and around the arabian peninsula? *How could they let a poor man to falsify their Gods and idols and there practice of pagan religions? Certainly, they propagated against him, fought against him and even tried to kill him and also tried lured him to get marry with the beautiful women of arabia or a rank in the tribal system to quit his stance that God is one, the all prophets were muslims, and he (muhammad) is the last prophet of God. But nothing forced him to abandon his God gifted aim. *The 99% per cent of Muhammad's followers were poor people who were either forced to be slave or been victimized by the jews traders and tribal lords. These poor people found their freedom in the form of islam and embraced it and prevailed it on their souls and submitted themselves to God, because islam means submission to God. The life and universe is God gifted and perishable. * All human are accountable of their Good and bad deeds, so they must treat other non-violent, non-aggressive and peaceful human with dignity and equality. *Only those who are pious and chaste are better than the others, but it does not mean that they should be persecuted, but to educated them to become civilized people to be a part of healthy and wealth society. * Muhammad didn't marry 25 times. He married only 5 or 7 times, because he was not a son of God as Jesus (according to proclamation of Christians) but a human,who enjoyed life as God authorized him. * Muhammad's youngest wife was 19 or 20 year old and that age woman are able to get marry. The most girls get first menstruation in the age of 11 or 13 which means they can have sex and produce children. * In west, still in this modern time, many older people used to get marry with 18 or 20 years old girls ( examples are lot) such as in Hollywood and upper strata and high societies. *Islam was the first religion on earth that librated women from the man's domination, man from other men's domination and religious persecution and victimization. *The christians and jews societies were used to segregate women when they had and has menstruations even they encage them during this period irritation and pain. * Pagan Arab and jews were used to unhappy when they become parents of a baby girl and they graved her alive in the ground, because they thought the women brought them shame. *Islam gave women the respectable place in the society. * Ireland and in other western countries women have just gotten right to vote and divorce, while islam given them right of divorce 14 hundreds year ago. *Islam in india was the activities of muslim Sufis and saints, before Islam india was divided in caste system. Hinduism divide the human in three man categories, First Brahmans (the priests), second Kushtaries (the governing and administrative ones) and third and last the serving class or untouchable. This was the reason that untouchable embraced islam having impressed by the equality of people in Islam. *Indians were used to kill their women, when her husband die, it means she also has and had to burned alive with her dead husband. * And if islam was spread by the sword then there would have been no christian in Spain and france which border spain. *Then there also would not have a single non-muslim in the Balkan and neighboring countries if islam was of nature to force people to convert. * Islam command it followers, No compulsion in religion". 'It does not work to convert people by force when their heart is not accepting the truth.

Posted by stars/Khlalidmbhatti10 at 12:38 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 21 December 2005 2:05 PM EST
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