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Khalid M Bhatti's Blog
Thursday, 17 May 2007
The Second Camp of Crusaders will be Iran!
United States of America is weighing to attack Iran sometimes in future after Iran’s refusal to scrap its peaceful Atomic program, which Iran considers vital to its energy needs in future. USA and EU accuses Iran of illicit atomic activities, which Iran is feverishly denying, without any avail. Recently, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olemart hinted that Israel could adopt measure to stop or destroy Iranian Atomic installations with or without USA, to safeguard its security and make sure that the holocaust will never ever be repeated again. United Nation’s Security Council deadline, to stop uranium enrichment program, to Iran has passed last month. USA and UK has succeeded to persuade United Nation’s Security Council to impose sanctions on Iran to cripple Iranian Nation, as was the case against Iraq which eventually lead allied invasion on Iraq. The same amount of propaganda campaign is in process through American and western media to pave the way of an attack on Iran. The recent provocative trespassing by British Navy of Iranian water is all part of the game to aggravate the relationship between Iran and EU-USA so that arresting of the 15 UK marines and sailors can be raised in the United nation to condemn Iran so that Iran could be further isolated. To this purpose USA and UK are planning to withdraw some of their troops from Iraq so that they could use them later against Iran. UK is sending more troops to Afghanistan to strengthen its military muscles to use them in case of an USA invasion on Iran. The redeployment of troops is being arranged to attack on Iran from Afghanistan and Iraq at a time to made Iran indefensible. Any such move by UK, USA and its allies only will serve those who have interest to further de-stable world peace and security to made some bucks for their own sake to hold glees own their ranches. In the heightens of smearing propaganda campaign against Iraq by the USA and western media, I wrote on different channels that its all a part of the game to contain Islamic world to become stronger and control of oil of the Arabian peninsula and Iraq is the first camp of the crusade against Muslim world, I wrote an essay with title “ Taking the Muslim countries one by one”, but I have lost it and cannot call it up again where I have posted it. I wrote in the essay that after ruining Iraq the west would respectively take aim at Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, because if the west can go after Iraq how could it ignore Iran and particularly Pakistan which is already possessing WMDs. For further readings and predictions, please surf on following sites to know the real face of imperialist powers of the world. (After the colonization of Iraq the coalition of two had launched a barrage of accusations against Syria and Iran). Right after the completion of ousting of Saddam Hussein USA began accusing the...

Posted by stars/Khlalidmbhatti10 at 11:46 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 15 April 2011 4:29 AM EDT
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Monday, 5 March 2007
My reply to Robert Spencer's, The truth about Muhammad
My reply to Robert Spencer’s book “The Truth About Muhammad”. Robert Spencer is an ill informed Islam analyst who had ventured to write baseless accusations on the most powerful, influential, humane messenger of God; in his book "The Truth About Muhammad ; The messenger who sat the heresies made by Jews and Christians right in the shape of true religion brought to human by the first ever prophet of God, namely the Adam (peace be with him) and carried out and continued by the prophet Abraham, David (Daud) Ishaq (Isaac) Ismaeel (Samuel) Jesus. But the religion was made corrupt by the followers as soon as the Guardians of the religion were vanished or died. Muhammad (pbuh) was the seal of the prophet hood and the last chapter of the book set opened by Adam and appendix by the following prophets. Islam is a universal religion and last resort for human to be redeemed. Whatever good a person does in his/her lifetime won’t be accepted or elevate him/her to the status of redemption unless he/she turned Muslim. Islam abhors to use force to convert people to Islam. One citation from holy Quran command Muhammad (pbuh) “La Iqrah Fiddin”, which means no compulsion in religion, because by use of force you can convert a body to any system but not his/her soul and Islam buy yours souls together with yours bodies. Another place in Quran God command to Muhammad, say to non-believers! Oh non-muslims you do not worship what I worship and I do not worship what you worship so you be pleased with yours and me with mine. You stated somewhere in yours compilation of lies that on death bed Muhammad cursed upon Jews and Christians. As per yours definition Muhammad was a false prophet or demon (God forgive me for uttering these words) so how could instead of repenting his bad deeds he continued till his death to condemn Jews and Christians, unless he was not the prophet of God. I am sure, that you should have happened to read some text in bible and oxford dictionary that Jews were used to made changes in the holy scriptures. If Christianity and not Islam is the religion of peace and truth then why the Christian enslaved half of the globe in foregone centuries. Once Southa Africa's Bishop Desmond Tutu ( The nobel prize laureate) said very well “when Christians came into Africa we have the land and they had the Bible, they said let us pray we closed our eyes and when we opened our eyes they had the land and we had the Bible”. You stated somewhere in the heap of lies that prophet Muhammad message to neighbouring countries can be read as expansionism. At the time of Muhammad surrounding countries of Arabia respectively ruled by Romans and Persians who were often at war with each other and humanity were fed up with their greed of more and more land. Islam splintered and broke these tyrannous rulers pride into the sand of Persia and Syria and brought relief to the mankind. (((((( "In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. From Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah to Chosroes, king of Persia. Peace be upon him who follows true guidance, believes in Allah and His Messenger and testifies that there is no God but Allah Alone with no associate, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. I invite you to accept the religion of Allah. I am the Messenger of Allah sent to all people in order that I may infuse fear of Allah in every living person, and that the charge may be proved against those who reject the Truth. Accept Islam as your religion so that you may live in security, otherwise, you will be responsible for all the sins of the Magians." ‘Abdullah bin Hudhafa As-Sahmi was chosen to carry the letter. This envoy carried it to the king of Bahrain but we do not know as yet if the latter despatched to Chosroes by one of his men or chose ‘Abdullah himself. The proud monarch was enraged by the style of the letter as the name of the Prophet had been put above his own name. He tore the letter into shreds and forthwith dictated a command to his viceroy in Yemen to send a couple of troopers to arrest the Prophet and bring him to his presence. The governor, Bazan by name, immediately sent two men to Madinah for the purpose. As soon as the men reached Madinah, the Prophet was informed by a Divine Revelation that Pervez, the emperor of Persia, had been murdered by his son. The Prophet disclosed to them the news and they were stunned. He added asking them to tell their new monarch that Islam would prevail everywhere and outstrip the sovereignty of Chosroes himself. They hurried back to Bazan and communicated to him what they heard. Meanwhile, Sherweh, the new monarch sent a letter to Bazan confirming the news and bidding him to stop any procedures as regards the Prophet till further notice. Bazan, together with the Persians in Yemen, went into the folds of Islam, and gladly signified his adhesion to the Prophet.))))) What would be more tolerant then that, that you are free to abuse the prophet of Islam and me or other muslim can’t retaliate by abusing Prophet Moses, David or Jesus, because Islam has taught us to respect all these prophet otherwise consider themselves out of Islam. Isn’t it tolerance from Islam’s part. You Christians has fought all the wars in recent history and still wars are waged in the name of democracy and secularism. You do all the sins that were enough to contradict what you describe as religion, if jesus was alive he could have condemn it with all its vigour. For further enlightenment you might need to read and answer the question I had asked the Christians. Mahmood Bhatti Not Rated Islam means peace for all human race and spices on earth. Islam is not a new religion it is the true continuation of the religion brought to the human race by the first human and Prophet of God, namely the Adam. The same religion that later evolved in Judaism and Christianity. It is been widely believed by the followers of Christendom that prophet Jesus/Isa (may God be pleased with him) was son of God. Which is absolutely unrealistic relationship between God and human being, because God is a Cosmic entity while human are corporeal bodies and an sexual intercourse between two is impossible imagination but the flight of Christians believes, which is in matter of fact relates to the Roman and Greek mythology of God and Goddess had made this impossibility, possible.

Posted by stars/Khlalidmbhatti10 at 2:50 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 13 July 2010 1:05 PM EDT
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Thursday, 19 October 2006
Is this! What Pope Benedict boast about?
Pope Benedict’s XVI has joined the ranks of the crusaders when he was on visit to his home country Germany. While addressing a mass in Germany he repeated the words of a 14th century Byzantine emperor Manuel II Paleologue, that, “ Muhammad (peace be upon him) had only brought evil and inhuman” to the world.

But question is! Who’s following is carrying out the most inhumane deeds against humanity for centuries. In the name of Jesus (peace be upon him) the European crusaders and religion Christianity has brought a huge amount of misery, injustice, humiliation, not only to the Muslims but also on to other religionists and cultures.

The European colonized 3-4 of the globe during the foregone centuries. Ethnic cleansed people as far as Americas, New Zealand, and Australia. It is been said that Christian Priest in Americas had issued religious edict that those who would kill Red Indians will enter into paradise, because they were considered as Satan.

South Africans had witnessed the worse apartheid ever experienced by any other nation on earth, even Mahatma Gandhi who was not an African but Indian settler in south Africa had experienced and tasted the heat of the apartheid.

If we look around the world that had been under the European colonial rule, we will see that people of the land had been decimated ruthlessly by the colonial powers.

Today we see them (the aboriginals of New Zealand, Australia and red Indians of Americas) living in the segregated areas preserved as Zoological gardens or museums. The European tourists go there to entertain themselves by viewing the misery of these ill-fated people.

The followers of Christianity in matter of fact has brought the most evil to the world, they in the name of liberalism, secularism, and human rights not only practice the most illicit habits such as, pornography, homosexuality, paedophilia, incest, and animal sex etc and want them to be accepted as an individuals rights around the globe.

And all those who will resist against them will be labelled as terrorists, conservative, radicals and a threat to civilization, though they themselves are not willing to let other cultures and civilization be survive and want them to be vanished as they did with Civilizations of American Incas, New Zealand’s Maoris and Australian aboriginals.

Once, South African Bishop Desmond Tutu said very rightly that,” when Christian missionaries came into Africa they asked us, let us pray, we closed our eyes and when we open our eyes, they had the land and we had the bible”.
Most of the Marauders in history were the followers of Christianity, The Napoleon Bonaparte, Hitler, Stallion, Mussolini, Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair, George Bush senior, George Bush junior and prior to them the American presidents who carried out atrocities against Japan, Vietnam, Korea and elsewhere around the world.
Is this what! Pope Benedict’s and his predecessor were boasting about, shame on thee.

Posted by stars/Khlalidmbhatti10 at 10:53 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 19 October 2006 11:03 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 2 May 2006
Indian economy is only four time bigger than Denmark
Mood:  hug me
India is struggling feverishly to secure position in world as economic giant but the growth is very little and only in IT- industry. The country lack Industry which could lead a 1.2 billion poor Indians to economic stability. India is trying now to copy the Chinese model to substantiate vitamins to its fragile economy writes Stephan Wedel Alsman for Danish Newspaper “Politeken”.

A retired economic professor points toward the University where he once taught international economy. “Will you think of that a whole life with world economy, I never had flew in an aeroplane, said Sharm Besni with great disappointment.
The professor himself is witness that India’s economic boom’s benefits have only made way to some elites.

Mr. Professor Sharm Besini adds that when he got retired after a carrier as professor in international economy I earned 250 dollar monthly. Now I survive only by tutoring students; because I have no pension to survive told Professor on a glass of cheep beer.

The Professor adds that now they want to change Bangalore into Shanghai, this is ridiculous! When basal things are not in function, now we don’t even have electricity for all here in the city, said he bitterly.

For hundred metre away India’s riches elites are sipping from their glasses. They do not drink banal beer but expensive cocktails with loosen ties and drowned into luxurious sofas and impressive environment that is prevalent in the Lounge bars but some where else city’s slums dwellers are struggling to earn two or three dollar to keep run their lives to serve these rich elites of India.

A million in IT-industry.

The paramount problem is that India does not have any production of importance that should be worth to mention here.
Currently, Indian’s economy is a service economy and that is a problem, because industrial production is a key to modernization of India or any other country. All Asian economies are developed through production and industry, it sound by economist Omkar Goswami the founder of advisory council GERG. India’s renowned IT- sector has absorbed only a million people out of 1.2 billion strong populations, adds Omkar Goswami.

28% growth rate.
Despite a fantastic growth rate at 28% annually,IT-sector cannot guarantee India’s successful transformation into a modern economy.

Collectively, India has a service sector that room more than 50% economy while production and industry has a share less than 26% per cent, while China’s industry and production make up 50% of its economy. India needs to increase its production to maintain its growth rate, asses Omkar Goswami.
Shortage of production sector has worried Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Newly in an interview he mentioned his worries regarding imbalance in industrial production and service sector.

Restrictions and corruption has shied many investors away from investing in India which is evident through this contrast that last year China attract 64 billion dollars in investment while India only 5.5 billion dollar. This prospect has forced India to limp restrictions on investments in India industry to attract investors from around the globe.

Mr. Sharm Besni the retired economy professor suspects that and said >> the country has stuck an illusion of vanity (super power) that has driven it crazy. We have a very small group to do computer work for west and we have begun to consider ourselves that we can dictate the world, while our GDB is just four time stronger than of Denmark which has a population of 5.2 million.

With many thanks to Danish Language Newspaper, Daily >>Politken<<

Posted by stars/Khlalidmbhatti10 at 7:30 AM EDT
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Thursday, 5 January 2006
The computer we used work on algebra or Algorithm

The Arab scholar Mohammed Ibn Jubair al Battani studied Indian use of ratios from Retha Ganita and introduced them among the Arab scholars like Al Khwarazmi, Washiya and Abe Mashar who incorporated the newly acquired knowledge of algebra and other branches of Indian mathema into the Arab ideas about the subject.
The chief exponent of this Indo-Arab amalgam in mathematics was Al Khwarazmi who evolved a technique of calculation from Indian sources. This technique which was named by westerners after Al Khwarazmi as "Algorismi" gave us the modern term Algorithm, which is used in computer software.
Algorithm which is a process of calculation based on decimal notation numbers. This method was deduced by Khwarazmi from the Indian techniques geometric computation which he had st ied. Al Khwarazmi's work was translated into Latin under the title "De Numero Indico" which means 'of Indian Numerals' thus betraying its Indian origin. This translation which belong to the 12th century A.D credited to one Adelard who lived in a town called Bath in Britian.
Thus Al Khwarazmi and Adelard could looked upon as pioneers who transmit Indian numerals to the west. Incidents according to the Oxford Dictionary, word algorithm which we use in the English language is a corruption of the name Khwarazmi which literally means '(a person) from Khawarizm', which was the name of the town where Al Khwarazmi lived. To day unfortunately', the original Indian texts that Al Khwarazmi studied arelost to us, only the translations are avail able .
The Arabs borrowed so much from India the field of mathematics that even the subject of mathematics in Arabic came to known as Hindsa which means 'from India and a mathematician or engineer in Arabic is called Muhandis which means 'an expert in Mathematics'. The word Muhandis possibly derived from the Arabic term mathematics viz. Hindsa.
The Concept of Zero
The concept of zero also originated in ancient India. This concept may seem to be a very ordinary one and a claim to its discovery may be viewed as queer. But if one gives a hard thought to this concept it would be seen that zero is not just a numeral. Apart from being a numeral, it is also a concept, and a fundamental one at that. It is fundamental because, terms to identify visible or perceptible objects do not require much ingenuity.
But a concept and symbol that connotes nullity represents a qualitative advancement of the human capacity of abstraction. In absence of a concept of zero there could have been only positive numerals in computation, the inclusion of zero in mathematics opened up a new dimension of negative numerals and gave a cut off point and a standard in the measurability of qualities whose extremes are as yet unknown to human beings, such as temperature.
In ancient India this numeral was used in computation, it was indicated by a dot and was termed Pujyam. Even today we use this term for zero along with the more current term Shunyam meaning a blank. But queerly the term Pujyam also means holy. Param-Pujya is a prefix used in written communication with elders. In this case it means respected or esteemed. The reason why the term Pujya - meaning blank - came to be sanctified can only be guessed.
Indian philosophy has glorified concepts like the material world being an illusion Maya), the act of renouncing the material world (Tyaga) and the goal of merging into the void of eternity (Nirvana). Herein could lie the reason how the mathematical concept of zero got a philosophical connotation of reverenceOne of the Greatest Mathematicians: MOHAMMAD BIN MUSA AL-KHAWARIZMI

Abu Abdullah Mohammad Ibn Musa al-Khawarizmi was born at Khawarizm (Kheva), south of Aral sea. Very little is known about his early life, except for the fact that his parents had migrated to a place south of Baghdad. The exact dates of his birth and death are also not known, but it is established that he flourished under Al- Mamun at Baghdad through 813-833 and probably died around 840 C.E.
Khawarizmi was a mathematician, astronomer and geographer. He was perhaps one of the greatest mathematicians who ever lived, as, in fact; he was the founder of several branches and basic concepts of mathematics. In the words of Phillip Hitti, he influenced mathematical thought to a greater extent than any other medieval writer. His work on algebra was outstanding, as he not only initiated the subject in a systematic form but he also developed it to the extent of giving analytical solutions of linear and quadratic equations, which established him as the founder of Algebra. The very name Algebra has been derived from his famous book Al-Jabr wa-al-Muqabilah. His arithmetic synthesized Greek and Hindu knowledge and also contained his own contribution of fundamental importance to mathematics and science. Thus, he explained the use of zero, a numeral of fundamental importance developed by the Arabs. Similarly, he developed the decimal system so that the overall system of numerals, 'algorithm' or 'algorizm' is named after him. In addition to introducing the Indian system of numerals (now generally known as Arabic numerals), he developed at length several arithmetical procedures, including operations on fractions. It was through his work that the system of numerals was first introduced to Arabs and later to Europe, through its translations in European languages. He developed in detail trigonometric tables containing the sine functions, which were probably extrapolated to tangent functions by Maslama. He also perfected the geometric representation of conic sections and developed the calculus of two errors, which practically led him to the concept of differentiation. He is also reported to have collaborated in the degree measurements ordered by Mamun al-Rashid were aimed at measuring of volume and circumference of the earth.
The development of astronomical tables by him was a significant contribution to the science of astronomy, on which he also wrote a book. The contribution of Khawarizmi to geography is also outstanding, in that not only did he revise Ptolemy's views on geography, but also corrected them in detail as well as his map of the world. His other contributions include original work related to clocks, sundials and astrolabes.
Several of his books were translated into Latin in the early 12th century. In fact, his book on arithmetic, Kitab al-Jam'a wal- Tafreeq bil Hisab al-Hindi, was lost in Arabic but survived in a Latin translation. His book on algebra, Al-Maqala fi Hisab-al Jabr wa-al- Muqabilah, was also translated into Latin in the 12th century, and it was this translation which introduced this new science to the West "completely unknown till then". He astronomical tables were also translated into European languages and, later, into Chinese. His geography captioned Kitab Surat-al-Ard, together with its maps, was also translated. In addition, he wrote a book on the Jewish calendar Istikhraj Tarikh al-Yahud, and two books on the astrolabe. He also wrote Kitab al-Tarikh and his book on sun-dials was captioned Kitab al-Rukhmat, but both of them have been lost.
The influence of Khawarizmi on the growth of science, in general, and mathematics, astronomy and geography in particular, is well established in history. Several of his books were readily translated into a number of other languages, and, in fact, constituted the university textbooks till the 16th century. His approach was systematic and logical, and not only did he bring together the then prevailing knowledge on various branches of science, particularly mathematics, but also enriched it through his original contribution. No doubt he has been held in high repute throughout the centuries since then.

Posted by stars/Khlalidmbhatti10 at 3:53 PM EST
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Wednesday, 21 December 2005
Where is Mullah A. Salam Zaeef Taliban Ambassador?
Now Playing: Afghanistan/USA
Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef
Where is Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef the Ex-Taliban Ambassador to Islamabad?

The ex-Taliban ambassador to Pakistan had been handed over to USA soon after the fall of Taliban regime in Afghanistan. The Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef gave the Taliban face during American air strikes of Afghanistan. He held news conferences to update the world on situation in Afghanistan. Mullah Abdul Salaam Zaeef who was just 24 year old at the time, rendered his diplomatic duties by conducting his job as all ambassadors used to do, when they are being appointed some place in the world.
The ambassadors and diplomatic missions’ staff are always exempted of laws of the country they are being designated to represent their respective countries.
I have never heard before, that an ex-ambassador being questioned by the other government of his role during his/her tenure or being held responsible for what his country’s Government is doing. The diplomatic staffs are bound to carry out their duties according to his/her country's foreign/home policy. He/she is above all kind of jurisdiction and prosecution, particularly when the crime is not personally committed by him or her as person.
Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef is in American custody, since January 2002. Since then nobody haven’t heard of him. No NGOs or human rights organization had tried ever to gain excess to the cell in Guantanamo Bay off Cuba where this unfortunate Ambassador is rotting in.
Please comment on and provide information, what rights an ex-ambassador enjoys after the demise of a regime or completing his/her tenure?

Posted by stars/Khlalidmbhatti10 at 4:52 PM EST
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Saturday, 26 November 2005
Jaisalmir Fort,Rajasthan,India
Jaisalmer fort, the second oldest fort in Rajasthan was built in 1156 A D. It was founded by the Bhatti Rajput chieftain Rawal Jaisal. The fort perched on the Trikuta hill at a height of 250 feet stands as protector over the desert with its long stretching walls following the curves of the hills. The colossal wall 250 feet tall has 99 bastion has a confined meandering lanes and four mammoth gateways. Almost one quater of the town's population resides inside the fort. Outside the fort, is the main market place called Manek Chowk.

Jaisalmer Fort is a five story architectural monument embellished with balconies and windows that exhibition some of the foremost artistic works typical of Rajput style. Cluster of exquisite carved Jain temples built between the 12th and 15th century are the main source of attraction.
It is engaging to meander around the place. The fort walls offer marvelous views over the Old City and adjoining desert.
The Aksya Pole is the entrance gate of the fort. Across the road lie the gate names Suraj-Pole constructed by Maharawal Bhim. The topmost part, a curvilinear Toran is embellished with a figure of Sun.

There is a figure of Ganesh and Sun installed in 1679 AD. on the outer wall between Suraj Pole and the Ganesha Pole. Hawa Pole also called as a Wind Pole was constructed during the 17th century AD is a enormous gateway girdled by carved palaces and courtyard.
Population of merchants and shop owners living within its walls crowds the fort. The small lanes are surrounded with number of houses, temples, and shops. Camel safaris and Annual Desert Festival held in February are very popular among the tourist.


Posted by stars/Khlalidmbhatti10 at 8:46 AM EST
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Saturday, 19 November 2005
The 21st Anniversary of Bhopal Disaster.
Bhopal. When in 2nd December1984 the world experienced the worst ever industrial disaster in Indian city Bhopal, it leads to quick and dramatic measures in the method, at which those types of firms were being operating, but only in USA.

Late night on 2nd December 1984 begins a spill, from an American owned which produced insecticides, which took toll of 6.500 innocent and poor Indians. It is estimated that as many as 20.000-150.000 people were affected by the chemical spill

The factory which I am talking about was owned by Union Carbide that built this factory as third rate copy of its original one in USA.

The technology that should have secured over chemical slick was inferior and personnel had great laxity of proper education and experience which requires for Union Carbides mother industry in USA.

The chemical facility in Bhopal, India was badly maintained and an internal inspection report prior to the accident had pointed many laps out which must had been dealt seriously, but to our shock many of the safety systems were shut on the night of accident.

An Indian court over 10 years of time unsuccessfully had tried to indict the American director Warren Anderson together with 7 other leading personnel. Mr. Warren Anderson is residing in USA, perhaps without any scruple of mind.

Union Carbide paid 470 millions dollars to Madhya Pradesh state Government and sold the industry out to a Calcutta based Tea-firm which later sold it out to Dow chemicals which refused to take any responsibility and compensation etc.

American congress had introduced new measures and regulations regarding the chemical which will be used and out pilled and warning systems but ironically these regulations are not extended or valid to American ventures outside of USA.

It is therefore American firms are building unsafe and insecure chemical factories around the world, where environmental standard and control is an obsolete thing

Posted by stars/Khlalidmbhatti10 at 5:52 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 21 December 2005 1:47 PM EST
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Tuesday, 20 September 2005
My Aswer to Dr. Ishtiaq Ahmed of Sweden.
Mood:  chillin'
My answer to Mr.Ishtiaq Ahmed's article”THE NEED TO MODERNISE ISLAM. 5_pg3_2

(1) Off course Quran is the word of God and final communication to human kind and if we believe otherwise, we no longer have right to call us Muslim. A human's association with God and religion can only is determined by his/her's believing in the core principals and ideology of religion regardless of this fact that many people do not practise religion but they still believe in God. You can call them sinner but they are still Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Christian, Jews or whatever their religion is.

(2) Yes off course you can find this answer in Quran as; it is me God) who taught human to light fire, don't they have wisdom to conceive me (God) as their creator"!

(3) He (The one) is an adult according to secular and sharia law and guidelines regarding maturity of a human offspring. Why would you meddle with his decision to choose an education which he thinks can better serve him in the future? And if you still think it is not good for him than you pray God and left it to Him (God) and him (boy). And if your son has his will, then it is the will of God you can't change it. The will of boy is Qadr, destiny or fate you and your boy can't change it, unless God himself with his discretion change it and it is this phenomenon which people used to call miracle.

(4) I ask you to tell the readers; how many hour you work in a day? Average working hour in Scandinavia are 7.4 per day and 37 hour in a week. Can't you find a solemn moment to revert to God the creator of Universe to beseech or pray him to change your boy's mind, if God wish to and find it inappropriate for the boy?
I myself work, and obviously can't offer my prayer at their due time. I do it when I come back home at half past five in the afternoon. You know, what I do after entering my home and later taking my shoes off and changing to casual dressing, I make ablution and stand before God to offer My afternoon (Zohar,Assar,Mugrib Namaz = Salat, depending on what time/season of the year is) prayer. It is to say that I offer my prayer Alqadah = the missed prayers.

(5) Because they had colonized the half of the globe, particularly the Muslim world and pushed them into hundreds of year back, by destroying the available infrastructure, civil and military institutions and by missionary schooling for some elites infused a sense of despair in general public and inferiority complex in the mind of the elites.

(6) Why should we (Muslims) abandon the penal code, just to please the secular forces at home and abroad? The laws of a country are being made and enforced with respect to the, religion, culture and tradition on which's base a society is being set up and function and keeping this fact out of view, only play havoc as we are seeing in the so called Islamic republic of Pakistan which in matter of fact is a secular country but ironically being called the IRP which render only one purpose to defame Islam.

Adultery, fornication, homosexuality and sadomy had and still have forbidden by all the religion and dogmas the exception is secularism. Do you want us to let these vices be infused in our societies? What good bring these disgusting habits to the human, I'll be very please to hear your version of Islam or secularity or whatever you practice in your daily life.

6. b) the only part of your comment regarding the abandonment of Islamic penal law, I find myself in agreement is false accusation of adultery, sodomy or so, but what it has to do with Islam. It is an individual conduct of behave and it is punishable under sharia and secular laws, so what is new that you are telling the readers. If you have abandon your believe in Islam, Ok and if you as being a new member of the secular movement preach us to do they same as you did, Ok. But please do not cheat the Muslim by your Muslim name.

(6.c)Tell me, why western and secular countries label all those who are not seculars or democrats as dictators, non-democrats and fundamentalist etc? As such, is the case with religion Islam all those who practice other than Islam are Kafir or non Muslim, so what is wrong with it? Hence in this sense if the former one is correct then why the later one be blamed for being wrong.

(7) It is not correct, after the death of father/grand father or mother/grand mother their grand sons/daughters are inheritor of their part of the property moveable or immoveable.

(7.a)My own brother- in- law and his sister got their part of share in their grand father's property and again my same brother in law's sister's children got their mother's part of property after their mother's death.

(7.b)How could you have this problem, when you are secular of character? See my answer to this point above. It could be a problem for me but not for you, while I or other Muslim likes me are not asking this question, because we know how to deal it with.

(7.c) The offering of prayers and holding of Ramadan is matter of understanding, conviction, zeal, enthusiasm and commitment to once duties toward religion or work or some thing else you think is important for you. Tell me if clock works there are not or it also takes leap of 4 month? If not and it works as usual, then problem is solved you can render you religious duties according to the clock.
Muslim haven't had access to the farthest corner of the world, if we did have access, we would have solved this problem long ago.

(7.d)But I assure you as we are the second largest religion in Europe and Scandinavia we will find a solution to this problem as soon as we will get there, if you still find you in disagreement with me despite the solution above.

(8) Quran is a framework or a constitution as the constitution of the United States which contains seven articles and 26 amendments, that has been in effect since its adoption in 1789 which is now 216 year old but all laws and regulations are made and introduce within its frame and every time in the cases when ambiguities on laws and regulation arise, lawmakers look toward the constitution for guideline. In a way constitution is a holly document, if the American constitution is still valid after the 216 year so why not 1200 year prior to it.

(8.a)As I said Quran is a framework or a constitution after Quran we look toward Fiqah and Hadit (saying of the prophet PBUH) and Ijtihad (Consensus on a particular issue) or Ijmah-ul-ummah = the general agreement.
So how could you say that Islam is not progressive but regressive?

(9) Rd.Chief Justice of supreme court of Pakistan Mr. Justice Muhammad Munir perhaps hadn’t had opportunity to open Quran up, otherwise he could have found my verses on history, religion other then Islam, matrimony, anthropology, philosophy, biology, chemistry, physics, cosmology, astronomy and reckoning and many more issues regarding living bodies and universe.
The story of Pharaohs vs. Moses, Roman vs. Iranians and the stories of Jews, Christian, Zoroastrian and atheist, homosexuals, lesbians.
The description of moon, sun, stars and their functions.
The functioning of human and animal bodies.
And the outcome of sexual intercourse between two opposite sexes.
The penal code the law of justice, the punishing of the criminals and rewarding of the culprits.
And the principles of Shahada = or witnessing.
Rules of wars and occupation of enemy territories.
The addressing on the matrimonial issues.
And description of metrology and happening of the seasons and weathers and disasters.
And happening of changes in the inner core of earth which creates earthquake and eruption of lava etc.

(10) Quran and Hadith strongly recommend acquisition of knowledge such as;
*Iqra beismi rabi Khalaqal Insan = read/recite in the name of God who had created human.

*Rabi Zidni ilmah = Oh God help me to acquire/expand me knowledge.
Taseel-ul-ilam minal mahid wal lahid = Seek knowledge from the lap of mother till ending in grave.

(11) Islam is the only religion that is based on rationalism;
just look at the invention of the modern day facilities that help human and animals to keep their living standard up.

(11.a)As behind every invention or discovery there is an outside force or inventor and without this force or inventor the discoveries and invention which we are enjoying today would have been a dream, exactly the same is the case with existence of universe and happening of the season and further more the unique phenomenon of the world the standing ape, whom God has gifted with some of its qualities. All these things pointing toward a Supreme Being the God.

(11.b)There are lot of Christian countries which has more economic, social and law an order problems than Muslim. The backward Christian countries have one resemblance with Muslim countries the colonial past.
(11.c) The achievements that Pakistan, Turkey, Indonesia and Malaysia had made in fifty to sixty year the Europe had made them in many centuries of uninterrupted self governance and flourishing of civil and military institutions.
Tell me who are quicker, intelligent, those who made there progress in centuries are those who made them in less than a century?
Sorry, I forgot to mention one resemblance from Hindu scriptures;
The main prayer of the Vedic Dharma, also known as the Gayatri Mantra, originated from this region, and was 'Aum bhu-bhva svah tat sevitr varay niyem bargoh de vas ya dhi ma hi diyeo yo na prachodayat'.

Or 'O Lord, Thou are the protector of life and of breath, dispeller of miseries and bestower of happiness. Thou are the creator and the most acceptable intelligence, possessing eternal qualities. May Thine qualities and Thy inspiration pass to us?'

Brevity. Surprisingly similar sentiments are found in the Holy Koran, as in other holy books.
And if the Quran is not the word of God?
How would it be possible for a human to compile so much different account in one book?

Posted by stars/Khlalidmbhatti10 at 2:33 PM EDT
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Saturday, 10 September 2005
We Don't Let you Win!
The Brazilian runner Vanderlei De Lima has lost his case for last year's Athens Olympic,where he was assaulted by a spectator as he was about to gain first position in the Marathon. Mr. De Lima had to accept Bronze instead of gold from international Sports Court, because of this insane but racist spectator who was an Irish priest.
De Lima had wished, one gold medal for himself, indifference of that Stefano Baldini from Italy had already won one.

Khalid M Bhatti Helsingor.

Posted by stars/Khlalidmbhatti10 at 3:14 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 11 September 2005 5:11 AM EDT
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