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Khalid M Bhatti's Blog
Sunday, 4 September 2005
New Orleans, an epitaph on the grave of USA.
The Meteorological institute of USA well warned the federal and states governments of the strength of the Hurricane "Katrina, which battered the coastal New Orleans, Louisiana. The water inundated 80% of new- orleans, which has a great number of poor afro and spanish american population. Hundreds of people died because of high tides of water and later, due to unavailability of rescue operation and proper assistance form the government
It seems as if the federal government did this with a purpose to get it rid of the black population of this state. If it was not the intention of the authorities, so why it took three days to accumulate and dispatch aids to the unfortunate people of New orleans?

The country that is used to boast of it enormous resources is asking other countries for aid, which highlights that wars in iraq and Afghanistan are bearing fruit.

The USA, government has shorts of troops and lack of willingness to cope with such a historical catastrophe. Anarchy and chaos has engulfed the state, the thugs and looters have taken control of the cities, one soldier killed in an attempt to prevent a robbery. The frustrated people are screaming and shouting at soldiers. Law and order is almost absent in the cities, the soldiers have order to shoot and kill,if they feel threatened.

The scenes of misery that is prevalent in New Orleans seems to be an epitaph on the grave of USA.

Posted by stars/Khlalidmbhatti10 at 9:02 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 21 December 2005 1:56 PM EST
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Tuesday, 24 May 2005
Are Whites Immune of Punishment?
The Australian Government writes to Indonesian Government in favor of an Australian woman who is accused of smuggling 4.1 kg of cocaine into Indonesia. It is expected, if she convicted, she will get life imprisonment. She caught with red handed,though she is still denying to own this and accused some corrupt baggage handlers for having corrupted her baggage. But why should they do that, if they can't be assured of getting this baggage delivered some where again. She seems to be a liar though it is up to her to told the interrogative personnel's whatever she thought is in her betterment and eviction and acquitting. But the question is not this if she is an smuggler or not, but if she or he from west in the case of white skin are above the law of third world. It happened many time before whenever a wester-en accused of wrong doing in the third world always been acquitted of the charges and send back to west where he or she got heroes welcome. I can recall some years back when two Australian nurses accused of killing their nurse mate in Saudi Arabia got acquittal after enormous pressure from Australia and west. Such types of episodes also been observed in India, Pakistan, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain and else where in Africa and Latin America etc. Are wester-en alway right or they are some sort of angels? Why the western Government thought their citizens are always innocent and immune to be punished. Is that not double standard and wrong?

Posted by stars/Khlalidmbhatti10 at 8:38 AM EDT
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Thursday, 12 May 2005
Moderen and enlightened Islam (secularism)
Moderen and enlightend islam. Khalid Mahmood Bhatti Helsing?r - 54th post - 12 May 2005 13:05
On Thursday the 12th May, I had an opportunity to read an interview of state Ministers of religious affair in Daily Time. The interview was like an anguish instead of relief or satisfaction, though it provided me and perhaps other readers a in-depth insight of the notion "moderen enlightenment of Islam". The moderen enlightenment of Islam is an other name of secularism that is being impose on a country and nation which aroused from the idea of two nation theory. When our forefathers demanded a separate homeland for Muslim of the Indian-subcontinent, they hadn't in mind a nation like that, where, there some feudal lords and ruling elites will do there utmost to transform it and project it as a secular state.
If it was in their mind, then there was no reason to establish a separate homeland for Muslim then we could have far better of within the Indian federation. And further more it was foolish to fought three wars with arch rival India. If the moderen enlightenment of Islam means what our ruling elites are going to impose on us so it would be better to rejoin Indian union and strengthened India's bid to become a security council member and thus let India play a role which it deserves. President General Pervaiz Musharraf could be a copy of Ata Turk, because he had his military training from there. Though Turkey is a secular state and oppressive regime that forced people to do what they are not used to. I know hundreds of Turks who are not satisfy with the regime's persecution of Islamic ideology and forcible imposition of secularism. The secularity that we see in the Turkey is prevalent in Urban areas that are less than 10 percent of the turkey's population so imposition of ideology contrary to folk's routine is undemocratic and also against the human rights. But how could people like Aamar Liaqat Hussein, President Musharraf, Shaukat Aziz & Co know that? Because they are a bunch of people who are carrying forwards their personal ambitions and American Agenda to secularize the whole world, particularly the Islam and Islamic countries that are like the fortresses of sand just because, our rulers have no popular support and their clinching to power demand subjugation of West and USA.

No one in Muslim world can distinguish between modernity and secularism. Secularism means to abandon one's religious affiliation and deny the existence of a God, while modernity means to make progress in different walks of life by maintaining religious affiliations. Does Mr. Minister and his superiors call this modernity, go in suits and necktie, watch porno, go half nude, utter corrupt language on TV and media and speak English, French, German or do all the contrary things to Islam and prevalent society ? No it is not the face of modernity, but the face of secularism and an imposition of foreign ideologies which are only playing havoc in our society. The people of Muslim world and particularly Pakistanis are confused and stunned by the falsification of Islamic ideology and corrupting of the Muslim society.

People and Government in west are making arrangements to put a lid on spirits, alcohols,pornograhpy and other evil acts, but on the contrary we the flag bearers of moral and ethical values are introducing these evils in our societies. What have gone wrong with our leadership of muslim countries? why are they incumbent to turn us secular, just because to get some bucks from the west to facilitate their and their families lives on the cost of our consciousness.

Do the Hr. Minister know the meaning and ideology back in the Trinity University, which had enabled Mr. Aamar Liaqat Hussein to contest in election,by conferring him an honorary degree of B.A.? Trinity means the Father + Son + Holy souls = God. The basic principle of Christianity. It is therefore Mr. Minister got his honorary degree, because his thesis was of these characteristics which enable a Muslim to be deserved of their favor.

Since the birth of Pakistan we are experiencing all what was and is not relevant to our objectives as a Muslim nation, in its 58 years history, Pakistan has never been a Muslim state, but an hooch pooch of promiscuity's.

An Islamic state is where there it is not said people are allowed to practice whatever they want but it also provide people opportunities and guidelines to mauled themselves into the frame of the ideology on which principles a nation and state is being establish. And this is not the case with Pakistan, you are allowed to do whatever you want but you are not allowed to be Muslims, nor despots of the west neither westeren allowed us to do? The reason is that they are afraid of Islamic ideology, after the demise of the Soviet Union the only ideology that can free the world from western hegemony and suppression and economic sanctions. It is therefore they are introducing different type of Islam into Muslim countries and promote those who are willing to lend their assistance the USA and its allies. They do this through NGOS ( Non Governmental Organizations) with their hidden agenda to undermine our religion and our cultural heritage to change the face of Islam and Muslim world. As Cheryl Benard the wife of president George W Bush's security adviser (Zalmay Khaledzadey) wrote in her book the "Modern democratic isl am". sic, divide Muslim in four categories, secular Muslim,fundamentalist Muslim, Sufi Muslims and moderate Muslims she is in favor of supporting the former one and later ones and want to be create gulf between the fundamentalists and Sufi Muslim to break the back bone of Muslim world's challengeability to west and I am afraid this is going to happen in Muslim world and particularly in Pakistan which vive ring/skidding off its due course.

Posted by stars/Khlalidmbhatti10 at 8:10 AM EDT
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Saturday, 23 April 2005
$ 1 million woman, lambaste US tactics in Iraq.
BBC, Hard talk
Former Italian hostage in Iraq, Guilian Sgrena, who was freed about one month ago by her Iraqi captors lambaste the way USA is treating the Iraqis and tackling the situation prevailing in the country.
She was freed by her captors after perhaps a ransom money had paid to the kidnappers. She was giving her side of account of the episode which took the life of an Italian secret agent Nicolo Caliper, who played a pivotal role for her freedom.

Though she denied any ransom money had paid to her captors, she hints that USA presumably, was against to pay any such money to her captors and for this reason were annoyed and fired at their convoy of few cars which had taken the safe road to Baghdad airport which was considered to be under the US A's military control, but it was pr oven wrong because the guardian of this road themselves were culprits. She described the American the most triggered happy force on Iraqi soil who are used to gun down any Innocent Iraqi whom they consider a threat to their safety. She said, to kill an Iraqi is just a routine work and it happens also under extreme weariness. worries and pressure of their own security and safety which has surpassed any other sense of humanity. And whenever the Americans find themselves in a position to turn their hatred and frustration out they do every thing to humiliate and torture the Iraqis to appease their frustration and fear.

Posted by stars/Khlalidmbhatti10 at 8:21 AM EDT
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An obliquity of reforming the UNSC.

An obliquity of reforming the United Nation. After almost sixty years of united nation establishment, it is now, been stressed that united nation must be reformed to accommodate some more countries to be selected as permanent members of security council and again obliquity is prevailing in the corridors of the united nation's security council. The countries which are seen as the front runners for the selection of five more permanent members of the council are; namely the India, Germany, Japan,Brazil and perhaps North Africa and the irony and obliquity is there that you can't find a single members from the muslim world to be represent 1,4 billion muslim of the world. It is, as if no country or religion exist on earth that is been called Islam or muslim. There in the united nation you can find the representation of almost all the religion and races after the reform,exception would be muslim and islam. Israelis are represented by their proxy the United states of America. Kofi Annan is a great awry, controversial distorter and neglector of this world body, he forgot and forget altogether the muslim world when he talked about reformation of the security council, how could a world body be called as representative of whole world.When he and others altogether ignoring muslims of the world by excluding them of this prestigious body.
*I suggest that security council altogether be obolisished or seize to be exist and United nation's General assembly be strengthened as sole decision making organ. *Two permanent security council members be selected from the continents of Asia and Africa. From Asia could be Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan and Iran and from Africa could be either Egypt or Libya. Otherwise be ready to for more violence and counter violence, bloodshed and counter bloodshed, hatred counter hatred. Only justice and parity in the new world order can bring peace to all human, american new world order is flawed, and since it promulgation world is only experiencing bloodshed and hate.

Posted by stars/Khlalidmbhatti10 at 7:27 AM EDT
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Indian Muslims (Where have they gone wrong)
It was very saddened disappointed moment of my life when I studied some excerpts from Mr. Rafiq Zakaria's book,"the Indian Muslims".
He is the same type of man as Mr: Istiaq Ahmed of Sweden who is running asiapeace group website.
The people like Mr. Zakaria and Ishtiaq Ahmed are suffering from some kind of inferiority complex which had arisen aftermath of the 9/11 episode. It is a state of self pityness and self accusations which grows after having observing the success of other communities, persons or some individuals. This type of inferiority syndrome only lead individuals and nation to feel themselves as an inferior part of the surroundings around them.
Mr. Zakaria is blaming Muhammad Ali Jinnah for all the disturbance and turmoil that happened after the creation of of Pakistan.
According to Mr. Zakarias point of view all peoples are individuals who are inferior,or in minority and are frail should have to subjugate themselves for the stronger groups benefit to enjoy their left overs.
In -British era in the Indian sub-continent we were the rulers and rulers have no need to demand or create save havens for ruler groups unless their own interests are under threat as we saw in south Africa.
But in India after the departure of Britishers, according to the prevalent rule of democracy the majority was able to take over the country and Congress was not willing to allocate proper share of governance to Muslims which have been observed after the congressi Governments were established in the early 1938 or so in the provinces of Hindu Majority. In these provinces they introduced Band-e-Matarum anthem and prohibited the slaughter of cow etc.
Muslim should not had to object if great Britain was ready to confer rule of India to Muslims as it was snatched by the Muslims not by the Hindus.
Mr. Zakaria said Muslim of India should have to abandon veiling (Purdah and Hajj) etc, to make progress in Indian political and economical hemisphere.
Let women be a side and talk of Muslim men do they have their proper share in Job and Governmental Ranks, no. According to general consensus Muslim are 16 per cent of the Indian population, so do the have 16 per cent representation in the Hindu Government?
I only see a ceremonial Muslim president in the Hindu government.
According to Muslim percentage 16 percent of ministries should be occupied by the Indian Muslim.
And I am sure, if they had and have right to elect their representative on the basis of separate electorate, they were far better position then now.
If separate shares in governments are being suggested and forced for east Timur's, Kurds, shias and Achaean of Indonesia within the Muslim communities so why not for Indian Muslims.
If we find ourselves in agreement of Mr. Zakaria so their is no need to let exist any of Muslim country. All of them to be happy to be govern by the non-Muslims.
It is matter of pride and dignity to govern the territories by people of same faith, language, and ethnicity, if this rule was not in practice then there would have been no East Ti more,Bosnia,Croatia,Kasovo, Serbia,Israel and Kurdistan.

Posted by stars/Khlalidmbhatti10 at 7:23 AM EDT
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Monday, 4 April 2005
Islam and west
Islam means peace for all human races and spices on earth. Islam is not a new religion. It is the true continuation of the religion, brought to the human race by the first human and Prophet of God, namely the Adam. The same religion that later evolved in Judaism and Christianity. It was God's will to wind up all these religions into shape of islam, after Jews and Christians deformed the true spirit of the message of God. And it is stated in the bible that a messenger of God will correct the deformation of Judaism and christianity and the messenger's name would be "Farqleet" in Abrani (Hebrew) language of the Jews. The true translation of Farqleet", is "Ahmed" Muhammad's (PBUH) childhood's name. There are so many and absolute misinformation's about islam in the said book "The sword of the Prophet". I would rather say that the author is motivated by his grudge,christian or secular bias against islam and thus bears no authority on islam and had made it's book unauthentic. The author only aim is to get cheap fame by defaming islam, like Selman Rushdie etc. *Would the honorable author, please like to tell the readers, how could a calm,poor and powerless Muhammad be'in a position to force people to embrace islam, when at that time there were so many powerful tribes and tradesmen in and around the arabian peninsula? *How could they let a poor man to falsify their Gods and idols and there practice of pagan religions? Certainly, they propagated against him, fought against him and even tried to kill him and also tried lured him to get marry with the beautiful women of arabia or a rank in the tribal system to quit his stance that God is one, the all prophets were muslims, and he (muhammad) is the last prophet of God. But nothing forced him to abandon his God gifted aim. *The 99% per cent of Muhammad's followers were poor people who were either forced to be slave or been victimized by the jews traders and tribal lords. These poor people found their freedom in the form of islam and embraced it and prevailed it on their souls and submitted themselves to God, because islam means submission to God. The life and universe is God gifted and perishable. * All human are accountable of their Good and bad deeds, so they must treat other non-violent, non-aggressive and peaceful human with dignity and equality. *Only those who are pious and chaste are better than the others, but it does not mean that they should be persecuted, but to educated them to become civilized people to be a part of healthy and wealth society. * Muhammad didn't marry 25 times. He married only 5 or 7 times, because he was not a son of God as Jesus (according to proclamation of Christians) but a human,who enjoyed life as God authorized him. * Muhammad's youngest wife was 19 or 20 year old and that age woman are able to get marry. The most girls get first menstruation in the age of 11 or 13 which means they can have sex and produce children. * In west, still in this modern time, many older people used to get marry with 18 or 20 years old girls ( examples are lot) such as in Hollywood and upper strata and high societies. *Islam was the first religion on earth that librated women from the man's domination, man from other men's domination and religious persecution and victimization. *The christians and jews societies were used to segregate women when they had and has menstruations even they encage them during this period irritation and pain. * Pagan Arab and jews were used to unhappy when they become parents of a baby girl and they graved her alive in the ground, because they thought the women brought them shame. *Islam gave women the respectable place in the society. * Ireland and in other western countries women have just gotten right to vote and divorce, while islam given them right of divorce 14 hundreds year ago. *Islam in india was the activities of muslim Sufis and saints, before Islam india was divided in caste system. Hinduism divide the human in three man categories, First Brahmans (the priests), second Kushtaries (the governing and administrative ones) and third and last the serving class or untouchable. This was the reason that untouchable embraced islam having impressed by the equality of people in Islam. *Indians were used to kill their women, when her husband die, it means she also has and had to burned alive with her dead husband. * And if islam was spread by the sword then there would have been no christian in Spain and france which border spain. *Then there also would not have a single non-muslim in the Balkan and neighboring countries if islam was of nature to force people to convert. * Islam command it followers, No compulsion in religion". 'It does not work to convert people by force when their heart is not accepting the truth.

Posted by stars/Khlalidmbhatti10 at 12:38 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 21 December 2005 2:05 PM EST
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Friday, 11 March 2005
The People Republic of China!
Now Playing: The people Republic of China: a growing threat to western interests or a counterweight of USA?

China's economy is growing very rapidly; it is been forecasted by some economic experts that less than twenty year china's GDP will surpass USA. It is to said China had made robust progress after the Tianaman Square massacre of 1994. The student protest and their massacre had paved the way for economic and political reforms in the communist country, latter on reform gained momentum by the collapse of the Soviet Russia which was the mentor of communism. Soviet Russia was very rigged and sensitive about its communist ideology and to safeguard it Russia spend a great deal of its GDP on building its military might, which means short of funds to spend on public sectors and this sufficiency of fund made people angry and the turned themselves against the system. China learnt it leas on from the fall of Russia and began march towards modernizing its economic and political system and succeed.

All these economics and political reform lead china to consolidate its authority internally and externally. China is seeking bigger role in the international politic and seems unwilling to accept "American new world order". And thus preparing itself to counterweigh USA, though it is not using more than two per cent of its GDP to improve its military capability.

To counter growing military might of china,the USA and its allies are pumping India's up. The western powers are supporting India's's effort to become a permanent member of security council and supporting her with modern weaponry for this sake.

On Monday the 14th march,china is about to introduce a new anti-secession law that could pour water on Taiwan's strive become an independent state with the support and auspice of USA and its allies. It means today allies could turn enemy of future.
Essay by;Khalid Mahmood Bhatti

Posted by stars/Khlalidmbhatti10 at 11:25 PM EST
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