"I don’t get jealous if guys are looking at my girl or anything."
"I need love."
"I could use a hug every day but I am not likely to get it."
"I'm bashful, I like it when a girl tells me she likes me."
"I love anything my mom puts on the table."
"Mom never let me have girls up in my room."
"We take the bras girls throw up on stage back to our hotel."
"I fell in love with her and after a year we slept together for the first time. Even though I wanted it myself, I felt bad and blamed
myself. My belief doesn't allow sex before marriage."
"I wear, like, the new-style cotton boxers, Tommy Hilfiger ones."
(What do you do when fans throw their underwear on stage?) "We take it home and wear it!" *said by all of them!*
"Brian and Nick mostly flirted with the 2 fair-haired girls."
"It's in the key of A.J."
(on A.J.) "he's bein a freak!!"
(on shows) "sweat and girls........does it mix? I think so!"
"My room at home is very empty! I've just moved into an apartment with Howie and Brian. My room is
decorated black and white."
"When you're on the road it's difficult to keep up with the laundry so you find yourself without a clean pair of
underpants. You have no choice but to pop back on yesterday's pair. They tend to be pretty snug, though,
which is lucky."
"We did this live show at this radio station in Spain and when we came out, we were mobbed. I had a
necklace on that meant a great deal to me - my brother gave it to me one Christmas - and this girl just ripped
it off my neck!"
"'We've Got It Goin' On' has a lot of good memories for me, cause it was our first single, which of course,
we re-released in the UK. The first time we went to Europe was to promote this."
"I'd like to be President for a day, just to see what it would be like in his shoes. What laws would I pass?
Erm, I think there needs to be money put into cancer and AIDS research, especially since my dad died of
cancer. I'd just use the money they had for better things."
"My first kiss was with a girl called Gina Davison who I went to school with. I was in fifth grade. She was
nice. That was my first real kiss."
"If a girl's too loud and tries to get too much attention it kinda puts me off a little bit. And if they don't have
very good manners, or if I hear them swearing, then that turns me off too."
"I've always loved flying. In high school, I was always debating whether to go to college, or to follow my
dream into entertainment, or whether to go to the air foce to become a pilot. I've had flying lessons, but I've
never been up in a helicopter."
"Of course I went out and blew all the money"
"When all else fails, you just gotta grab it with your fingers.
See, then you're gonna have it fallin' off on to the plate, see
that's not good. It's not gonna work. Oh well."
"Thank you for your smiles, your tears, your love and
cheers, that keep us going nonstop. You are larger than
"Mom never let me have girls in my room."
"Chicken tortilla things."
"That's phat to death."
"We take the bras girls throw back to our hotel room."